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"IWANT TO MOTHER YOU!"______A SHORT STORY------PART ONE Aug 1 2008  | Views 678 |  Comments  (14)  | Report Abuse Tags: game of the foxes shanta sabeena sakeena “I WANT TO MOTHER YOU!”—A SHORT STORY!-------PART ONE               “I want to mother you”, Shanta was straight and to the point.      “Mother me? Have you gone nuts? Do you know my age?” Rajneesh was heckled.      “I know I am younger to you by many years but I have that urge to call you a son”, Shanta came out matter of factly.      “Excuse me, madam! It is a strange proposition. I am not agitated but I feel it is a bit stupid for a young girl, I suppose in ‘mid-30s’, to think like this” Rajneesh tried to reason it out.       “There are no specific reasons. Give it a thought. I will see you again.” Shanta was curt and crisp and walked away with equal haste, leaving Rajneesh dumbfounded.         Rajneesh was flabbergasted with the strange wish of this young and a beautiful lady. He had never encountered such a situation in life. Rajneesh was a sixty years old, a retired government employee.  Post retirement, he did some private jobs as a CEO of a hospitality company. But he had left the job because of his mother’s serious ailment, who expired in June 2007. He had a well settled family---both children married and well settled abroad. His rich old father of 82 years was still alive. After his mother died, he did not feel like picking up another job. Instead, he had taken up to blog writing on the NET in a big way. It was here he came across this young lady, who, too, wrote blogs.  She used to occasionally make comments on his write-ups, never finding any worthwhile substance in it.  Rajneesh too used to reply in the same tone and tenor. Initially, it caused some disturbance but later it became fun time. Rajneesh always looked forward to Shanta’s comments on his write-ups. When ever she commented, Rajneesh replied her in equal vitriolic intensity. The verbal tug- of- war carried on for some days. Then, suddenly, one day Rajneesh got a note from Shanta. It shook him. The note read: {“Hi, son!      I liked to read ur fire at MIKHAL GAUTAM’s post. Good. Keep it up. ‘Maan na maan mein thera mehmaan’ (You were uninvited guest!), Altho' u don't like it, I have adopted u as my son and so I am ur mom , My blessings, altho I am many urs younger to u..”}          Rajneesh thought it was a taunt and a new offensive by Shanta.  He was though not amused yet he kept his cool. He did not know the reason for such a ridiculous line of action by a young lady who could be publicly ridiculed by the recipient of this type of a note. He realized what a faux-pax she had created for herself.  But Rajneesh had decency running in his blood and he opted to calm her down.  He replied: [“Dear Lady,     I am not agitated. Your choice for adoption is good. I assure you won’t regret.]     As brought out earlier, Rajneesh deliberately had not indulged in cheap thrills to say that his father urgently needed a company as he was alone after the death of his mother.   In all fairness, he was a man of dignity and honor and could control his emotive reactions.  All the same, he wanted to know about the mental health of the lady and learn as to why was she behaving like this? He sent her another note:      “Dear lady,              I have been seriously thinking about your mental health. I do not know but I have an uncanny feeling that you have developed some kink in your cerebral tissues. You better have it straightened. I suggest you better visit a psychiatrist. Thanks.”       Shanta was no less cool—in fact she was aggressively sarcastic. Pat came the reply:   “Thanks Son. I have accepted your suggestion. I would go to a psychiatrist after I have met you. Would you not like to do this small thing for your mom? Come on son, come over to Chennai—ur mom”     Rajneesh had not expected this. He realized that she was really under an impression of causing him discomfort and was enjoying it, too.  He had known she had belonged to Chennai. It was there in her profile besides a beautiful snap in all whites. She looked exaggeratedly smart and beautiful. But Rajneesh had known that such snaps were not the real ones; later encounter with her proved him right, though her stunning beauty had impressed him. It had proved his impression that the photos on the blogs were generally fake—particularly in case of young girls and boys. Only OLDIES had the audacity to post real snaps of theirs.  Rajneesh concluded that her photo in all whites might not be the true definition of this lady called SHANTA.     In her profile page she had given no other details about self. There was a jamboree of meaningless words and phrases padded there to describe herself. It was usual confusion from a restless mind.  There was no denying the fact that she was very passionate about her writings. She wrote really from her heart. She had a solid reasoning power but she was too stubborn in her thoughts to accommodate other’s point of view. She lacked flexibility.  Anyone who commented adversely on her blog was recipient of verbal lashings—unheard and unexpected. No one dare point out faults in her write-up and frankly speaking, none ever did.    This is where Rajneesh had faulted. He happened to comment on her blog saying,” It is too simplistic a solution to be implemented in your dreams only.” This was the beginning of her anger. Like a wounded tigress, she pounced on him with all guns blazing. And, thus, began the spat which had brought Rajneesh to this meeting with her in Chennai.         Rajneesh had been staying with his friend PS James—an HR Head in a MNC. He had known him from his earlier profession. James was his junior. But ,somehow, he did his MBA from Punjab University in 2005 AD, after he had left the Govt job, in May 2003.  Both had remained in touch.  James lived in Pallavan Nagar of central Chennai.  As Shanta had informed Rajneesh that she lived in the Nungambakkam Area, James was requested by Rajneesh to organize the meeting in a close- by decent restaurant. Accordingly, James fixed the meeting in the ‘Apoorva Sangeetha Fast Food’ joint on the Nungambakkam High Road. The table was booked in the left rear corner of the main hall. James had booked another table for himself some distance away. He had also hired TOP DETECTIVE agency to do a background check on Shanta. Mr. Rosy Cherian of the detective agency was keeping company with James. The other sleuths were in contact with Cherian on the mobile. They had been all watching the ‘Rajneesh-Shanta’ duo in conversation for the last half an hour or so.       As soon the meeting broke and Shanta left, James asked the sleuths to follow her and find out all the details. Rajneesh told James as to what all had happened and she had asked him to come over to the same place the following day.  Both the friends were confused on the strange desire of this lady. It was James who concluded:        “Rajneesh, I think either she suffers from mental disorder or what you call schizophrenia or she is really up to some very big game. Both ways you better watch out and disconnect at the earliest”        “I agree James. I sincerely feel she is a psychic case---she couldn’t be ‘Matahiri’, could she be?” Rajneesh was expressing his honest impression.        “Come now, do not run amuck with your imagination?  I do not think but there is something fishy about her. Did you notice her shifty eyes—staring left and right from the corner of her eyes, like a person scared of something” James replied.          “Anyway! What ever? We will wait for the report by the sleuths of Top Detective Agency before I decide to meet her again” Rajneesh had made a decision.  James too agreed. Both of them came back home. They had dinner at home and settled down to retire for the day. Next day, at about 0900hours, when Rajneesh opened his Lap Top, he found a note from Shanta. It read,”Do not act smart, son. I am your mom. No smart acts with me. You better behave lest I-------“    At about 1000 hours, same day, Rosy Cherian rang up James on the mobile:         “We are in deep trouble”, Cherian was sounding disturbed.          “Why, what happened?” James enquired.          “Our two detectives, who were trailing Shanta, have been arrested by the police and charged for murder” Rosy Cherian disclosed. “What? Who has been murdered? Shanta? How? What were your men doing there?”  James was firing a volley of questions rapidly. “You see, they trailed Shanta to her Nungambakkam residence or so called residence. The lady went inside and came out after some 15 minutes. This was a god sent opportunity for them to search the residence. They entered the house by breaking the lock. Some body saw them and rang up the police. While they were still searching the house, police came and found a mutilated body of an old lady, known as Sheela Devi of around 56 years, in the bath room. Our boys were arrested for the murder for the further investigations” Rosy Cherian clarified.   “So, now what?” James sought clarification. “We have informed the police about the employment of the agency by you to check the antecedents of Shanta. Police checked in the neighborhood and to our surprise no such women lived there. Neighbors informed the police that Old lady had only one son who lived in Dubai. He was doing some business. The old lady had come to live in the locality some five years back. She was very friendly and very amicable in her disposition towards the neighbors. She seemed to be pretty well- off financially. Perhaps, she was getting a good help from her businessman son in Dubai” Rosy gave the further information. “Ok, what do we do now? Do you want me to come?” James posed a query. “You will have to, sir. You see, we would have handled it but for another twist”, Rosy Cherian. “Another twist? What is that, Cherian? Kindly do not talk in riddles?” James was irritated. “Sir, what has happened is the problem regarding the passport found of this murdered lady.  According to her passport issued in Pakistan, she is Sabeena   Bano from Lahore, Pakistan. She had come to India in 1998 to meet her younger sister, Sakeena, married to an Indian Hashim Ali of Madurai. “Rosy Cherian began to give the backgrounder on SABEENA and SAKEENA. He stated thus;    Hashim Ali was a petroleum engineer in Dubai, wherein September 1990, he had met SAKEENA and her elder sister Sabeena, both living there with their Pakistani Parents. Sabeena was elder to Sakeena by 10 years. Sabeena was married to a Pakistani in 1980. Sakeena married Hashim Ali in 1991, despite parental objections. She came to India with her husband after she started getting threats from her parents. Sakeena’s parents, it seemed, shifted to Pakistan in 1992.   After some times, Sakeena’s parents reconciled and they allowed both the sisters to communicate. Accordingly, Sabeena came to India with her 17 years old son to meet her younger sister. Hashim Ali had gone over to Dubai, the same year. He had taken with him Sabeena’s son, too. Then after six months, Sakeena went away to Dubai to join her husband and her elder sister seemingly returned to Pakistan. However, strange things happened in the year 2003. Hashim Ali and Sakeena were found murdered, along with their two children, in their flat in Dubai. Their nephew, Mohammed Hafiz, who lived with them, was missing. ‘Dubai Times’ had reported on 23 July 2003,the murders with a rider that it could be the handiwork of some Intelligence agencies as allegedly Hashim Ali had worked with Indian intelligence agency, RAW. Hashim’s Indian parents approached the Indian Govt for a thorough probe by Dubai Police. But no one paid heed to their requests and the matter was seemingly left to procrastinate. And it soon went out of public scrutiny.  All this information police had obtained from Hashim Ali’s aged parents in Madurai, who only identified Sabeena from the passport. But the face was so badly mutilated that they could not say with certainty. They were cut off with Sabeena and suspected her son’s hand in the murder of their son and daughter-in-law along with their grandchildren.   “Sabeena had supposedly left India in March 1999. But it seems, she did not and stayed on in India. She shifted to Chennai under the assumed name of Sheela Devi. Her son, Mohammed Hafiz, who would be around 27 years old, had gone to Dubai with his uncle and never came back to India. Sheela Devi alias Sabeena was a very active lady. She had all the modern gadgets in her apartment. There was a desk top computer along with a lap top, lying in the house. It seems she used to write blogs under the pen name of Shanta.” Rosy Cherian gave further information.  “Ok, I am coming to the police station.” James cut him short.  All this while, Rajneesh was listening to their conversation with a visible tension on his face. He spoke,”Are we in trouble?” “Yes, big trouble, I suppose. I do not know who was that lady you met in Apporva Sangeetha Fast food joint  but the Shanta who wrote blogs has been found murdered” James replied.  “Then, who is this lady who sent me a note this morning if Shanta is dead.” Rajneesh queried. “Yes, there is a point—a sensible one.  If Shanta is dead—then who is this other Shanta who sent you a note? She should be the real shanta who we are trying to find out.” James said thoughtfully.  “What is our course of action?” enquired Rajneesh. “I suppose, I engaged the detective agency to spy on your SO CALLED SHANTA.  So, needle of suspicion will fall on me. You be out of it for the time being. I will have to seek anticipatory bail immediately. The question I have to answer is as to why did I hire the TOP DETECTIVE agency to do a background check on Shanta? Why did I? Should I tell them the truth now or wait for some fog to lift? Who was that stunningly beautiful lady around 30’s who met you in the restaurant? Is she the real Shanta?” James did some brain storming.  “I think she was. And I think she had some ulterior motive. “Rajneesh put two and two together. “Yes, she did have. She had all the information on you.  She had some score to settle with you. Do you remember our stint in -----? Oh my god it is the same old story, Sir,---remember the GAME OF THE FOXES”  James was talking as if he had found an answer. “Yea, So what  dammit? What the hell? How does it connect here?’Rajneesh was worried.   “Right, let me handle it here, sir. You stay out of it. You fly out to Chandigarh, today itself. I will try and handle it here. I f need be, I will contact you there. Go way, Sir” James announced the decision.    Within minutes of this decision James and Rajneesh were heading towards the Chennai airport —the third largest airport in India after Mumbai and New Delhi. James was keen to ensure that Rajneesh was out of Chennai, when he  met police with Rosy Cherian. He had no specific plans but only to discuss the latest note to Rajneesh from Shanta—who was not dead. He had got all these Shanta NOTES to RAJNEESH forwarded to him to tell the police that Shanta—the fake name on the blogs is not dead. It might have been someone else who had been staying with that old lady and using her computer and laptop to establish acquaintances. But why did she kill Sabeena aka Sheela Devi?  What score she wanted to settle with Rajneesh? These were  probably the questions, readers might think, occupying James mind when they arrived at Chennai airport. There was no flight to Delhi. Luckily, an immediate jet airways flight to Mumbai was there. James cajoled Rajneesh to board the flight to Mumbai and then go to Chandigarh.  Having bid farewell to his friend, James was racing away to Nungambakkam in his Honda Civic. There were tons of thoughts criss-crossing his mind. He, allegedly, had a challenge before him. He was required to unravel the mystery of Shanta and that other lady whom Rajneesh had met the previous day. --------------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED IN PART ‘TWO’   © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog “I WANT TO MOTHER YOU!”—A SHORT STORY! -------PART TWO Aug 3 2008  | Views 176 |  Comments  (15)  | Report Abuse Tags: a short story on the way intelligence agencies function “I WANT TO MOTHER YOU!”—A SHORT STORY! -------PART TWO Story So Far.  Refer to Link:            As Rajneesh was sitting in the departure lounge of the domestic terminal of Chennai air port after the security check-in, the names  of  Hashim Ali, Madurai, Chennai, Dubai, Hafeez, Sakeena and the ‘Dubai Times’ report of 23 July 2003, were, time and again, springing up in his mind in a disconcerted manner. He was desperately trying to connect the wires and get a complete picture. It was only in July 2006, he had left that organization.  James had left in May 2003. It was James who handled that Operation ‘Games of the Foxes’ before he left the organization. A guy by the name of Hashim Ali was codenamed ‘FOX’ in this Operation. He was working, as a cover, with an oil company. He directly reported to James till he left the organization in May 2003. They used to often meet in Chennai only. But , for some reasons, FOX had to be moved out of Dubai. He had bungled one of the operations, where he failed to execute the most wanted criminal of India, who was living in Dubai under an alias.  Some suspected that FOX had tipped of the guy himself before he carried out the failed operation.  Amidst reports in April 2002, that he was working for ISI of Pakistan and was double crossing Rajneesh’s outfit, he was ordered to be extricated and terminated. The CHARMER of FOX was given this task and it was confirmed by the CHARMER to James, who had protested this and after the incident he left in May 2003. Thereafter, Rajneesh had never bothered to know about the case. May be, he no more considered its necessity.       Rajneesh now wondered if he was the same ‘Hashim Ali’ who was codenamed ‘FOX’ by his former organization?  “So what”, he thought?  “Didn’t ‘FOX’ directly report to him for some time”, he counter questioned himself?  But he had a nagging doubt because as for as he recollected HASHIM was not a PETROLEUM ENGINEER and nor did he belong to Madurai. He had been recruited from Chennai in 1998. Oh yea! Wasn’t it James who had recruited him?  So, was James hiding something from him?  Do the wires connect to Chennai? Is it the key? Why did James bundle him out in a hurry from Chennai?  Suddenly then, there was announcement for the Mumbai-bound passengers to move from ‘Gate No-3 ‘for boarding their flight. Rajneesh reluctantly got up and gave a one final look towards the city of Chennai. And he was on his way to the waiting passenger ferrying bus.       Jet Airways flight to Mumbai took off exactly as per schedule. Rajneesh had settled down in his seat next to the window. He looked at the city below. The city of Chennai, spread over an area of 181 square Kms (70 sq miles), had a rich history about itself. It was established in the 17th Century by the British and in 350 years or so it had come up as a big urban centre in the South. It is located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal on the Eastern Coast of peninsular India. Till, the IT boom came, it was the most happening city of South India and was rightly called “The gateway to South India”. However, over the last two decades, it had lost its position of pre-eminence to Bangalore. Even Hyderabad was threatening to relegate it further in order of importance but the fall of Chandra Prabhu Naidu government In Andhra Pradesh had restored the balance.        Its earlier name was Madras. In 1996, it was changed to Chennai. It is believed the name Madras had a Portuguese origin from the village of MADRASPATTINAM which was established by them around 16th century.  This village was located North of the fort of St. George. The name of MADRAS was derived either from a village established by them by the name of Madre de Deus or from the Maderios family who had consecrated the ‘Madre de dues’ Church in Santhome in 1575 AD.  The name Chennai had been derived from another village called CHENNAAPATTINAM, again located close to the fort of St. George. The British had named this village after they had acquired it in 1639 AD from the king of Chandigiri through his chieftain CHENAPPA NAYAKA. They named the village after him. While the British administration preferred to address the city as MADRAS, the local sentiments were with the name CHENNAI. This duality in its name was removed in 1996 when its name was changed in tunes with the local population.      Rajneesh realized Chennai was a vast city. It could easily hide in its womb anyone who wanted to lead a nondescript life like Sheela Devi, aka Sabeena alias Shanta. It had a large economic base ranging from automobile industry to health care to software and financial services. The Chennai City is the SECOND largest software exporter of India. It accounts for almost 11 percent of the income of Tamil Nadu. It had 30 percent of India’s automobile Industry and 35 percent of auto parts manufacturing Industry. It caters for 50 % of India’s Leather exports. The city had a literacy rate of 80 percent as against the national average of 64percent. The city acted as a magnet for employment seekers and they swarmed it, as daily transients of around five lakh people. It is not for nothing Chennai is also called “DETROIT OF SOUTH ASIA”.        Rajneesh once again surveyed the disappearing landscape of the city and was convinced that it could easily be a safe heaven for all those who wanted to establish sleeping modules for Al-Qaida, LTTE, SIMI , HM, LET and host of other ‘Violence Perpetrating Organizations’. Only thing the members of their module had to ensure was to lead a normal and decent life, seemingly, as law-abiding citizens. No one can suspect them. It had, of late, become a hub of recruitment centre and parking place of ‘silent agents’ by the intelligence agencies, both Indian and foreign. Rajneesh, too, had indulged in this exercise, when with NASH.         Even as head of one of the MUSK (Most Unique Serpent Killers) Units of NASH (National Agency for Secure Homeland), he had authorized operations to eliminate silent agents of TANO (Terrorist and Anti-National Organizations) operating from Chennai.  Hardly anyone in India or outside knew of NASH and MUSK.  Everyone thought all these intelligent games were played by RAW, which was merely an intelligence gathering arm of the government of India.               NASH was created after the assassination of Sh. Rajeev Gandhi, and MUSK was its sub-unit. Initially, it had got volunteers from Army and other paramilitary forces. Officers were all from the army. Rajneesh and James were from the same unit in the army. In fact Rajneesh was the commanding officer and James was a very senior company commander when they both came over to NASH. They were all trained as ruthless killers in the specially erected school at Indore—which later shifted to Belgaum in Karnataka. From 1995 onwards, they started direct recruitment, both officers and EXECUTIONERS. Everyone was specially picked, trained for three years. Till about 2000 AD married men could join the organization but later the rule changed and only bachelors were recruited both as officers and men. They were thoroughly regimented and brain washed to dispel all emotions and remain loyal to the nation. Their emotional disposition was almost negligible—they were the carbon copy of UNIVERSAL SODIERS of the movie by the same name. On the orders of their CHARMER (one who handled the executioner) they were to just do the task without any forethought.  CHARMER is the designation of a person who handles and operates five EXECUTIONERS of the MUSK (MOST UNIQUE SERPANT KILLERS). Five such CHARMERS are under a BOSS. Ten BOSSES made a WING. Two wings, EXTERNAL and INTERNAL, made a MUSK unit.  NASH had three MUSK Units. Rajneesh had commanded No 1 MUSK Unit and James was his deputy.             MUSK was the executing arm of NASH. It had a license to eliminate anyone who was considered operating against the interests of the country. Generally members of TANO were their targets. Its operations were EXCLUSIVELY TOP SECRET. The National Security Advisor (NSA) and only the Prime minister of India knew of its existence. The director of NASH reported directly to NSA. The permission for operations in the foreign land was given by NSA on approval from the Prime minister. However, the operations within the country were approved by the NASH Director but the permission was given by MUSK head. As a cover, it was part of the METEROLOGICAL department’s weather forecasting unit.   No one could get the wind of its existence. The members of this organization were deeply motivated, die-hard Indians. They were required to execute even their own relatives if found indulging in anti-national activities.            Members were allowed to leave after 10 years service. After they left, they were helped to get top jobs in the civil career by the organization. However, they were life long members and could be re-mustered any time. They were on contract never to reveal anything to anyone. If found out they were to be quietly executed. The executive members of MUSK were not allowed to marry for ten years after recruitment. It was a ruthless force with its members as highly trained sharp shooters and One-shot-Killers (OSK). Each member had to pass this OSK test in a specific assignment by MUSK head. It was here in Chennai that Hashim Ali had passed this test in 1998, when he had eliminated his own uncle, Shiraj Ali, a South India head of ISI module. He was thereafter whisked away to Dubai as a silent MUSK member -in-wait for further assignments. He had belonged to Chennai. His family lived here. He frequently visited it and had his relevant contacts.  Chennai was now on the mental screen of Rajneesh.           In 2008, economy of the town was booming after the software industry had made its mark in the world. A large crop of IT professionals had sprung up in the city. They were very very mobile people—coming and going, like the flashes on the digital camera screens, from all over the world.  Thus, the silent agents could keep lying dormant here without detection.  In 2001, out of the total population of around 4.5 million, the city had a migrant population of about 9, 37000. This was around 21.5 percent of the city population.  Approximately, 25% of the migrant population was from outside the state and it ought to cause a serious concern to security experts and all those entrusted with the task of crime and violence prevention.          Rajneesh knew all these relevant facts about Chennai from his past experiences It was always on the surveillance screen of NASH and was regularly frequented by MUSK Executioners and Charmers in search of their potential targets. Since 1991, Chennai had been recognized as a safe heaven for the silent operatives of TANO, who used to slip into the city after a major strike elsewhere and lie doggo here for sometimes. Rajneesh always wondered why there were no communal riots in Chennai despite a sizeable population of minority communities? Why was it an exception while Hyderabad and Bangalore did burn, in communal fires, occasionally? Was it the TANO managed peace and harmony, he had wondered?  But currently, he was concentrating hard on HASHIM ALI & JAMES connection of Chennai? What was it?         According to Rajneesh’s fading memory , in the Operation ‘GAME OF THE FOXES’ , the last operation handled by James before he prematurely left the job voluntarily, he had claimed that the ‘FOX’ or so called HASHIM ALI was successfully extradited from Dubai to India.  Then who was that Hashim Ali whose death was reported by DUBAI TIMES on 23 July 2003? What is all this? Rajneesh was definitely uncomfortable with himself.        At about this time, the voice of the pilot from the cockpit announced the landing of the aircraft at Mumbai airport. Rajneesh, after getting out of the aircraft straight reached the enquiry counter of Indian airlines. There was a flight to New Delhi at 2345 hours and the seat was available.   Around 1.45 AM, the next morning, Rajneesh had landed at the domestic terminal of Indra Gandhi Airport. Having got his luggage, he left for New Delhi railway station and by 3 AM he was at his destination to catch the early morning SHATABADI to Chandigarh.  The train left at 7.40 Am and Rajneesh slept out the three and a half our journey to Chandigarh. Thus, by 1200 hours, almost 21 hours later than his GREAT ESCAPE from Chennai he reached his home.        As soon as he entered the house, his wife asked, “What happened to James?”       Surprised, Rajneesh counter questioned,” Why? Nothing. What makes you ask this?”      “Mrs. James rang up from Chennai. She said that he had not returned home after he went to drop you at the airport” Mrs. Rajneesh informed.      “Strange? He had gone back home after dropping me at the airport”, Rajneesh said alarmingly.     “Whatever, you better speak to Celina James” Mrs. Rajneesh advised.    Rajneesh immediately dialed residential telephone of P S James and got connected to James residence. Some male voice answered the phone,” Yes, it is PS James Residence “ “I am Rajneesh speaking from Chandigarh—a friend of James—may I speak to him or his wife” Rajneesh replied. “I am inspector Rajan Iyer of Chennai Police department. I am sorry to inform you Mr. PS James is no more.” The voice on the other side spoke very gently. “What? How? What happened?” Rajneesh was shocked.    “He met an accident yesterday while driving back to his residence from the airport. It was a hit and run by some truck. The truck and the driver are not traceable. Some eye witnesses say his car was banged from behind and pushed down the slope.” Inspector Rajan clarified. “May I speak to Mrs. Celina James?” Rajneesh requested.   “Sorry, sir! She is not in a state to speak—just half an hour back we had brought the body home from the hospital” inspector Rajan intimated.   “May I speak to any of her relatives” Rajneesh further requested. “None here at the moment---you might like to ring up later. I am sorry we have to complete certain formalities here.” Inspector Rajan cut short the conversation and disconnected the line. Rajneesh was awfully disturbed? He wondered whether it was a genuine accident or it was orchestrated one. Why should it be James? Was it Shanta, who arranged this accident? He was really puzzled and mind stopped functioning. He started glancing through the pages of Times Of India—Chandigarh edition. As he was going through Page 3 of the News paper, he found a news item on Chennai. His eyes stopped at the headline.  He looked at it again, it screamed:      “A MEGA SEX SCANDAL ROCKS CHENNAI!”          Rajneesh‘s eyes began to scan the news item in a hurry.  It was a news story filed by Bhootlingam Minakashi Sundaram Pillai---Chennai based special correspondent of TOI. The story read:          “On a specific tip-off, police had yesterday raided a house in Nungambakkam area for the alleged involvement of the lady occupant in flesh trade. A female Informer had intimated the police that two customers had just walked in. However, the police found the two persons in the house claiming to be working for a detective agency. They claimed they had been engaged by some ex-intelligence officer of the Government of India, probably RAW, to do a background check of a lady who had left 15 minutes before they had broken into. It is strange that a mutilated body of a middle aged woman was also recovered from the bathroom of the house. The woman has been identified from her passport as a Pakistani national, who had been illegally staying in India over the last nine years.        Reliable sources in the police have intimated that the woman had been living under an assumed name of Sheela Devi. Her actual name was Sabeena. As per her passport and other papers recovered from the house she had come in October 1998 to visit her younger sister Sakeena, married to an Indian, Hashim Ali of Madurai, who had worked in Dubai. She had a six months visa to stay in India.  Her younger sister joined her husband in Dubai in March 1999 and Sabeena‘s 17 years old son too went away with her. Sabeena was alleged to have returned to Pakistan in March1999 but, presumably, she did not. She stayed on in the house of Hashim Ali, illegally. It seemed her brother-in-law had helped her in this. Hashim’sparents did not like her activities. Therefore, in June 2003, when Hashim Ali and his family were allegedly killed in Dubai by some miscreants, she shifted to Chennai. Over the past five years she had been living in the city. She led a luxurious life for a single lady without any source of income. She had told her neighbors that she was financially supported by her business man son in Dubai. She was very polite and soft-spoken. She was very helpful to her neighbors. Sometimes, she helped them financially, too. She did some social service and she had opened up a welfare home for the poor and needy women in the Pallavan Nagar. In this connection, a lot of women used to visit her daily. The name of the ‘welfare home’ was”SHEELA DEVI WOMEN’s WELFARE and EMPOWERMENT TRUST”. The activities of this welfare home were strange. The police also raided this welfare home. They recovered a lot of Pornographic material and Blue films of young girls. It seems a multi billion rupee sex scandal was being run by this Pakistani woman with the help of some local leaders and government officials. Police is of the view that full investigation might throw up some big names. Informed sources within police had intimated to this correspondent such a sex racket could only be run with the help of some intelligence agencies. It----------------------------------“Blah---blah---it went on.      Rajneesh stopped reading it. He did not want to read it further though the story was now getting murkier. He knew this mysterious woman is some ghost from the past. But what was it? Has she managed James accident?  “What lay ahead?” he thought. And there was a lot. Any moment, he could be in the police net. In fact, he had lot to answer to the police. A question would be asked on his hurried departure from Chennai. No one will listen to him that it was James who bundled him out. But, as usual, the dead men do not speak. This was no defense.        He had no time to disentangle himself from the web he was in. He was reminded of his oft-quoted advice to his ‘CHARMERS’ and ‘BOSSES’  as the MUSK head which had said, “LISTEN, dear friends, ONCE YOU ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF ‘KILLING AND BE KILLED’ THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF IT. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. YOU KILL OR YOU WILL BE KILLED. AND THE GAME GOES ON.” Rajneesh knew there was no escape from the past. He must move fast before it caught up with him. He had made up his mind and made a move. © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog “I WANT TO MOTHER YOU!”—A SHORT STORY! -------PART THREE ! Aug 15 2008  | Views 1124 |  Comments  (17)  | Report Abuse Tags: nash musk isi game of the foxes “I WANT TO MOTHER YOU!”—A SHORT STORY! -------PART THREE Story So Far.  Refer to Links:-  (a)   a-short-story-part-one.htm  (b)   a-short-story-part-two.htm       Rajneesh dialed a number on his mobile. It rang. A soft, sweet and a polite voice responded,”Yes, this is Professor Manik Lal Sanyal of department of History of-----“      “Professor, I know you and you know me. No need for introduction. I am No1/1 of ‘M U One’. I need you to check into your archives on Operation ‘GAME OF THE FOXES’.” Rajneesh was snappy.       “No1/1 of MU One? I guess you are aware of the University rules. We do not allow anyone access to our archives without proper identification. Shoot your twenty digits Personal identification Number, PIN for short”, Professor Sanyal was firm and polite.      “All right professor. It is “07091950002130092006”       “Wait, I will come back.” professor Sanyal had commanded.         Rajneesh knew the process will take some time before professor Sanyal contacted him. Rajneesh wondered about his own coded identity of NASH. It was unique. Rajneesh had known this PIN by heart. It was easy to remember but very difficult for the uninitiated to understand it.  The PIN was given to every NASH employee who left NASH or who chose a second career. NASH officer cadre never retired but became inactive after the age of sixty five. Executives went out at the age of forty five if they couldn’t make it to officer cadre. In fact everyone had an option to leave after ten years active service.  After initial induction, the officer cadre was selected from within the organization based on the performance. Every failure fetched negative points; no matter how genuine was the cause of failure. The scale of –ve points depended on the nature and type of operation. The highest classification was EXCLUSIVELY SENSITIVE. Such an assignment was always given to the most trusted and out-performing EXECUTIVES. It had to be a hundred percent success—it was always closely monitored by NASH Director, MUSK Head and the NSA.        Rajneesh had opted out from the organization, when he was MUSK HEAD, but he was CO of the MUSK UNIT No 1, when Operation ‘Game of the Foxes’ was launched. He had vaguely remembered NASH director telling James and his operational team of Charmer NO 1, along with the selected Executive, that the success of the operation would greatly reduce ISI’s mischief making capacity in India. The selected EXECUTIVE was exclusively briefed on oath by NASH director. No one knew his exact mission. It was said that it involved the elimination of a top under world Don of India who was on the pay roll of ISI.        But somehow the operation had failed miserably. Though Rajneesh had saved James but the axe had fallen on the EXECUTIVE.  James was disappointed after this. He had insisted that it was not the fault of his EXECUTIVE but he was up against the stringent rules.  Failure in an EXCLUSIVELY SENSITIVE operation invited the harshest punishment. In this case, it went beyond all norms. He was to be executed. James had reluctantly carried out the orders but he had sought relief from the organization after this. He was allowed to go after he did his MBA and was helped to get a job in a top notch MNC at Chennai. He had also got involved in some social organizations. Rajneesh had settled down in social work too. Both of them were actively in communication with each other. Rajneesh was always on call to NASH as a consultant to MUSK head. He began to think about his association of 30 years with James.         He began wondering as to who could be behind orchestrated accident of PS James. Time and again, his ears were being blasted by the surprised words of James,”Oh, sir! It is the same old Game of The Foxes”. Why did James make this statement? The operation was aborted after orders had been given for the execution of the FOX. He was supposedly executed by the CHARMER directly working under James.  It was confirmed by James. Thereafter he had left the organization.  While he was wondering like this, his mobile rang and professor Sanyal was on the line.      Rajneesh answered, ”Yes, professor. Could you get something?”     “You answer first, ‘Shouldn't NIGHT be the DAY when it is EVENING? If so, what would you call the Morning?” Professor Sanyal shot a question.      Rajneesh was aware of this Challenging procedure of NASH to establish the real identity of the person trying to establish contact. The questions of ‘Identity Challenging Procedure’ were always baffling with red herrings. An ordinary recipient would be straight away confused.  He took out his electronic diary. He looked at the answer to this question No 24. He shot back to the professor, “Part of the Day”.      “Repeat”, came professor’s voice.       “Part of the Day”, Rajneesh repeated.      “Did you say ‘Day’?” Professor was confirming.      “No, I said,’ PART OF THE DAY” Rajneesh corrected.     “Right, Rajneesh! You will be on the tour of the History of ‘Operation Game of the Foxes’.  I caution you will be entering the most top secret corridor of information of a very very secret organization, which is officially non existent. You will have to guard it at all costs, even at the cost to your life. In case you want to withdraw even now, you are welcome” Professor Sanyal was warning.     “All right—No problem, professor, I will keep it to me, even if I have to lay down my life” Rajneesh assured.     “Right, your name is being registered as the recipient of this information. This should not be leaked at any cost. In case it does, you will meet your end like PS James.” Professor Sanyal had dropped a bombshell.     “What, what, What?” Rajneesh was fully shocked.      “ He had filed an affidavit in the Chennai High Court giving out certain details of the case, where he was being tried for the murder of HASHIM ALI on the suit filed by POACHERS ( People’s organization  Against Civil and Human rights Embellishments by Repressive State).The POACHERS had filed the case on behalf of Hashim Ali’s parents.  He had created a stir by telling the judge that Hashim Ali was not killed but still alive. He had blamed NASH for his disappearance. The judge’s PA was on our pay roll. We acted before he could further reveal anything.   In fact, he would have almost exposed our most successful man in a Foreign Intelligence Agency.  Rest of the details you can read in the document forwarded to you on your NASH e-Mail ID.” Professor Sanyal further disclosed.     “Wait, professor! Do you mean to say Hashim Ali is still alive? Then, what was the Game of the Foxes all about?  ” Rajneesh became curious.      “You better read. You know nothing about Game of the Foxes. What you know is the cover story. It was planned that way. FOX was to fail by design by tipping off the foreign agency in advance. It was to establish FOX ‘s credibility with that agency.” Professor replied.       “But professor, orders for his execution and its accomplishment by Charmer One. What was that?” Rajneesh was perturbed.        “His Pakistani brother-in-law, Sabeena’s husband, became the victim of ‘Charmer One’ and he accordingly gave its confirmation of FOX’s execution. The foreign agency thinking of threat to his life moved HASHIM and his sister-in-law to Pakistan. Hashim’s wife Sakeena came to India as an alleged agent of the agency but worked for us. She was running that Sheela Devi trust in Chennai” Professor again surprised Rajneesh.     “And who was the poor victim who died in Hashim’s flat on 22 July 2003?” Rajneesh waited for another surprise      “It was your ‘Charmer One’ and his family knocked out by ISI as a revenge for Sabeena’s husband.” Professor was categorical.     “So, whole operation was designed that way. I need not read your document now or Do I?” Rajneesh was utterly shocked at such a crass ignorance even as a very high official in the organization.     “You better, Rajneesh. There is a lot in there for you to know. We have information that Sabeena’s husband’s elder brother’s daughter and her son are on your trail to seek revenge on you.” Professor had disclosed.    ‘‘Sabeena’s husband’s   elder brother’s daughter?  How old is she?” Rajneesh was suddenly curious.     “Around thirty three or thirty four. She works for ISI. She has been spotted in Chennai.” Professor informed.     “Did she stay with Sakeena? Did Sakeena know about her?”Rajneesh questioned     “No, as for as we know Sakeena alias Sheela did not claim to know her. Her name is FATIMA. But it seems she had spoken to Sakeena on the phone three or four times and expressed her desire to meet her. Sakeena had kept this as a secret from the organization. We do suspect she might have visited her once or twice. You will find her snap in the document” Professor was giving out information.     “Thank you, professor. I am grateful.” Rajneesh said and cut off.       “So, it was Fatima, who had been sledging me on the blogs” Rajneesh thought. “It was Sakeena who was killed in that flat in Chennai by Fatima”, he began to analyse the situation. He was deeply depressed over the loss of James. But why did the organization do so? Why didn’t it fight this false case of murder against him, if it knew Hashim Ali was alive? What was that article on Sex Scandal in Chennai, linking James with all this non sense? What was his relationship with Sakeena? There was something fishy about Sakeena and her activities. What happened to Sabeena? Was all this a part of the operation? Where is Hashim Ali?  Is he still alive?  Who all will become victim of this game? He was totally confused.        While he was thinking of all this, suddenly a question came to his mind, “Am I myself safe? Oh, my God! I am also a dispensable commodity. I might be the next sacrificial goat to divert Sabeena’s son’s attention from the real killer of his father.”  Rajneesh was getting disturbed and nervous. Then another thought sprang up in his mind, “Was this case of murder by the POACHERS on James a planted case by NASH? Yes, why not? Is he the next one to be roped in” This thought sent a shiver down his spine.       He cursed himself for having volunteered out of the army to join this damn organization. “I WAS RIGHT: ONCE YOU ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF KILLING YOU ARE NEVER OUT OF IT” he reminded himself on his own oft stated quote.      He began to look for a way out. He was not keen to read the document sent by Professor Sanyal. But he, still, opened up his lap top. Logged on to the net and went straight to his NASH Mail. The document was there. He saw Fatima‘s photo. He could recognize her. She was the same lady who had met her the other day in Sangeetha’s Fast food joint in Chennai. He saw some other snaps of James, Hashim Ali and some others he did not recognize. Names were there but it meant nothing to him. He saw the report with a big caution. He started reading it:    EXCEPTIONALLY TOP SECRET (One page only) Caution: Information provided here is exclusively for your eyes only. Any leakage will be traced to you and you will be accordingly dealt with. Read on. AFTER ACTION REPORT  ON OPERAION ‘GAME OF THE FOXES’   “Operation ‘Game of the Foxes’ was aimed at infiltrating a mole in the intelligence agency of a hostile neighbor who had been creating deep troubles in India by inciting communal passions. The operation was planned in three phases. Phase One was an elaborate plan to knock out a top underworld don working for ISI. This task was given to a man called FOX.  Phase Two was to tip off the ISI on the plan and gain their confidence. This too, was the job of FOX to win over the confidence of intelligence agency.  Phase Three involved elimination of the primary actors of Phase One and Two spread over four to five years to establish the credibility of FOX. These targets were never disclosed by the Director of NASH. Phase one and two were successfully completed by May2003. They say killing of Charmer one and his family was concurrent with the launching of Phase Three. It was not called off as yet. ------------------------------------------“    Rajneesh did not have to read further. Having been in the organization for 15 years, he knew what was happening? Phase Three was still on ; Hashim Ali was somewhere in Pakistan and calling on the shots. But, why did he go against James? Did James know of his new role? He again began to search for the clues in report sent by Sanyal.       “-----------FOX was taken to Pakistan by ISI. He revealed a number of RAW operatives in Pakistan but not the NASH. They were all arrested and tortured. Some of them died and some were facing court cases for spying. Some had been sentenced to die by the courts. It was a major success of ISI at home. He became an instant hero. To further establish his credibility, he secretly married Sabeena without Sakeena’s knowledge and approval, but with the tacit understanding of NASH director. He also applied and obtained Pakistani nationality with ISI clout.     In the mean while, his wife Sakeena moved to India as a widow. NASH had financially helped her. But she was also recruited by the ISI. She settled in Chennai as Sheela Devi. One day she came across James in Chennai. As an obligation to her supposedly late husband, James helped her set up a trust which became famous as a SHEELA DEVI POOR WOMEN’s WELFARE TRUST. She used James to send money to Hashim’s parents at Madurai.      Sometimes, in January 2008, Fatima established contacts with her. Through her she came to know of her husband’s second marriage to Sabeena. This had upset her. She told James about Hashim being alive and married to Sabeena. This brought them close. Fatima knew this and she exploited her. At the same time, Fatima informed Hashim Ali on Sakeena’s relationship with James. Hashim Ali alerted ISI on James past. Thus Fatima was asked to eliminate her. In the mean while NASH director was tipped of by Hashim Ali on the likely fall out of all this.’ Nash’ agents approached Hashim’s parents and POACHERS to fix James in a murder case.  When this case was filed in May 2008, James approached NASH director and told him that he had known the real truth on HASHIM ALI and he would expose this if the case was not withdrawn. --------------------------------------------."       Rajneesh did not want to read further. He knew that there wouldl be all only manipulated and  NASH-orchestrated truth now. NASH will justify all killings. “Who next?” he thought. He was uncomfortable and began to analyse the LIKELY TARGETS OF PHASE THREE OF THE "GAME OF THE FOXES". It was still on, the'Sanyal document' had said.       He decided to vacate his house next day and told his wife to go to her ancestral place at Karnal in Haryana. The couple made a fool proof plan to sneak away early next morning. mrs. Rajneesh could remember the astrologer telling her that her husband was under the bad phase of SATURN for next two years. He had actually said that it 'SHANI SADHSATI' (Seven years bad phase of Saturn) for the last five years. The astrologer had cautioned that ensuing month was really bad for his health. There was a danger of an accident. But all these warnings of the PANDIT JEE were pooh poohed by Rajnees as trash. He told his wife to forget about all these suggestions of PANDIT JEE.        Rajneesh slept that night. He slept like a dead log because he did not get up till a police inspector of Chandigarh police knocked at their front door at 11 O’clock next morning.  The police inspector was accompanied a police party from New Delhi. When his wife told him that Police had come to talk to him, he wondered on the efficiency of Chennai police but he was in for a shock when told of Delhi police. “Why Delhi police”, he asked himself.       But inspector Desh Raj of Delhi police set the ball rolling by asking the question, “Sir, do you know Professor ML Sanyal of Delhi?”      “Of course! What about him” Rajneesh replied.         “We want to talk about him. He is NO MORE-- Killed by some motorbike riders. 20 bullets were pumped into his body when he was walking on the pavement near his house in Lodi Garden.” Inspector Desh Raj broke the sad news.         “What? But why?” he knew the question was useless. How could they answer him? But why had they come to him?            “Sir, we do not know. We are just investigating. We checked calls on his mobile. We found he made a last call to you yesterday and it was unusually a long call” Inspector Desh Raj revealed.          “Yes, we talked---well, it was purely a private matter” Rajneesh tried to wave them away.          “Sir, how did you know him?” Desh raj asked a clever question.           “Well! We were just friends.” Rajneesh was circumventing.            “You must be very good friends to have talked for 45 minutes on a very very private matter, Sir?” Inspector Desh Raj chided.            “What do you mean?” Rajneesh queried.            “In that case, I have arrest warrants for you and you will have to accompany us to New Delhi. We suspect you are involved in his murder” Desh Raj had given his authoritative command.             Before Rajneesh could say anything he was pulled out of the house and put into the waiting police van. His wife did not know what happened. She was immobilized. It was all done suddenly and the van disappeared. Rajneesh was reminded of the days he had the authority to order execution of people. "Was he himself now on the Chopping block?", he had asked himself. These inspectors were too small a fry but they were the officers in charge. They had a job to do. They had headed straight for Delhi.                Mrs. Rajneesh rang up everywhere but no one knew where Rajneesh was? Chandigarh police had raised its hands. She read a news item in the Tribune the next day. It read:              “A senior retired army officer was arrested by Delhi police yesterday from his house in Industrial Area Phase-2, Chandigarh. Officer was suspected to be involved in the alleged murder of a renowned professor of history of the Delhi University. The professor, Mr ML SANYAL, was killed yesterday by some motorbike riding gunmen while he was taking a walk near his house. It is said the professor had last talked to this retired army officer for 45 minutes. Unconfirmed sources revealed that professor might have had some links with some foreign intelligence agencies, through this officer. The police has been provided the relevant details by the mobile telephone company.                 It has also been learnt from reliable sources that the said officer was also involved in a flesh trade and espionage activities in Chennai. It might be probably the fall out of this. Earlier his friend in Chennai, Mr. PS James, an ex army officer, was killed by some unknown persons. This officer from Chandigarh ran flesh trade business through his Chennai colleague. It is learnt on the day of the death of his friend in Chennai, he was seen in a Chennai restaurant with a female in Nungambakkam area. Chennai police is also looking for him. The female is supposed to be the kingpin of foreign espionage network in India. She had a hand in the killing of a social worker, Mrs. Sheela Devi of Chennai—a renowned socialite of Chennai. ----------               There was no news of Rajneesh for the next 15 days. Mrs. Rajneesh had learnt through her sympathizers in the NASH that Rajneesh was taken to Chennai for some investigations. She was told that NASH was providing all possible help to get him acquitted.           Then in the evening,around 1800hours, Mrs. Tara Sharma, Col Vinod Sharma’s wife, came to her house with her husband. They were neighbors of Rajneesh.  They looked very grim and serious.  Mrs. Tara Sharma asked her to watch AAJ TAK News Channel, which was breaking some news on CHENNAI SEX and ESPIONAGE SCANDAL. She told her it had made some allegations on Col Rajneesh.           TV was switched on. Rightly the Chennai correspondent was giving description of the scandal. Suddenly, Mr. Asish Chaudhary, the news anchor of the story remarked, “------------And the king pin of this racket of espionage and sex scandal, Rajneesh Singh, an ex Colonel of Indian army, committed suicide half an hour back by jumping in front of the train this afternoon, while being taken to the trial court by Chennai police for his involvement in a double murder-----------------------.”       There was stunned silence in the room and Mrs. Rajneesh had immediately fainted.  TV channel was showing flashes of the dead body but no one was watching anymore. No one in the house of Mrs Rajneesh was even caring for the boasts of the AAJ TAK anchor that these photos were being exclusively shown on their channel alone. They had sensational news and they were breaking it. World will never know the truth.----the real truth. Alas! the heroes had become villains and expendable commodities in the larger scheme of intelligence agencies.But this is not unusual in such games. © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog

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