Monday 6 August 2012



  by  rajee kushwaha in 


Posted on 22 Sep 2008
With due apologies to Ashualec,Ramesh-007 AND Sh GopalkrishananJI, I am reposting this blog under a different titile. Their comments are preserved and re-posted.

            Have you heard of HAILEY’s COMET? It is a rare celestial body which visits earth every 78 years. The last time it visited earth was around 1986.-87 The scientific advisor to the Prime Minister, then, suggested that such a rare celestial event must be seen by the maximum number of people in India. We did not have so many news channels in those days.
PM said to one of his principal secretaries, “Hailey’s comet will be closest to earth on 26 September 1987 and it will be visible in India. It is a life time event. Shouldn’t everyone in India to see it?”
              Out went an advisory from the PMO to state chief secretaries and various ministries. It read, “PM desires that everyone in India must see HAILEY’s COMET as it appears closer to earth on 26 September 1987. Motivate people to see it.” 
              The advisory when received by the chief secretary of a state, say Rajasthan, it was discussed at length. It turned out during the discussion that people in every village/town/ city must be collected at a central place to see this phenomenon.  Therefore, an advisory went from the chief secretary to the deputy commissioners / deputy collectors (DC) of the states. It read, “PM HAS DIRECTED THAT HAILEY’S COMET WILL BE SEEN BY EVERY ONE ON 26 SEPTEMBER 1987. EACH DC WILL ENSURE THIS. ALL NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS WILL BE MADE.”
              As the note was received by a DC, he collected his district officers and discussed the modus operandi with them. It was suggested to ensure the collection of people at a proper place some variety entertainment accompanied by a free meal be organized. In case of RAIN, alternative arrangements will be made, The suggestion was accepted and additional DC was given the task to send out a note to all Sub Divisional Magistrates (SDM). The note was in Hindi. The note read: “SOME HALLEY’S COMET IS COMING ON 26 SEPTEMBER 1987. OUR DEAR PM HAS ORGANISED THIS SHOW. IT HAS BEEN DECIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT THAT ALL CITIZENS MUST SEE IT. ARRANGEMENTS WILL BE MADE FOR THE TELEVISION AND THE VCR TO ENTERTAIN THE CROWD. SOME VIDEO CASSETS OF DANCE AND MUSIC ARE ENCLOSED ALSO SPECTATORS WILL BE GIVEN FREE DINNER. IN CASE OF RAIN ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS WILL BE MADE. ALL SDM’s WILL ENSURE THIS. DEFAULTERS WILL FACE CONSEQUENCES”
            AS the SDM of JHUNJHUNU received it, he collected his Block development officers (BDOs) and ‘Tehsildars’. It emerged in the discussion that it might rain on the particular day. Therefore it was decided to organize the show under a cover/ shelter. As the video cassettes were viewed, they turned out to be dances and songs of HELEN from old Hindi movies. Therefore, the SDM sent a note to his BDO. The note in HINDI when translated into English, it read, “HAILEY’ IS COMING OVER ON 26 SEPTEMBER 1987. WE ARE ORGANISING AN ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMME IN ‘HER’ HONOUR, IN EACH VILLAGE AT A CENTRAL PLACE. EACH VILLAGER MUST SEE IT.  FREE MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED. EACH VILLAGE WILL BE GIVEN A TV SET AND A VCR FREE OF COST. IN CASE OF RAIN THE SHOW WILL BE ORGANISED INSIDE. ALL ‘PANCHAYATS’ WILL ORGANISE THE EVENT AND FORWARD THE BILLS.”
              Now the note reached Sh. TOTA RAM, Sarpanch of a village. He read it many times over. He called and briefed the VILLAGE DRUM BEATER to announce it in the village. The drum beater announced, “BHAIYO AUR BAHINO, MUJHE DHYAN SE SUNIYO. 26 SEPTEMBER KO HAMAARE GAAM MEIN KUCHH NACH GANA HOGA. ISME BHAAG LENE MASHAHOOR NACHAAR, “HAILEY aur ‘HELEN” AA RAHI HAI. SARKAAR NE ‘HELEN’ KE DANCE KE KUCHH VIDEO BHI BHEJE HAI. SAB DEKHNEWALO KO MUFT BHAR-PET KHANA MILEGA.    YEH PROGRAMME HAMAARI CHOUPAL KE SAAMNE WALE GRUOND MEIN HAI. AGAR BARSAAT HUI TO YEH CHOUPAL KE BHEETAR HI HOGA.” (Brothers and sisters! Pay attention to me!  On 26 September 1987, there will be a dance and music show in our village. Famous dancers, ‘HAILEY’ and ‘HELEN’ will be participating in it. Our government has also sent some videos clips of old movie songs of HELEN. All spectators will get free meal. This show has been organized in front of our COMMUNITY HALL. In case of rain, it will be organized inside.”
              It so happened that the PM reached the same village after a month or so. While interacting with the villagers he asked them if they had seen HAILEY’s COMET on 26 September 1987.
            An old man spoke, ‘AAYO KOI NA. HAME TOH UNKA NAACH BAHUT ACHHA LAGA. WOH CHHORI HELEN KA NAACH ‘HAILLEY’ KE NAACH SE BAHUT ACHHA THAA” (NO BODY CAME. WE LIKED THEIR DANCES. THAT GIRL HELEN IS A BETTER DANCER THAN ‘HAILEY” **************************************************************************************************** 
             In management and leadership, the role of ‘effective communications’, with your subordinates and the people you want to carry out your instructions, is very important. If you do not communicate properly the execution of the task assigned will be catastrophic.
             There are three golden rules to be followed, i.e. first, as for as possible, the communications must be on the same FREQUENCY; second, the communication lines ought to be always KEPT OPEN; third, the communications must be DIRECT. There are other factors, too, but they do pale in front of these three. Today, we will discuss only the third one in this blog. Let me briefly touch on the first and second points before I discuss the need for direct communications. The first two are needed for CONFLICT RESOLUTION and CRISIS MANAGEMENT.
             In “I’M OK, YOU’R OK”, Thomas Harris, talks of three STATES of any individual. These are: Parent; Adult and Child. Each individual has these three mental states. These are called various MODES of INTER- PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS  in TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS.In inter- personal communications and conflict resolution; one has to communicate in the same mode as of your recipient, so as to effectively make your point. In case there is cross communications amongst three states i.e. from ‘parent to ’child’ or adult’ to ‘parent’ there will be break in communications. Therefore, as a negotiator or as an arbitrator, one ought to measure up to these two needs.
             The story above has proved the point as to how the messages get cluttered and corrupted as and when they pass through various hands. There can be no better example on the importance of DIRECT COOMUNICATIONS for effectively communicating one’s directions. The more channels you create between yourself and your intended target; the more clutter will gather around your instructions and directions before they reach the affected party. The intermittent channels behave like post-offices. They not only delay the passage of instructions but also corrupt them. THEY PASS ON THE ENVELOP IN A SOILED CONDITION. Contrast it with a private courier. It will go straight to the addressee. It is akin to a DIRCT TO HOME (DTH) transmission. The quality is crystal clear and there is no CLUTTER or ADULTERATION.           
              Now most of you wonder as to how can a PM of a country be in direct communication with village SARPANCHES or so? You are absolutely right. But the highest Leader/Manager has to feel the pulse right up to the last man in the chain. He has to keep watching all his men.Remote control only runs electronic gadgets but NOT human beings. He has to devise means to be in touch with ground realities. Therefore, he must take note of means available to him. Some suggested measures are:-
             @ Reduce intermittent channels through which the directions pass. If possible FLATTEN your organization to be more effective.
             @ Check back on the instructions passed by you. Go down to the lowest level to confirm that correct message has been passed.
              @ Introduce a system of constant feedback. Keep chasing people on the directions given by you. One need not personally do it. Delegate this to your staff.
              @ Feel the pulse of your organization. Have your direct reporting ‘EYES and EARS’ at intermittent level.
          I must clarify that effective communication is not only ‘one to one connectivity’ or a physical talk. It is your ability to over-hang. It is your reach either in writing or verbally or even through an intermediary. The ultimate objective is to ensure that your directions must reach the executives in their ‘PUREST’ form without any adulteration.
        It, also, must be noted that your effectiveness in the organization is directly proportionate to your ability to effectively communicate with each member of your organization. Each person must know that “GOD” was watching him. Be “GOD’ to you men.

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