Saturday 9 June 2012


3500-4000 BC-A GREAT UPHEAVAL THAT CHANGED SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY? Jun 13 2008  | Views 1882 |  Comments  (19)  | Report Abuse Tags: nehru family buddhism and jainism bush in iraq lord shiva                                                      SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS!          Prior to the great NATURAL UPHEAVAL of 4500BC, which changed the landscape, what would have been the history of region that is called SOUTH ASIA and AFGHANISTAN today? We can only make certain assumptions based on archaeological studies, archaeological sites and folklores or what they say is the oral history.       The oral history is not only folk songs but the language, the dresses, the lingual dialects, typical traditions, the special food habits and many more things which leave their SIGNATURES on HUMAN STORY without finding a mention in written form or chronicled by those who marvel at history. HISTORY IS NEVER WRITTEN FOR THE PURPOSES OF SOME "TRUTH MISSIONS "OF THE FUTURE. IT IS WRITTEN TO DENIGRATE THE VANQUISHED AND GLAMOURISE THE VICTOR.        I rarely believe the written words of historical write-ups because they are not only sing-song melodies in honour of the VICTOR but also they only highlight the ONE-SIDED-STORY.  Look at it: HITLER IS DEMONISED after the Second World War but he was as good or as bad as BUSH was in IRAQ in 2003. And of the two similar acts, one was villain and the other is a hero. As and when the world history is rewritten dispassionately, it might turn out that HITLER was a MESSIAH of AFRO-ASIAN nations, who could shed the YOKE of COLONIALISM in the wake of SECOND WORLD WAR STARTED by HITLER.  Pick up any HISTORICAL BOOK, you will find it GLAMOURISED by the victors, for, vanquished have no glory. I discount written history.     This land called SOUTH ASIA and modern AFGHANISTAN was the cradle of a great NAGA CIVILISATION lost to mankind during the great NATURAL UP- HEAVAL of 4500 BC--some 6500 years before. It was more advanced and knowledgeable than the marauding hordes of so called ARYANS who came EAST in search of PASTORAL LANDS and livelihood. They were not INVADERS but usurpers of a great civilisation devastated by a NATURAL CALAMITY in and around 4500 BC.       Nagas, not the inhabitants of modern day Nagaland, were the worshippers of LORD SHIVA. They followed SHAIVITE CULTURE--which was not the part of VEDIC CULTURE or the VAISHNAVITES. Their confluence, along with BUDDHISM and JAINISM, gave birth to what you call today HINDUISM. It was born around 530 AD--exactly 5000 years after the great UPHEAVAL.(You might like to know as to how the word HINDU and its RELIGIOUS CONNOTATION CAME ABOUT. Kindly read my blog on HINDUISM. The link is :-       Two of the modern HINDU GODS are of DARK COMPLEXION. Did you ever wonder as to why? It is my belief that they were NON-ARYANS and NON-VEDIC but were assimilated into VEDIC and ARYAN PHILOSOPHY because of the richness of their SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS. They are Lord SHIVA and Lord KRISHNA. Kindly do not think they were DRAVIDIANS. It is a derogatory term concocted by ARYANS.  Its root are two SANSKRIT words "DRI" &   "VID". "DRI" stands for "POOR" or "LACKING" ,as in 'DARIDRA', and "VID" is KNOWLEDGE or EDUCATION. So, the word DRAVID was concocted to show the NATIVES as POOR or LACKING in KNOWLEDGE. They were considered as INFERIOR. This was done to subjugate the natives. The Naga people were of  not of fair complexion due to climatic and geographical pecularities--they might have had semi-dark or brown complexion as is today. But Aryans coming from the COLDER REGION were of WHITISH COMPLEXION. Therefore, they could not have had brown or Semi-dark complexioned  gods as are LORD SHIVA and LORD KRISHNA.  My belief is that they belonged to NAGA race.       Nagas, according to mythology, were the descendants of KASHYAP RISHI--A sage whose second wife was called KUDRU. It is said KUDRU gave birth to creatures who were "half-humans and half-snakes". It is a poetical description--I reckon they had ROUND and SPHERICAL EYES and were VERY REVENGEFUL in attitude and such they were called NAGAS or SERPANT type. Their presiding deity Lord Shiva, has a curling COBRA around his neck-----this, too could have given them the name NAGA. Kashyap's son NEELA NAG was their king and they mostly lived around water bodies--like lakes or ponds and rivers. We know all civilisations prospered around great rivers. River JHELUM (VITASTA--Vedic name) in KASHMIR and SARASWATI Rivers were their famous abodes. 75% archaeological sites of ancient India have been found around the submerged and lost channel of MYSTICAL SARASWATI which sprang from HAR KI DOON in Uttaranchal, ran along the course of a modern day GHAGHAR in HARYANA and RAJSTHAN, and then drained out into the sea near LOTHAL in GUJRAT.      The name KASHMIR is derived from KASHYAP--from KASHYAP MAR--because saint KASHYAP had helped his son NEELA NAG to eliminate a great tyrant JALODHAV or JALDEV who had troubled NAGAS in modern day Kashmir. It is a nice story. Some of you who are interested to know this might like to read my blog on Kashmir.  Prior to this it was called "SATI  DESH'--after the name of SATI--- the consort of Lord Shiva.The link to my blog on KASHMIR is:-       Nagas were NON VEGETARIANS. They believed in eating meat dishes and drank alcohol without inhibitions.  Even today the PANDITS (so called HINDU HIGH PRIESTS) of KASHMIR eat MEAT and IF YOU PLEASE, THEY RELISH 'HALAAL' and NOT 'JHATKA' . The last one might be the environmental impact of last 650 years. But these PANDITS are the descendants of KASHYAP's NAGAS. The NAGAS  were 'happy -go- lucky' people and they believed in DANCE and MUSIC. The finding of dancing girl at HARAPPA bears testimony to this. Lord Shiva was known for his dance and music--even in his anger he resorted to TANDAV NRITYA. They were, therefore, NON VEDIC and NON ARYANS. The NAGA civilisation was scattered along and between the GREAT INDUS (SINDHU) and GREAT SARASWATI. It later spread to EAST and SOUTH. This land was also called SAPTA SINDHU---THE SEVEN RIVERS.  You wil find Lord SHIVA temples from modern day Pakistan in the west to North East in the EAST and from KASHMIR in the NORTH to MAHARASHTRA in the South.             This great civilisation of NAGAS finds a mention in VEDIC literature too, though in a disdainful manner. You might have heard that at the end of MAHABHARTA --the great grandson of ARJUNA, PARIKSHAT was killed by a NAGA prince called TAKSHAK. Though mythology says it was a serpent. But if you go before this period into KRISHAN LILA--you hear of how Lord Krishna had overpowered a "Naga Rogue" called KAALIA. I do not believe they were not HUMANS. They were demonized by the victorious Vedic people who wanted to establish the superiority of their own culture. TAKSHILA in Pakistan was a great city of learning and it belonged to Nagas. Later, BUDDHISTS made use of that knowledge. Today, it is in ruins and being robbed off its HISTORICAL SPLENDOUR by ILL-INFORMED and uncouth Pakistani Government.       Let me also tell you that SAPTA SINDHU LAND  was the HEAVENLY DESTINATION for outsders as USA is today or MAY BE CHINA and INDIA would be in years to come. History always reverses its course after a given period. Therefore, people from the steppes of CENTRAL ASIA came in as migrants--looking for occupational opportunities. They came and got merged. The cities of  the region of SAPTASINDHU, along SARASWATI and SINDHU Rivers, offered great opportunities to every one. It was the land of plenty.  And then suddenly---   ---The GREAT UPHEAVAL of 4500 BC took place. River SARASWATI disappeared along with its flourishing cities--whether it was HARAPPA, LOTHAL, PEELI BANGA, SANGHOL (Indian Punjab), Ropar (Indian Punjab) or many more such sites. Even modern day CHANDIGARH is set up on the great ruins of NAGA CIVILISATION. Punjab University has certain artifacts which were picked up when CHANDIGARH was established in the 50's.  Archaeologists believe it could be on a long lost Harappa culture. Remember just 10 kms to the east flows the GHAGHAR--which was considered to be main channel of SARASWATI. Some 45 Kms WEST of it is ROPAR on the banks of river SATLUJ--which was once the tributary of river SARASWATI along with River YAMUNA. SANGHOL--another archaeological site is some 50 Kms away towards SW of Chandigarh.         River Yamuna and river Sutlej were the great tributaries of SARASWATI. After the UPHEAVAL they took a different turn to the EAST and WEST respectively. SANGHOL was located on the original path of River SATLUJ. Both Yamuna and Sutlej Rivers joined SARASWATI south of modern day PATIALA--some 60 Kms south of it. This UPHEAVAL WEAKENED and destroyed bulk of NAGA CIVILISATION. But the migrations from the WEST continued--and they were people of a LINGUAL FRATENITY---SANSKRIT------it was not a race but SANSKRIT speaking people who came to this land. They are called Aryans or VEDIC. They did not come as CONQUERERS or IN ONE GO--they came in a trickle and got spread. They picked up the knowledge from the NAGAS and assimilated into their own. It is something like the SILLICON VALLEY of USA today. It is humming with IT Indians there. Who knows 1000 years later what would be the demography?     Naga script is of some 434 characters--it has not been deciphered--it will unfold many myths once it is deciphered and one of them is on VEDIC KNOWLEDGE--It is mostly PLAGIARISED from LONG LOST NAGA CIVILISATION. I request you all to read JOHN KEAY's HISTORY of INDIA--though he does not come to any conclusion but he does make a point on the meaning of word ARYANS.  The incoming ARYANS--the estranged brethren of ancient PERSIANS settled around AFGHANISTAN (ALPGANSTHAN--old Sanskrit name) and the ruins of River Saraswati.  Dr Rajesh Kochhar--ex Surveyor General of India and a renowned Archaeologist --in his book VEDIC HISTORY of INDIA --says there are similarities in the VEDIC PEOPLE and Ancient PERSIANS. The two languages, SANSKRIT and AVESTIC ZENDA have many commonalities.      Now I come to the enactment of two EPICS---RAMAYANA and MAHABHARTA.There are theories on their dates of occurrence and regions where they were enacted. Ok I will discuss it later in some other blogs but I leave you with pinching thoughts:    (a) MAHABHARTA might have occurred around 1000BC--KALHANA's RAJTARANGINI and NEELAMAT PURAN needs to be read.   (b)  Ramayana, if  it occurred before MAHABHARTA as is the general HINDU belief, then,  it was enacted in present day AFGHANISTAN. The warm water port of GWADAR might have had the original Lanka. Look at some facts--        -----RAVNA MANDIR at JODHPUR; MANDODARI's village in RAJSTHAN;           ------LAHORE in PAKISTAN was established by Lord RAM's elder son LUV.        ------KASOOR again in PAKISTAN was set up by KUSH--SITA's second son.       -----SITA took her last breath at RAM TIRATH, near AMRITSAR in PUNJAB.      ------BALMIKI who wrote original RAMAYANA lived at RAM TIRATH.       ------RAM TIRATH was then along the river RAVI--one of the seven rivers               of  SAPTA SANDHU.      -----The story of UTTARAKHAND in RAMAYANA was added later by BALMIKI.      ----- If BALMIKI is the originator---how could he know about a place near              modern AYODHYA--He could have never gone there---the area was totally              undeveloped?     ------Aryans as they went EAST from WEST they took the names of             GEOGRAPHICAL Places with them--right upto KAMPUCHEA, MALAYASIA,             THAILAND and INDONESIA. Do you know about the AYODHYAS there?      ----River SARASWATI had disappeared much before the arrival of ARYANS              into SAPTASINDHU region---they began coming around 5000BC. By 1900-           2000 BC they had fully grown into a NEW and a RICH CIVILISATION over            the RUINS of NAGA CIVILISATION. The VEDIC SARASWATI is in            AFGHANISTAN--the river HEMLAND. Dr Rajesh Kochhar calls the mystical            SARASWATI as VANASUR SARASVATI.\      ----They assimilated the NAGA KNOWLEDGE into their own and presented            it as VEDIC KNOWLEDGE. It could happen to IT KNOWLEDGE of India of            21st century.            (c) Ramayana, as an episode, might have happened around 1500 to            1900 BC at a very small scale. Rest might be glamorization by poets and            authors. Everyone has picked up the threads from BALMIKI who lived at           RAMTIRATH.      DISCLAIMER  This is only my EMPIRICAL KNOWLEDGE based on some studies of HISTORICAL BOOKS and visit to HISTORICAL sites. If you do not agree. FINE. But do think about it. Do not believe in REGIMENTED and RITUALISED KNOWLEDGE. I can talk about more things on RAMAYANA and MAHABHARTA but suffice for the day. © rajee kushwaha., all   Raj Arumugam posted 4 yrs ago the history of india is especially lost in antiquity  and in western interpretations started during the colonial period. your very thorough blog raises very important questions and issues and i hope india's current economic devleopment will bring in a period of cultural renaissance in which open and exhaustive research will be done and inida's dynamic history will be re-visited. another person at sulkeha, in case you are not aware, interested in this area of our heritage is dmrsekhar.   Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear ashualec,      thank you very much----as ever your words have been very encouraging---they give me the strength to post such write-ups. i tell you--it is all based on evidences--archaeological and oral history---there is no figment of imagination. regards. rajee.  Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear amused666,     i honour your views. i am glad you have some different points. it would have been really delightful if you would have put across them to annul my logic,  yaar, dil nahi maanta waali baat toh emotional hai.i repect your privacy if at all. regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   ashualec posted 4 yrs ago dear mr kushwaha, a fine post from you ....a very well researched blog Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   Amused666 posted 4 yrs ago i should agree that ur analysis is intresting but i do not agree with it. keep blogging! Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear nl,    it is wonderful to magnetise a lawyer friend to such a dry subject. i am honoured by your visit on this blog. yea, i agree with you that there were a lot of missing links in the theory i have placed forth. but it has a logic of common sense. my hypothesis is: ----harappan sites belong to long lost "naga civilisation"--who worshipped lord shiva and were non vegetarian--unlike the aryans-- ---nagas civilisation pre-existed the arrival of aryans and it flourished in the sapta sindhu region of saraswati-indus basin along with afghanistaan. --- vedic knowledge belongs to them. it was plagiarised by the aryans. all wisemen called rishis of ancient land were mostly non-aryans. pulsatya, bhrigu, rishi gautam, attri etc--they were all  non-aryans. only vashist and vishava mitra were aryans. --- aryans were not a race but a lingual fraternity who spoke sanskrit. ---aryans came to sapta sindhu region as migrant hordes and not as invaders or conquerers. ----aryans came in trickle--in batches after the great upheaval devastated  sapta sindhu region---saraswati river along with flourishing cities on its banks disappeared---river satluj and river yamuna--its two tributaries--which joined it south of patiala---some 60 kms sw--took a different and an independent course as today ----the great upheaval ocurred around 45000bc--mohanjodero--the place of dead --is the example of devastataion. same tale is at sanghol, ropar and harappa. ----ramayana--the hindu epic was written by balmiki who lived at ramtirath, near amritsar.  ----balmiki was non-aryan--a chandal--- say aryan chroniclers---i say a naga  ---how could he write about a place some 2000 kms away as modern ayodhya is from amritsar. ----ramayana, if at all it happened before mahabharta, as is the belief---it was enacted in the region of resent day indian punjab/ haryana---pakistani punjab----sindh in pakistan---indian rajsthanand afghanistan. ----lanka of ramayana is near warmwater port of gwadar    how's that. i welcome any pinching thoughts on them. i will answer if i know---otherwise it is just my hypothesis. regards. thank you again. regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear amitshankar,    thank you for imparting me with this information--it strengthens the base of my hypothesis that vedic knowledge is non-aryan and an advanced as well as a culturally rich civilisation existed prior to the advent of aryans into land mass called south asia.    regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear amused666,     thank you for coming--your visit was long answer to your query is:     because he was should know that ramayana was written by balmiki--a chandalor a naga----. living near modern day amritsar.       the ramayana story was appropriated by incoming aryans.        why lord rama---i have even said that all the ancient wisemen called rishis were non- aryans---or nagas---worshippers of lord shiva---like ravna.     thank you.      regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   Amused666 posted 4 yrs ago how do you explain the fact that rama also had a dark complexion? Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   amit shankar posted 4 yrs ago dear rajee kushwaha, what i know about gotra is that it was a late addition to the identity of the people of the indian subcontinent. at a time when india had already become a melting pot of nagas/dravidas, aryans, panis/phoenicians, babylonians/kasrwanis and other central asian traders, it became necessary that to have a sense of autochthony and belonging the migrant populations start identifying themselves with native rishis. people who had settled in kashmir for a considerable length of time identified themselves with kashyap rishi and hence the kashyap gotra. it is interesting to note that hinduism has incorporated the nature gods/goddess of egyptian and mesopotamian civilizations along with pashupatinath/shiva and mother godesses of harappan civilization with vaishnavism of nagas/dravidas and so on. how was this possible? then when i trace my family history i find how the kasrwani community have migrated from kashmir to calcutta. but i also find that they came to kashmir as traders from a place called kasr near babylon (iraq) and further i find that kasr is also a place in ethiopia (africa). then logic tells me that ancient people carry not only the soil of their native place while migrating but also the names of their native place (your example of ayodhyas is analogous here). i find how the micro-narrative of my ancestral history is akin to the macro-narrative of world history in revealing an ancient migratory path. this also answers the question hanging at the end of the previous paragraph of how it was possible for diverse religious trends to be incorporated as one religion hinduism. migrants adopted the gods/goddesses of the places where they settled and carried them on as they further migrated. regards, amit shankar saha. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse 1 2 Displaying  1 -  10 of  19  Blog Comments    rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear amit shankar,      thank you very much for the pleasing observations. i will definitely read your blog on the origion of kashyap gotra people. most of the ancient indian wisemen--called rishis were origional natives of india. they belonged to this land before the arrival of aryans. kashyap was one such saint. also, ravna---son of pulastya rishi was--a learned man---he was a naga.  aryans created this vedic myth. they usurped this knowledge of nagas.they vedas were compiled in sanskrit around 500 bc to 100 bc---they had been composed much earlier. second myth they created about dravids. i have already explained  it in my comments to ds sampath as to how this contraption came about.      yea, in my blog on hinduism i do talk of the origion of the word hindu.. it is an eolved religion and not founded by anyone--least of it the aryans or the vedic people. it had a geographical connotation as has india today. hindus of ancient india could follow any temporal faith--from buddhism to vaisnavism--to shaivism --to jainism. as late as 18th century, says john keay --a renowned indologist and author of "into india" and "history of india"---  the word hindu denoted anyone who was a native of india--it was similar to what is meant by briton or american or even indian. religion was only sanatan.     you might like to read the synopsis of my forthcoming book on kashmir--it gives out some history of kashyap and his wife kudru. the link is:-   regards and do come again. rajee.     Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   NAVAL LANGA posted 4 yrs ago dear friend rajee kushwaha  woderful. thousand and one times wonderful. i have never come accross such a deeply narrated historical blog and that too in a few words. though there are many unstlled threads in the arguments you place forward, but really, i read it very eagrely. naval langa Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear sampath sir,     thanks a lot. it is so nice to read you on my blogs. i am always delighted when i see you. yea, these are the facts which lie hidden behind the glamourised ancient and vedic history. the so called aryans wove a web around this and created myths.     the word vedic is from the root "vid"--which means knowledge and education---there is nothing aryan about it. it existed in india prior to their migrant hordes landed here. they were sanskrit speaking. the knowledge they compiled belonged to naga civilisation--which had been devastated around 4500bc due to some natural calamity. only some remanats were left from which the aryan hordes picked up the thread. it  was a kind of awakening of knowledge. it is similat to what britishers did to us--the english speaking people told us about our vedic past. the difference is while britishers did not apprpriate it as theirs--the aryan hordes had done it so.      also, please note aryan was not a race--it was only a lingual fraternity.--something like tamil speaking people could belong to different ethnicities or hindi speaking people having  different type o ethnic people --gujjars---jats---rajputs etc.     i also want to make a passing reference about the word dravid---it is a derogatory term cocncocted by incoming aryans for the 'devastated- naga -people'. it had two purposes--first to appropriate their knowledge and present its own. second ,  to show them as inferiors--as britishers did to indian natives after they usurped power in india.  so the term dravid was concocted. it has its root in two sanskrit words: "dri" and "vid". the root "dri" implied--"lacking" or "poor"and word "vid"--i have already said is knowledge or education. so dravid meant ---the one who had poor knowledge or education--a kind of crude--ill-mannered---lacking in graces---a shabby person. this was the term used by the aryan intellectuals to subdue the naga nativess of the land---and they were pushed down south. ravana was a naga.     the weather & climate alongwith geographical features of peninsular india gave certain   typical physical chracteristics to these "naga natives " who migrated to the south. some of them accompanied the sanskrit speaking aryans.     it is because of thes facts adi shankracharya--called the cosmopolitan religion as sanatan and not vedic----he knew it iwas a lie--there is nothing vedic but original--the word sanatan means this.     i am sorry i digressed a bit. thanks and regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   amit shankar posted 4 yrs ago it is interesting that many hindus like me belong to the kasyap gotra. p.s. the blog i referred is titled - origin and identity of kesarwani / kasarwani / kasrwani: an outline in history Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   amit shankar posted 4 yrs ago in addition to the comment posted in your blog on hinduism i need to add that the path connecting the egyptian civilization, the mesopotamian civilization and the harappan civilization (leading into india via kashmir)  was the super highway of the ancient period of globalization. hence even before the so-called aryan invasion proper there was rampant inter-civilizational migration. and even in those ancient times, and perhaps more so then, there was multiculturalism. you might find something interesting in one of my previouys article here - Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   DSampath posted 4 yrs ago dear rajee kushwaha,  this is an amazing blog. kept me fully mesmerised. i never knew about saptha sindhu, nagas, and the facts ablout afghanisthan and the up heavel...please do write on mahabharth and ramnayan and  kindly send me a note..  i would love to read that..... Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear dmrsekhar,    glad that you came by. it was basically to convey to you as i do not think any one else on sulekha is interested in such dry subjects. but i relish them despite,team sulekha's best efforts to consign them to its dustbin.    let me clarify--these are my own beliefs based on certain facts of oral history, archaeological evidences, folklores, studies by some eminent persons. these are my deductions. i am convinced that i am not wrong.    british scholars created two myths on ancient indian history through indus valley civilisation. the first myth is about vedic knowledge and the aryans.(it doesnot matter whether they were indigenous or from the steppes of central asia.) the second myth is about the existence of dravidian civilisation prior to the emergence of aryans.      the first claim flies in the wake of new ecavations and archaeological evidences in the great saraswati-indus region.  it establishes that a pre-aryan civilisation was more advanced and knowledgeable than the vedic people. the vedic knowledge is theirs and not of the people who call themselves as aryans.    my second point is about so called dravida culture.  it is nothing but the naga civilisation. the name dravida is a misnomer. it was a derogatory term used by the sanskrit scholars for the narure -devastated- civilisation of  nagas. the word dravida is derived from two sanskrit words, daridra and dravita--meaning poor and intoxicated. they used this term to describe the nagas but picked up their grand knowledge and gave it an aryan orientation. "vid" is the sanskrit root for education and knowledge--from vid it became vedic. thus , my point is the pre-existing knowledge was appropriated or plagiarised by the learned aryans and made it their own philosophy. no doubts, they further developed it, too. but there is nothing aryan or dravidian about them.this is my theme.    i have nothing personal agaainst any philosophy. in practising terms, i am a born hindu and continues to be so. but i am clear as to how i became a hindu. i love what we call vedic knowledge but i resent its exclusivity as vedic--which i am convinced is not so. i am waiting for the deciphering of the harappan script--it will blast this myth on british-created confusion on  vedic knowledge.     shankracharya never called it vedic--it was sanatan for him--why is it so today. all the four mathas have veen anglicised and they call it vedic. phew! so much for their knowlege. my regards to you for giving me time to say all this. regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago dear spk100,  thanks a lot for recommending it. i am sure you would have liked it. i wish if you had only given your views for me to further my arguement. thanks anyway. regards. rajee. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse   dmrsekhar posted 4 yrs ago   hats off kushwaha sb, you have concluded a topic which i am searching now. let me see if we will have agreement at the end ! i will read more on nagas. thank you so much. dmr sekhar. Reply  |  Delete  |  Block this user  | Report Abuse 1 2 Displaying  11 -  19 of  19  Blog Comments 

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