Monday 6 August 2012



  by  rajee kushwaha in 


Posted on 06 Oct 2008
One day, while reading SUBBU's (PURE FRIENDSHIP) blog on "Thank you Sulekhaites-------" I came across a name whom "Subbu" had met while I had not. It seemed strange to me and I was a bit rattled, too.  It was because SUBBU could do so from CHENNAI and I was just living next door I had yet not seen him. I went over to his page . I read some of his blogs. I said to myself, "Hey, what an interesting youngster." I contacted him through the comments on his blogs. He responded and we became familiar. He is a busy young man and he is free only on the week ends. I had decided to barge into his house one of these week ends, when he is at home. But he outwitted me.
   Yesterday, while driving down from my village, BALACHAUR (Distt Nawanshahar, Punjab)  I got a call from my wife to inform me that Mr. XXX, had called up. It was around 17.45 PM. I immediately picked up my mobile and shot the call back to my Sulekha friend of virtual world. I just told him to come over. it was not more than 15 minutes drive from his place to my place. He accepted my invitation. 
    I reached my home and told my wife. She retorted," You should have also given me the call so that I could cook something for them"  I knew that she was good in cooking and she would make something. oh! I have always taken her for granted and she has never disappointed me over the last 33 years. You see how good the ladies of old genre were! It used to be a pleasure for them to rush to kitchen on a slightest hint of the impending visit of a guest. They could put up with our nuances without any cribs. I AM TALKING OF THE TIMES WHEN THERE USED TO BE NO TVs AND SHOPPING MALLS------THERE WAS ONLY EMPHASIS ON "SOCIAL CALLI ONs". At least in the defence services we had our evening engaged ---either calling on some one or some one else calling on you.
Anyway, these things we can talk some other time.
    Around 7 PM, a smart young man of medium height, fair complexioned and a pleasing gait arrived at our home. I said, " I am Rajee Kushwaha----my actual name is Rajinder Singh---Kushwaha is the surname---which I never used till I joined this virtual world. "Rajee" is my pet name ----an abbreviated form of RAJINDER---I have been addressed as "Rajee" both at home and in official dealings."
      He said very softly," I am Vikram Sharma------you know me by the name of  XXXXXXXX on Sulekha". It was a pleasure meeting this young man. Being a first meeting, he sounded a bit formal but I was thrilled to see a young man coming out of the VIRTUAL WORLD. So, virtual world can also become a real world. My wife was not pleased because he did not bring his wife and the child. I suppose his son was down with some temperature. He promised her to bring them over next time.
      It was real pleasure talking to this financial manager with a reputed company.  He is a man of great determination and will power. A down to earth man, he has carved his path himself. A graduate in commerce from HP University and trained by SYMBOISIS in financial management, he had started financing himself when just out of school. He believes in self reliance and self-help.  At 34 years of age, he has worked in various capacities and seen life from very close angles. I could see the fire within him to rise very high to leave a personal mark on life. God bless him, with his experiences and delightful traits, he would.
   A suave and a dignified person, I found Vikram a bit reserved and quiet. May be, it was due to our first meeting.  We talked about Sulekha, some of our impressions of Sulekha and some Sulekha personalities. There was nothing adverse about anyone. He was a bit guarded in his approach but he opened up later. I am sure next time we will be more free.
     I found him exactly the way; he is in his writings---emotional and sensitive with a sharp intellect. He seemed to possess two golden traits which are the hall marks of any SUCCESSFUL MAN-IN -THE-MAKING. These are the INCISIVE MIND and the URGE WITHIN. This urge will make him work hard, slog and remain focused on his target. The incisive mind will make him move two steps ahead of the rest of the world, analyze things and take correct decisions in life. The ELEMENT of LUCK---the third characteristic for being successful----if it favours him, too, SKY IS HIS LIMIT. I know hour and a half is too less a time to know a person. But if you have the experience you can see through a person within first five seconds. I have never gone wrong in my assessment of individuals---my youngsters are doing exactly the way I had predicted about them. I wish VIKRAM SHARMA the best of LUCK in life.
   My sentiments of meeting him are expressed through one of the stanzas of my GAZAL "TUMHE DEKHA!"---I have not posted it as yet:
तुम्हे देखा और उठ गया फिर दिल में यह ख्याल,
तुम्हे बना के खुदा ने किया, बहुत खूब यह कमाल;
तेरे चेहरे की रंगत, चमचमाती आंखों का नूर,
निराश दिलों में भी भर दे, एक उम्मीद जरुर. 
यह मजबूत इरादा और मेहनत की लगन,
मत कम होने देना, कुछ पाने की अग्न;
चलते रहो "यश", जब तक बदन में है दम;
मन्जिलें आएंगी खुद, चूमेगी तुम्हारे कदम.

     Oh lord, I have not told you yet his Sulekha identity. Well, he was addressed as "YASH" by his late grand mother--because she was sure of his glory and fame. He, in turn, named his son as "YASHSAVI"---the one who brings glory and fame. Therefore, he comes alive on "Sulekha" as his son's father. Yea, his SULEKHA name or what you say handle, is "YASHASAVI"

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