Friday 1 June 2012



May 3 2008 | Views 1038 | Comments (39) | Report Abuse
GENERAL. We have an ongoing contest on EXPRESS YOURSELF CONTEST. In this contest, the contestants are required to write on the two images hosted by the winner. Generally, the entries are poems. But everybody can not be a poet. So, with due apologies to my friend YASH CHHABRA I want to start this competition, where the other bloggers can exercise their cereberal tissues and have the pleasure of winning the contest. I am sure, the initial interest may be lukeworm, but as we move on we will have a number of entries flocking to us. it will give opportunities to every one to test his writing skills. The point system will make the contest open and transparent. I request every blogger to participate and make this contest interesting and broad based.
In the contest conceived by me, the winner of the last contest will be the host and the two runners-up will be the judges. The rules of the contest are very simple as appended below.


1. The contest will be held as a blog entry on a given subject.
2. Each contest will be spread over 15 days.
3. The winner will be declared by a panel of two judges and the host.The originator of the contest will be Chief Host. He will intervene only for interpretation of rules and in case of a tie.
4. Each judge will award points out of 100. Each judge will forward points to the HOST by the 15th day of the contest. The points will be given for:- (a) Force of Language-20
(b) Knowledge -20
(c) Logic -20
(d) Flow -20
(e) Examples -20

6' Host of the contest will record the points and announce results on the 16th day..

7. The winner of the previous contest will be the HOST and the two RUNNERS UP will be the nominated judges.

8. Each entry will not exceed 500words. The Entries in HINDI are acceptable. The Last day for the inclusion of the entry will be given out alongwith the start of the contest fortnight, genearlly 14 days from the date of publication of contest subject.

9. In the event of a tie, Chief Host will be asked to award points. He could be referred to for any additional interpretation of rules.

10. No abusive or unparliamentary words will be used. No personal attacks will be entertained. Such entries will be deleted by the HOST in consultation with the other two judges.

जीवन मे सफलता हासिल करर्ने के लिए किस काबिलियत की ज़रूरत है? क्या यह प्रतिभा है या फिर मेल-ज़ोल का फैलाव(नेट वर्किन्ग)
Date For Last Entry-14.00PM (IST), 16 MAY 2008Judges:- 1. Rajee Kushwaha 2. Kamal ji 3. Yash Chhabra


Ser No By Link
1. Purefriendship
2. Ehsaas

3. Dr. Madhavi

4. Meerajay

5. lotuspetals

6. Ether
7. pavementfreud

8. Aditiray

9. ravi sharma

10. Poetbittersweet

11. vijayshekar

12. Ajitnambiar

13. Premsaran


May 15 2008 | Views 315 | Comments (7) | Report Abuse
I must say the major population of SULEKHA is is very concerned and vocal about certain issues affecting our daily lives. I got a reasonably good response for the debate “ WHAT DOES MATTER FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE? IS IT MERIT OR NET WORKING?”. I got 13 entries. Keeping into mind that it was just the beginning, the response was satisfactory. But I expected some more participation.
PEARLS OF WISDOM. Poetbittersweet was the first one to enter the contest and in his typical style, he really made some very valid points—though he gave his personal example. In the end, he summed it up too, in his hillarious style. All other posts, I must say they were well argued. I was really made wise by some of the authors. Frankly speaking, I too had vague ideas on “SUCCESS” till I started this contest. I have now a clear vision. Some of the famous quotes from the entries are:-
Poetbittersweet ---------“Success is nothing but a continuous process of tuning up our abilities and those abilities are out of our academic, theoretical, practical applications to the tasks by our observations, judgments, priorities, resources available, and reasoning.”
Premsaran----------“Success is a relative term. Every learned individual will have his own parameters of success based on his merit to lead a happy and contended life. This being the rationale behind success we must admit that every one is successful in his own way.
AjitNambiar-----Networking is the branches of the tree called success, but roots are the merit of the person”
Vijayshekar---------------“The meritorious person may win the odd battle,but the networked person often wins the war. As a teacher I have seen hundreds of students pass each year with glorious marks. But whenever they come back for an alumni meeting,I am always pleasantly surprised to find the most successful persons were people with average grades in academics.”
Ehsaas--------------------“There is a saying “You need to be at right place at right time.” This sentence very well describes the opportunity for success created with networking. But my basic idea of the major root of success being the merit would still stay as if no merit how would you do justice to success? “
Dr Madhavi --------------Finally success is not a destination, it is a continuous journey and depends on your outlook whether you achieve it on total merit or with added extra networking; it hardly matters as long as the path is taken up with clear conscience. At the end of the day you should be at peace with yourself.”
Meerajay--------------Success is a non-stop walk in life. It keeps continuing and there is no end to it. Merit and Networking are like the two eyes that lead us to success in our journney of life.I would like to conclude that, for Life to be successful, both Merit and Networking are equally essential. Hope I have tried to justify my thoughts here.”
Ether ---------------------“Merit or no merit, matter for success is irrefutably conglomeration of an apt dose of time, place, method, system, and the very abstract luck.”
Pavementfeud,---------- Merit comes first. It is pure in nature. Seldom 'tasteless.'Networking is an add-on. It adulterates merit, in that the 'networker' at times devotes far too much time in building contacts. Often said to be 'tasteless' by some.”
Aditiray----------------------Success has different meanings to different people. Merits of different kind are necessary for the kinds of success one aspires for. But merit and networking are not ‘either or’ choices, the ability to network is a merit too, as are looks, personality, intellect, and articulation, among others. The ‘only’ other factor which is not a merit in an individual, but is crucial for success of any kind, is luck.”
Lotuspetals---------------- Merit can be gained by constant hard work and devotion to one's work..There was no use of the word 'net working’. Before some years has become familiar in later years.The companiesuse a big amount of its budget for adveritsements every year..but some times a certain product lacking quality ( we can use merit in broader sense) do not gain suceess in selling.....! So thus in my opinion Merit is most important criteria for success.... A topper gets his rank as due to his output in examination......”
Poetbittersweet at his best. Real networking – like say if I am short of a couple of billion, I can just call Sam and say- “Listen, dude – I need some dough urgently – ok, gimme 8, no, round it off to 10, I’ll give it back after the IPO.” What’s a couple of billion to Uncle Sam, old chap – the richest man in the world. Just loose change.”
I have certain points on how to view success. I discuss them in the points given below.
Defining Success In my view, success is nothing but an act/job/work/assignment/objective completed (51 to 100 percent of the envisaged work) to the satisfaction of self—your boss—your organisation—your elders.The degree of success might vary.
Success/Failure in every Step/Act. Every act--------every second---whatever you do, it has elements of Success and failures. You lift a tea cup from the table to clean it---but the cup falls and breaks—you have failed---cup is cleaned---you have succeeded. REMEMBER EVERY ACT HAS A FINAL OBJECTIVE---YOU ACCOMPLISH ---YOU SUCCEED. I will give you some more examples:-
AGNI-3 was successfully fired---what does it mean to you? Simply, the set parameters were achieved.
Again, Mr X, was successful in catching the flight---would imply that despite all odds , he reached in time to board the flight which was his objective at that precise moment.
Yet again, Avinash was successful in his board examinations—would simply mean that Avinash had an objective to pass his examination and he did it.
Is it measurable or quantifiable? Can you quantify or measure success? I am afraid I hold the view that it can not be measured in physical terms. It is an abstract term. You might have 50 percent success or 99 percent or even 100 percent but you can not quantify. To do so you have to quantify each major/ minor/ small/tiny part of your given job or the objective. There will be sub jobs---sub sub jobs---sub sub sub jobs and so on---it will carry on . Each job within job will have degree of success but no quantification.
IS SUCCESS ‘GOODNESS’? This is a very important question , one must understand. Not necessarily SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ARE GOOD PEOPLE, TOO OR THE VICE VERSA. Invariably, purely in materialstic terms, SUCCESS DOES NOT COME BY ETHICAL OR THE MORALISTIC ROUTES. If you have to establish a BUSINESS EMPIRE LIKE ‘RELIANCE’, THEN YOU HAVE TO MANAGE THE ENVIRONMENTS, if I am allowed to mouth this phrase, so frequently used by late Sh Dhiru Bhai Ambani.
What Is Managing The Environments? What Ambani meant by managing environment was to say as to how to ‘NETWORK YOURSELF’. It is your investment for the future. You neutralise all those adverse factors coming in the way of your success—whether it was officialdom, the government or the leaders. To succeed in material terms you have to manage your environments.
Isn’t Networking Talent, too? Well! most of us look at this term “NET-WORKING” with a tinge of hatred. We shouldn’t. Everyone can not have a network. It is a special attribut you acquire after years of ‘ON THE JOB’ training. You know your limitations and the system you are working in. It is simply the expertise you acquire like your income-tax advisor telling you how to minimise your tax-paying. All of us do it. Besides, networking is not only in terms of your outside connectivity—it is also within your organisation to keep your team together—rally them around as a leader. As a subordinate you have an easy access to your boss---it opens up second channel of communication.
What is a talent? It is a very apt question. Talent and Genious are two different things. Talent can be in-born or it can be acquired. When we talk about talent we talk in generic terms. We do not talk in specific terms. When we become specific, it turns into a ‘GENIOUS’. A talent is a trait or a quality or an attribute or a qualification which allows you to do which you like to do the best. You could be a good painter, singer, runner, academician, mathematician, actor, driver, shhoter, lawyer, cricketer, sportsman, orator, writer or what ever. All these traits can be acquired if you have attitudinal inclination or aptitude to learn that specific talent. The most IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE THE TALENT REQUIRED FOR THE PARTICULAR JOB. You should not be a square peg in the round hole. When Amitabh Bachhan was rejected for a clerical job in KOLKOTTA some 40 years back it was because of the lack of talent in him. When BILL GATES dropped out of college, it did not mean he had no talent to succeed on his chosen path. It has been generally seen that those who are academically brilliant do not make mark in the MATERIALISTIC LIFE.YOUR EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ARE NO PASSPORT OF YOUR BRILLIANCE OR OR GREATNESS. The top academician may prove to be a ZERO in SOCIAL LIFE. A TOP PROFESSIONAL MIGHT BE A ZERO IN FAMILY LIFE—His wife and kids might leave him or hang around only to benefit from the riches he has made.
SUCCESS NEEDS TALENT, NETWORKING and WHAT ELSE? Success in life, the question of the debate, needs three ingredients to make it a sumptuous recipe.Talent and networking are two of them. Which is the third? Let me first ask as to how would you define success in life? I think it was very well answered by one of the participants---when she said it was a comparitive table of your worth between two ends of your life’s journey. Let us say, you were born as a Village school teacher’s son. You worked hard, you cleared IAS examination and retired as a Secretary to the govt of India. You have really succeeded. Now look at Mr A, the son of an army officer, say a Colonel/Brigadier, he,also, joined IAS and he too retired as secretary to government of India. He was also successful but degree of his success was neglegible as compared to yours. It means the success in life has to be defined, keeping in mind the adversities neutralised by you. Lal Bahadur Shastri’s achievement was much more than Jawahar lal Nehru. But both were successful. Therefore, what is the third angle? It is LUCK. Sometimes, despite all your efforts and talents it runs against you. The element of luck too plays an important role in getting you the success.
The Debate? The operative words of the debate were, “what matters” and “ Success in life”. In other words, the requirement was to define “success in life” and not “success” alone. Similarly, under ‘what matters’, the role of ‘Talent’, ‘Net-working’ and ‘Luck’ was to be discussed. Most participants did it but in a somewhat haphazard manner. Actually, most of us do not get into the nitty gritty of the question. As an instructor in a premier institute, I had observed while correcting answer books of the students, that most students, who were very well-prepared, went about displaying their knowledge, rather than answering the questions straight. They invarably got less marks. It is very important to understand the operative words of the question.
Over All Impressions
It was a wonderful experience to gain knowledge from such well read and highly qualified people. I must say each one desrved to win. Reading them I have gained tremendously. All of them are real gems of SULEKHA. I hope TEAM SULEKHA realises their merit and give them their desrved place of honour in its various forums. I wish to thank each one and say you were really remarkable and you helped me start a feature which shall. Hopefully become a regular feature.
The Results
I know it is the most awaited part. But let me say All 12 ENTRIES WERE WINNERS. In order to let the show go on I have to declare the judges and the host of the next show. I am awaiting for the points given by Other two judges, namely, Sh. Yash Chhabra and Sh Kamalji . I will compile it announce the winners in PART-TWO of the RESULTS. It will be announced on 16th May 2008.
--------------------------------------------------To be continued in PART TWO
-------------AND THE WINNER IS-------------A FORE WORD!The concern of SULEKHITES can be gauged from the fact that a large number of people had viewed and commented on the entries by contestants-------all combined there were more than 300 comments and around 1000 people who had viewed these entries.Well! statistics are not misleading sometimes.I request every one to read my 'CURTAIN RAISER' to know as to what I feel about 'SUCCESS'. The link is.

Declaring Results As a teacher and instructor for considerable period in my life, I had never sulked from declaring the results. But it is a different ball game here today. How do you declare a WINNER, WHEN NO ONE IS A LOSER? I shudder, how do I do it? I have to keep the contest alive---I have to pass on the baton for the relay race to continue---I have to be truthful. An idea strikes my mind--why don't you leave the job to public---oh! yea, like most of these reality shows on the TV. So, I thought of involving the two judges in a controversy here-----but they proved more smarter than me. I approached them through a note.

Sh kamalji has put a 'DON'T DISTURB ME' placard to escape this dirty work. I suppose, he has a good excuse now. He can say that he was still experiencing the after effects of JAIPUR BLASTS. I do have my sympathies with him. Probably, the hosts of debate for the next fortnight might like to debate on the ways and means to tackle TERRORISM. The choice is of course of the next team. I am sure Sh Kamalji would be able to then give adequate inputs.

My dearest friend, Yash Chhabra, had the same dilemma as me. He simply said, " Rajee BHAIYYA, All are winners----wonderful write-ups. Let us decide by Toss." And caring his wonderful advice, I thought of flipping the coin. I gave the coin to my wife to flip it. And lo! she threw the coin out of the window saying," Silly chaps! you have no other work but keep banging your head on the LAPTOP the whole day. And what a stupid subject you chose to debate----what is there to debate---SUCCESS IS WHEN YOU SUCCEED-----HAVE YOU?" So, it is back to square one. I make up my mind to choose a most unorthodox method to declare a winner. I decided to have a lottery. I put the following chits in a can and shook it:-

Poetbittersweet ---------“Success is nothing but a continuous process of tuning up our abilities and those abilities are out of our academic, theoretical, practical applications to the tasks by our observations, judgments, priorities, resources available, and reasoning.”

Premsaran----------“Success is a relative term. Every learned individual will have his own parameters of success based on his merit to lead a happy and contended life. This being the rationale behind success we must admit that every one is successful in his own way.

Ajit Nambiar-----Networking is the branches of the tree called success, but roots are the merit of the person”

Vijayshekar---------------“The meritorious person may win the odd battle,but the networked person often wins the war. As a teacher I have seen hundreds of students pass each year with glorious marks. But whenever they come back for an alumni meeting,I am always pleasantly surprised to find the most successful persons were people with average grades in academics.”

Ehsaas--------------------“There is a saying “You need to be at right place at right time.” This sentence very well describes the opportunity for success created with networking. But my basic idea of the major root of success being the merit would still stay as if no merit how would you do justice to success?"

Dr Madhavi --------------Finally success is not a destination, it is a continuous journey and depends on your outlook whether you achieve it on total merit or with added extra networking; it hardly matters as long as the path is taken up with clear conscience. At the end of the day you should be at peace with yourself.”

Meerajay--------------Success is a non-stop walk in life. It keeps continuing and there is no end to it. Merit and Networking are like the two eyes that lead us to success in our journney of life.I would like to conclude that, for Life to be successful, both Merit and Networking are equally essential. Hope I have tried to justify my thoughts here.”


Ether ---------------------“Merit or no merit, matter for success is irrefutably conglomeration of an apt dose of time, place, method, system, and the very abstract luck.”

Pavementfeud,---------- Merit comes first. It is pure in nature. Seldom 'tasteless.'Networking is an add-on. It adulterates merit, in that the 'networker' at times devotes far too much time in building contacts. Often said to be 'tasteless' by some.”

Aditiray----------------------Success has different meanings to different people. Merits of different kind are necessary for the kinds of success one aspires for. But merit and networking are not ‘either or’ choices, the ability to network is a merit too, as are looks, personality, intellect, and articulation, among others. The ‘only’ other factor which is not a merit in an individual, but is crucial for success of any kind, is luck.”

Lotuspetals---------------- Merit can be gained by constant hard work and devotion to one's work..There was no use of the word 'net working’. Before some years has become familiar in later years.The companiesuse a big amount of its budget for adveritsements every year..but some times a certain product lacking quality ( we can use merit in broader sense) do not gain suceess in selling.....! So thus in my opinion Merit is most important criteria for success.... A topper gets his rank as due to his output in examination......”

Poetbittersweet at his best. Real networking – like say if I am short of a couple of billion, I can just call Sam and say- “Listen, dude – I need some dough urgently – ok, gimme 8, no, round it off to 10, I’ll give it back after the IPO.” What’s a couple of billion to Uncle Sam, old chap – the richest man in the world. Just loose change.”The result of the Lottery

I closed my eyes and put my hand in the CAN and following came out for the first time:
First Chit: Aditi Ray
In the second chit , it was:
Second Chit: Meerajay
As I go fishing into the can I find two chits coming out;
Third Chit: Dr Madhavi & Vijayshekar
Finally, I decided to go for cosolation chit, too:
Consolation: Ehsaas and Premsaran( just missed it--I should have taken out your chits first. Sorry.)

It is upto the winners now to host the next debate--I suggest on Terrorism---or whatever they like. They can change the rules as per their convenience. I request second placed and third placed winners to assist Aditi Ray in hosting the contest and be PRO-ACTIVE JUDGES. My best wishes to the host and the judges.

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