Friday 1 June 2012


If you want to commit suicide, please go ahead,
But do heed my request as not to poison the rest.
It is beyond you to grasp as to how beautiful is life?
For, somewhere in your heart flames of hatred rise;
Do have some mercy and stop this hateful wind:
May this fire be doused as love spreads its wings?

If you want to commit suicide, please go ahead,
But do heed my request as not to poison the rest.

Whose is this earth and who owns the sky? 
The answer to these questions is itself crying,
Please don’t consume the poison of owning them;
Kindly put an end to this business of ‘Death-Mayhem’

If you want to commit suicide, please go ahead,
But do heed my request as not to poison the rest.

Which religion is best and whose community is great?
Our ancestors fought for centuries on this,dear mate;
Human beings are same;by what ever names you describe—
Sure divide them into factions“RAJEE”,but don’t bludgeon life.

If you want to commit suicide, please go ahead,
But do heed my request as not to poison the rest.

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