Monday 6 August 2012


rajee kushwaha

rajee kushwaha

Member since 2010
I am a post- graduate in Defence Management from Chennai University (University Of Madras) and trained in Media Communication and Publicity at IIMC (I... More


  by  rajee kushwaha in 


Posted on 08 Oct 2008
       A decade and a half ago, while I was carrying out research on the causes of MILITANCY & TERRORISM in J&K, I came across a book , "BEAR TRAP" by Brigadier (retired) YOUSOUF MOHAMMED of Pakistan Army. He was the head of AFGHANISTAN DIVISION in ISI during the decade of eighties of the last century. At that time, ISI and CIA of USA  were hands in glove. Ossama Bin Laden was the blue eyed boy of CIA for its war against erstwhile Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Today, Ossama is the bitter enemy of USA and ISI is a thorn in the flesh.             All the same, I talk of the days, when OSSAMA BIN LADEN, ISI and CIA  slept on the same bed.  Indian cries of Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Punjab and J&K, then, used to be dismissed by USA and  the WEST as ridiculous figment of Imagination. Pakistan, then, was the frontline state of  US war in Afghanistan against the Soviets. This was betwen the years 1979 to 1989. CIA supplied arms and weapons to ISI in Pakistan.  Brigadier yousouf Mohammed was the ISI coordinator with the CIA. He used to receive arms consignments---which ranged from AK-47 to STINGER MISSILES.                This book "BEAR TRAP' by Yousuf MOHAMMED is all about arming of these people and how the illegal supplies were managed by CIA.  At one place,  in the book, the author claims that they had trained 80,000 Afghans in guerilla war against the Soviets. Later they all converted into HARD CORE TALIBANS of Mullah Omar. Brigadier yousouf ,in his book, talks of bleeding adversary  through THOUSAND CUTS. Thus, he created innumerous splinter groups of Afghan militants, independent of each other, but under the central control of ISI. The same  ISI strategy of THOUSAND CUTS is operative in INDIA, too.       In those days of 80s, India was a close friend of not only of Soviet Union but also Afghanistan.  It is so even today.Therefore , India was interested in the Soviet influence in Afghanistan to be perpetuated and thus be a potential threat to Pakistan from the West. Zia Ul Haque of pakistan, a military man was keen to create STRATEGIC DEPTH for PAKISTAN by influencing events in Afghanistan.
        In the middle of all this, one day Brigadier Yousouf Mohammed received a consignment of one lakh 7.62 MM rifles of Indian Make---they had their 'Ishapore mark---an Indian DRDO rifle manufacturing firm'.  Brigadier Yousouf was stunned. He did not expect India to supply these weapons for Afghan militants. He asked the CIA representative as to how was it possible. The CIA agent remarked, " Brigadier Yousouf, INDIANS ARE BASTARDS. THEY CAN SELL THEIR MOTHERS FOR MONEY". I was shocked when I read this remark. It was around early 90s of the last Century. I wondered, then, how could CIA manage it?         In 1995, when I was at Lucknow, I learnt of the courtmartial of a senior army officer at Meerut. I was told he was once INDIAN MILITARY ATTACHE in USA. He was a very bright officer--expected to rise very high in the army but for this incident.  He was suspected of alleged links with arms suppliers of the world. I often felt that Indian embassy in New York, could well have been the conduit for this clandestine supply of arms by some UNSCRUPLOUS OFFICIALS,  WHO COULD DO THIS UNHOLY DEAL FOR A  FISTFUL OF DOLLARS. I suppose the guy managed to walk away with lenient punishment with the clout of his covertly earned dollars. But he did get some punishment. 
         This was almost 12-13 years back. Army might have sorted out its culprit but the trend has caught on with politicians, media, business men, religious men and various professionals.  Today, when I look around, I find a whole army of such fellows on the lose. India is on sale openly and without shame---from government machinery to religious and sectarian heads. The NGOS, under the pretext of social empowerment of minorities and  dalits/SC/ST/OBC, have been set up to receive the foreign money. Everyone knows the channels through which the money is pouring in from HAWALA CHANNEL & Banks.  No one has ever questioned the source of funds of the STATE BANK OFJ&K--it is surprisingly the richest affiliate bank of SBI. It gets maximum deposits annually and money transactions are very fast. 
     The SAUDI ARABIAN MONEY is pouring in to all these MADRASAS and TERRORIST groups which have been setup inIndia at breathneck speed over the last 10 years. This is known to police and Intelligence agencies but for the political expediency , no one is capable of taking action.  UP has its politicians who don the colours of false MESSIAHS of MUSLIMS. What they ought to be doing for their UPLIFTMENT and EMPOERMENT, they are just not doing. Instead they sleep with their fake and criminal leaders who are solely interested in promoting themselves at the cost of their community. These are the conduits of foreign funds. Hindu fundamentaist organisations have their own sources for ploughing in the money from outside. UP is the battle ground. The money from WEST is raining in for CHRISTIAN Missionaries, too. The tribal areas have been buzzing with missionary activities since UPA and SONIA came to power. 
       Indian Media has been sold out to foreigners. All these Pranoy Roys, Rajdeep Sardesais, Arnav Goswamis of TIMES NOW are Indian faces,  doing the biddings of their foreign masters.  There are number of blogs on SULEKHA which highlight as to who owns Indian Print and Electronic Media.  They are selling India for fistful of dollars. Media and politicians are in the lead. The tragedy is all of them roam freely without any fear. Sometimes, I feel they are not only selling the mother but are also giving daughters as a bonus. What a shame this country has become!
         There is a motivated noise today, on Kandhamal in Orissa and some violence in Karnatka. I know the gruesome acts deserve codemnation but not the way it is being projected as HINDUS Vs CHRISTIANS. It is sure a deliberate attempt to enrage emotional chords in the two communities. Once provoked they ought to clash.  This is the noise after the clash.  Everyone has forgotten to find out why has this happened? What led to it? There can be NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE. The solution demads WHOLISTIC VIEW RATHER THAN QUICK FIX ADHESIVE TAPES.  Half baked answers will give half-baked solutions. If you forget GODHARA and only remember GUJARAT RIOTS you resolve nothing. Similarly, we must also pay attention to the grievances of majority community too. Why has the majority Community resorted to such VIOLENCE? These questions must be answered before makling hue and cry on KANDHAMAL & KARNATKA. 
        These are piecemeal stories which will lead you nowhere.  In the bargain, everyone forgets the murderous assault by BANGLA DESHI MIGRANTS on the BODOS in ASSAM. Why is it so? What is the answer to BANGLA DESHI MIGRANTS annexing BODO TRIBAL LANDS?  Why do the PRANOY ROYS, RAJDEEP SARDESAIS, ARUN DHATI ROYS, TEESTA SETLAVADS, RAJINDER SACHARS and their news channels go silent? Why haven't Sonia Gandhi, Shakeel Ahmeds, Amar Singh, Mulayam singh yadav, John Dayals and many other so called prophets of SECULARISM visited the BODOS?

    Simple issues like DELHI BLASTS are made complcated affairs by the likes of ARJUN SINGHS, AMAR SINGHS and RAM JETHAMALINI. Isn't it same Jethamalini who defended JESSICA LAL  and INDIRA KILLERS? He had said that Jessica was not killed by MANU SHARMA but some one else? Same things he had stated while defending Indira Killers. No harm in defending an accused. But making false allegations against others is a cause of concern. This is no defence. This is making mockery of India, Mr. Amar Singh. It might be your Vote-bank politics but you provide alibis to the ENEMIES OF INDIA and the solace to sympathisers of TERRORISM . 

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