Friday 1 June 2012



Ladies and gentlemen, of a great esteem;
Welcome aboard the ‘thought-machine’!
Thoughts are like the sand-dunes of mind-
Keep shifting their base from time to time.

Your eyes do observe what is directly in line,
The brain shapes it into a ‘thought’ sublime;
Process repeats like a programmed machine,
Images germinate, though, as a normal routine.

We shall soon embark upon a tour of history,
Our pro-active minds will unveil its mysteries;
Kindly have a glance at the menu in your tray-
Where, we also have two images on display!

Right, these images are two statements in stone-
Of two themes on life, without flesh and bones;
While one defines love of a king in its pristine form-
The other is an embodiment of ‘thinking storm’.

Well! unique in concept, both have no peers--
Though separated by time by two hundreds years;
Dignified and graceful,they have their own shine--
Undobtedly,the classy ideas from the womb of times!

First snap goes to  display ‘Taj Mahal’s’ grandeour,
Which graces the list of world’s seven wonders;
On the banks of river Yamuna,it stands so fast,
River might be polluted, its splendour does last.

A number of buildings make Taj Mahal complex-
From a 'marbled mausoleum' to 'red stone' mosque;
A thousand elephants were used to cart the stores,
Artisans came from Baghdad, Bukhara and Lahore.
Built slowly over two decades by 22000 workmen-
It commemorates a queen who bore 14 children;
She died in child-birth, when she was thirty nine-
In 19 years of marriage, she conceived 14 times.

Was it royal love or simple lust of a Moghul king?
When history is doctored, do we ought to cling?
Tragically, another gory fact we ought to know--
To guard exclusivity,craftsmen‘s hands had to go.

The King and the queen,no doubts, are immortalised,
Today, land-sharks want the place to be commercialised !
Some times back there was a plan to build a ‘Taj corridor’-
Supreme Court stalled the project of multi-million crores.

The second snap on your screen is a statue in bronze-
It was sculpted as ‘The Thinker’ by Auguste Rodin;
It evokes many visions though eyes do not blink;
Also,very pensive mood does force you to think .

Born in 1840, ‘Rodin’ was past forty two years-
When ‘The Thinker’, ‘Adam and ‘Eve’ did appear;
At the age of twenty-four he had married ‘Rose;
At forty three, love banished and it led to divorce.

‘Balzac‘ and ‘The Kiss’ were his other creations-
Then, ‘Walking man’ too, created a sensation;
Rolling in fame he discarded two more wives!
‘Rose’ came back, months before they both died.

‘Rodin’ is an example as to how a ‘thinking man’-
Makes gem for the society but lacks maritial elan;
As name and fame comes, one craves for more-
And treats one’s ‘lady-love’ as a disposable whore.

These are the thoughts which comes to my mind-
Realities of historical myths we ought to unwind;
Don't you blindly accept what history books say ?
Glamourised tales always, real truth they betray.

'Taj' and the 'Thinker' are the product of selfish deeds,
Both of them used women for their sexual needs;
If 'Rodin' ditched three women for name and fame-
'Mumtaz's' 14 children over 19 years, who will explain?

Strange but true, both were married for 19 years-
'Rodin' to 'Rose' and 'Shahjehan' to 'Mumtaz', dears!
And when success smiled, Rodin left the lady in learch;
To build a monument for the queen, the king did splurge.

  It evokes many visions though eyes do not blink;
Also,very pensive mood does force you to think .

On the banks of river Yamuna,it stands so fast,
River might be poluted, its splendour does last.

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