Saturday 9 June 2012


SOLDIERS DO NOT DIE----A TRIBUTE TO LATE FIELD MARSHAL! Jun 28 2008  | Views 891 |  Comments  (22)  | Report Abuse Tags: soldiers do not die they fade away TIME TO GO---DEAR FIELD MARSHAL! Gaiety, pomp and show? Do less appear it look more; Salute, turn and salute, ‘Yes Sir’, always and say no more; ‘Live and let live’ adhere to it, And raise you never your eye-brows; Self- interests must remain supreme! Then, praise your ‘Boss’ and ever crow; If these are the morals of military regime- Your time is up, dear SAM, You must go.   Alas! In the battle they don't score, As the rules there turn upset down; The one who salutes and talks more, The leader must always frown; Whence under the battlefield sky- The bullets fly like a tidy flow; And falling men around you cry- Dampening you with spirits down; A 'SAM' would say, "One-more-try'- We might beat the opposing clowns".   Cruising along the glacier slopes, With hurricane winds and icy mast; Men do give up and some do fall, Peace time ‘goodies’ are first to dart; When each one has fallen- And you, too, are losing heart; Whence hopes no more sustained, And ‘death' seems the only award, Should a man blaze the trail in snow ? Well! In crisis, he is the trump card;   Remember! And remember for ever, Peace time soldiering is one big farce; People will talk and men do boast, Of deeds performed almost false; Distrust, if you can , trust you never , Those who dance at your beck and call; For, if the going is good, the suckers, – Squat at your feed and make you tall; Should you be by the fate troubled-? Disappear they before lightening falls.   "A soldier and a General", so said 'Sam', "Must shun peace time gimmicks; Must one know on one’s action; Destiny of many soldiers blinks; Never give ears to sycophants, Lest in war you may sink; Discourage flattery by all means, Discreetly axe dissidence; Select your men as you will, True test come when crisis descend!" © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog

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