Sunday 3 June 2012


Jun 7 2008 | Views 971 | Comments (34) | Report Abuse
I have written enough serious stuff. So, I have been warned by my daughter and my wife to stop it or switch over to some light writing. I am making my foray into this by my first write-up on humour. No ridiculing but pun intended in the lighter vein. You can read and add if you so wish to. It is WRITER/READER participation. You are welcome to suggest corrections. Read on:-

I have been reading comments on various Sulekha pages for over a year now. They are mostly coded and couched in 'cliches'. Some of them make very interesting reading. They amuse. Don't go by their face meanings? They ridicule more than they appreciate. I tell you they DO NOT MEAN WHAT YOU READ. I can safely deduce their real meanings due to the compusions of urgent need for NETWORKING on SULEKHA. It is in generic terms and I have no specific person in mind,
TYPE OF READERS. Before I talk of comments, let me tell you there are FOUR TYPES of readers.They are:-
(a) NEW and RAW(NAR) A well- meaning reader --trying to find his bearings on Sulekha. He is very sincere in his reading of various articles. I tell you , he is the only SULEKHITE who is an avid reader on SULEKHA. He reads whatever he can lay his hands on. Most of the times, he is hungry for knowledge. He is witty but constrained. His comments are rather very meaningful as he puts down comments very sincerely. His comments do convey a different meaning but hardly noticed by anyone. He is an ASSIMILATOR of knowledge. His life on SULEKHA is just SIX MONTHS--thereafter, he no more remains raw and sincere.
(b) OLD and SOLD (OAS). Did I say SOLD---oh, I missed the 'I' in it? Their life begins after 1.5 to two years. They are well-versed in the SULEKHA's Organic Chemistry. They are now in the process of consolidating their FIEFDOMS--the PRINCES looking for LEBENSARAUM--didn't get it? I know it is a phrase from the THIRD RIECH---it stands for LIVING SPACE. They are always trying to magnetise the new comers towards their territory. They are very active on the COMMENTS section.They remain busy whole day writing ONE / HALF LINERS everywhere. They remind me of the HIDE and SEEK GAME we used to play in our childhood with BLACK CHARCOAL pieces. It was called---"KUKOO KAANGRHE" or "KUCKOO KANGDE' whatever. Result was the BLACKENING OF THE WALLS IN THE NEIGHOURHOOD. And the whole MOHALLA used to curse these kids. I do not know about these kids.
(c) MIDDLE ONES and 'FIDDLE-ONES'(MOAFO).The bloggers who have been around for more than six months but less than a year and a half, fall into this category. Some of them are the CHEER LEADERS for OLD and SOLD. They campaign for them. Post articles on THOSE GREAT ONES. In the mean while, they try to create their own identity and establish on their own. They have divided loyalities between self and their mentors. They scoot the moment they get foothold somewhere--might turn against their own mentors. They some times double cross. This is the most UNTRUSTWORTHY group .they are always restless and finicky.
(d) KINGS IN THE RING(KITR). They are the established ones--whose words are law on SULEKHA. You will find them everywhere on their own blogs. They rarely venture out in search of OTHER VIEW. They remain confined to OWN SMALL KINGDOMS of VIEWS AND VIEWERS. They have been around for more than two years. Their blogs are like QUEEN BEE's SWARM. The momemt their post gets published, there is a bee-line for the post. All , small and big bloggers , want to be counted on their page. This is where all the fun is. I find COMMENTS on these blogs FUN PAR EXCELLENCE. None of the faults of the KINGS--it is the guys who want to sign their presence who needs to be watched. Some people say what is wrong in appreciating--I say none. But you must have the decency to right, at least, what you are appreciating.

Type Of Comments---BY OAS and MOAFO TYPE


0. (Humming to Self)
Hmmmmmmmm ---- Readers Who read but
KUCHH LIKHA HAI do not comment.

1. I loved it. I have no time to read
it. Must be good.
2. Fantastic/ fabulous. What the hell is this?

3. You made my day. I read it because I have
nothing better to do.

4. Very good What a bore you are?

5. Hillarious Was it anything else?

6. Keep doing. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING

7. Visit again. You are wasting my time.

8. Wonderful read. Did I read it?

9. Good write-up!------- You wrote it --you only
understand this.

10. A nice poem ----------------Tell me, friend--what
was it about?

11. Wow! ------------Why did I read this?

12. I am not for any --------------------Why don't you take up
awards here! my case?

13. Long-- winding and Yaar! -------you have confused me.
lengthy comments.                                What is the topic?


14.You are great.------------------- Take me into your fold.

15.You are a good poet.---------- I can write better than you.

16.What expression of -------------------You call this a poem?
17.Really enlightening--------------------- Stop gassing--you don't
and educating stuff.                                  know ABC.

18. your knowledge is Come, I will teach you.
19. You have handled Brush up your knowledge,
the subject deftly. you are too stale.

20. My pleasure to know "KUCHH HAMMARA BHI
You. KALYAAN KARO"( Lookafter me)


21. I appreciate -----Get lost.

22. I understand---- You are no match.

23. I wrote-----                    This is my UNWANTED

24. I am honoured ------ Dare you say anything else?

25. I love you---                          For understanding my

26. I am moved by                                           Did you understand what I
your comments-----                                           wrote? Kindly send me a note
on this.

27.I have sent a note--- Oye, behave if you want to
survive on SULEKHA.

28. You have written Have you done a 'CUT
well. AND PASTE' job?

29. An emotional Is this poetry?
Poem on 'RAIN DANCE'--- It is a joke.

30. I love SULEKHA This damn TINA effect, yaar, else I

will lose my status on this site.

NOTE FOR FRIENDS! It is not intended to make fun of anyone but all in jest. As I have said earlier---I am changing over from a serious writer to add some humour in my write-ups. If you have some other comments to add you are welcome to add some more here.



Poonam Mishra posted 4 yrs ago
dear rajee,

eeeemmmm you have left me only with 6 choice... so here it comes for you

when i read this all it flashed in my

really enlightening and educating stuff, your knowledge is great, you have handled the subject deftly
hehehehe gimme more options else you know how i gonna comment your blogs hehehehe



Saranya Patel posted 4 yrs ago
hmmmm....kuch likha hai

well, a great humourous post!

LakshmiMukundan posted 4 yrs ago


my poor little "rain dance" blog..............what have you done to it.....................??? was not a poem though some people did take it as such................and yr translation is is a joke

happy humour blogging to you


Ether posted 4 yrs ago
hey rajee
to your fiefdoms...doom...damn...drum...mum...are all in fun or in
alles egal!"
there should be communication... comments prove people like to stay in touch...and that reflects good health...

NAVAL LANGA posted 4 yrs ago

hillarious was it anything else?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

g_madhuri posted 4 yrs ago
hey rajee,

you made my day it was hilarious

that said, nice start for a humor one. i cannot read serious stuff. now that you said you are moving into the fun category let me stop by once in a while to check out your blog space.


mindwarp posted 4 yrs ago
is being warned for being serious a reason to be humourous, or "trying to be humourous".

if humour, good or bad, does not come of its own accord, if it reflects "the need" to be humourous then that is when i guess you have to say things like "
it is not intended to make fun of anyone".
humour is a gift for both who has it and for those it is directed against and since you are a self certified moafo i dont think anyone is taking offence.

Meera San posted 4 yrs ago

thats a good write up

Indu3 posted 4 yrs ago

very interesting interpretation of humor, that too at the cost of the reader without whom the writer can not enjoy the life as a writer.

supriyad posted 4 yrs ago

well, in which category does that fall now?

Red Strawberry posted 4 yrs ago

lol dunno which cat i would fall into....very good, you have handles the subject deftly, i am honored and i understand

hee haw

atims posted 4 yrs ago
he he.. loved it........ ummm.... appreciate it.. umm.. hilarious.... um ... keep writing!!!! good, observant blog, but i am none the wiser for it, i seem to fall into all the categories, lol...

rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago
hi sp,
why did you? you could not resist it. b'coz you had------- ? so ,keep doing it.

rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago
i have to come back to say "why did you"?
answer to this is: " keep doing it" regards. rajee.

scribblingpad posted 4 yrs ago
yash chhabra posted 4 yrs ago
bandicoot run posted 4 yrs ago
rajeeji, very thoughtful and incisive post. you have given new directions to comment writing . what should i say? ok, let me assure you i have read your whole blog. i now know the kind of readers we have on sulekha. i like your definition of moafo. what is this kukoo kangrhe? is it some kind of writing on the walls? you said it is hide and seek? the meaning you have given to bloggers comments is really a true assessment. i tell you it is all the doings of the mas people. another thing you said the 'kings' are confined to their own small world. do you mean to say "frogs in the well"? come on! be straightforward. it is a masterpiece. any different meaning?

ajitnambiar posted 4 yrs ago
good write up.................

please search the meaning in your dictionary

binagupta posted 4 yrs ago
kick is slang for fun and not to be taken literally
all was said in fun

Bhiku Matre posted 4 yrs ago
i am the new reader and my comment is............
loved this one - you do your own translation :-)

rajee kushwaha posted 4 yrs ago
dear binagupta,
i had said that i would not comment on comments here. but i have to come in to assuage your unwanted impressions. please do not make it personal--there is nothing i picked from your blogs. sorry--you are wrong if you think it was to make fun of an individual--i repeat it is not so--it is an empirical statement. i am not aware of what you are talking about red strawberry---but please go on what you want to do. but i will not be kicked. how sad?
please, i am not making any statement to be noticed . i have been noticed enough and i know my territory. i am not the one who needs crutches to walk here. i repeat there is nothing personal. kindly do not identify with any of the comments. i will be grateful to you.regards. rajee.

binagupta posted 4 yrs ago
red strawberry started her critics blog n got a great kick out of it
now its yr turn- i say go for it
kudos or brickbats
u wish to be heard and make a statement
i am all for it
i try to be sincere but sometimes due to paucity of time
use those v. words that you've listed and not ashamed either
i will carryon merrily as b4 as i enjoy writing 4 myself
n sulekha is a lovely to do it
n nothing can take that joy away from me-
all that is said or will be dished out
on my poems n stories is welcome
it is better to be noticed than ignored
best regards

matheikal posted 4 yrs ago
quite a time-consuming job you did, man.

BigMojo posted 4 yrs ago
rajee, you too have taken naval's path, is it? :-) just recently he was telling us about his departure from serious stuff to humour!! well, just before that i wrote how humour sells!! he..he...

how did you miss the gem - "thought provoking!!"


Kala BN posted 4 yrs ago
hello rajee
wow! very good! i appreciate

tunnelvision posted 4 yrs ago


that is indeed a lovely take and your have done a pretty nice job at it.
the detailed analysis, terminology and abbreviations do convey heavy efforts on your part to convey so much and so subtly.
simply great…
and to return this comment, if you like to, you are invited to read the story:
hope you will not be bored…but have to take a risk.
looking forward to your learned comments.
warm regards,

sivaram56 posted 4 yrs ago

rajee kushwaha

excellent satire on sulekha readers ! i really enjoyed it. for your information i belong to the moafo category the most untrustworthy group! .mentors be cautious!!
behind the humour i see all lot of reality very subtly told .

you have done good research on this topic and presented very nice



vish shanker posted 4 yrs ago
dear rajee,
that was incisive and fun... now interprete that for me pl
ps.. it would be so much more fun if you started a testing service( a la ets) and graded commentrators into various categories

Shantalanil posted 4 yrs ago
dear rajee,
i did not know that such a microcosm as 'comments but innuendos' exists in this pond of sulekha. do you really mean we frogs croak like that? thinking that this pond is the whole and only universe? i don't know what you'll classify me as because even after 15 months in sulekha i have only grown in blogs but not in understanding its underbelly. you must be good at chess too, to be predicting and dissecting such things. enlighten us more, especially about the hoiety-toiety of sulekha.-shantala

Dream Pedlar posted 4 yrs ago

ok now, rajee, i have to be careful to which words i use,to be honest this ur first blog i am reading. so here goes my first comment as a oas. :)



Rama Rao Garimella posted 4 yrs ago
my dear rajee kushwaha,

in sulekha everone builds a small castle/house/hut of his choice. he lives happily in that and if he gets some guests he welcomes them with open arms. according to our indian type of hospitality he makes small talk mostly to make his visitor happy.
some visit as they r duty bound to return a visit like people do in services. some do because they join a mas or some other society or union. very few people have the time to read and give meaningful suggestions/comments. pressure of time i supopose.

secondly u wrote in the beginning that u were stepping into the world of humour for a change. may i say that ur blog is more of a satire and samcks of a bit of cynicism. let people be! let them indulge themselves. how does it bother u?
lastly if u r stepping into humour u r tresspassing into our territory. we have watch dogs. be careful.

sanghouston posted 4 yrs ago
welcome to theworld of humor rajeeji! hilarious ..(ab iska jo meaning lagana hai laga lijiye). man you're going to make me a very conscious commentor ..

pavementfreud posted 4 yrs ago

(to be on the safer side!)


Aram Bhusal posted 4 yrs ago
dear rajeeji,
wt about a smiley .....
well u have given us more options to express our comments... hahahaha....
i genuinely enjoyed it (not in the list )


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