Wednesday 13 June 2012


KHUDABUX, GOD AND HIS DEPUTY----A FOLK TALE FROM MODERN KASHMIR! Aug 5 2008  | Views 151 |  Comments  (27)  | Report Abuse Tags: kashmir god khuda bux militants terrorism india.  I am reproducing this short story from my earlier write-ups. it is part of my book on Kashmir. I think the situation of KASHMIR is now applicable to whole of INDIA. Our inaction and inefficiency have emboldened the TANO (TERRORIST AND ANTI-NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS). We have made INDIA a hell as this story will tell you. Let me emphasise it carries the sentiments of ORDINARY KASHMIRIS of NORTH KASHMIR who are not influenced by the DIRTY POLITICS OF SRINAGAR BASED KASHMIRIS--FROM ABDULLAHS to GILLANIS to MUFTIS to MALIKS to HOSTS of OTHERS. To satisfy their personal wants and egos, these residents of SRINAGAR have turned the valley into a UNLIVEABLE HELL. So is becoming  My INDIA-----, Dear INDIA-------- of ' Cash for CD SCAMS' and TERRORISTS  MAYHEMS. Read on!  **************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************************************************   I have a friend from North Kashmir. He gave me this story to motivate me to write a book on Kashmir. I've completed the draft and waiting for a publisher's nod. This story is part of the book, titled, "KASHMIR- THE CURSE AND CURE OF HISTORY". My friend hails from Kachhama-Tregham area of North Kashmir. His name is K***din. He is very intelligent and well-informed but poor and illiterate as is the fate of most ordinary but well-meaning people of Kashmir. They too have a stake in the prosperity of Kashmir but their voice is drowned in the political din and noise created by the people in and around SRINAGAR-who have become the SELF-STYLED SPOKES-PERSONS FOR THE VALLEY. The year he gave me this story was the year of KARGIL- Episode. Now read the story----------      There lived a man named KHUDA BUX in TAREGHAM, North Kashmir. He was  god fearing,  pious and sagacious. He was so gentle and nice that he couldn't hurt a fly. He was respected and likened by everyone. He offered NAMAZ five times a day. It is said that the tales of his piety and saintly ways reached the GOD. HE did not believe that in such immoral times there could be a man of KHUDA BUX's inclination. GOD decided to see him personally. Also, HE was enamoured by the tales of the beauty of KASHMIR and HE was keen to see it once. More importantly, HE wanted to test his DEPUTY for his FAIRNESS. So, HE handed over the reign of HEAVEN to his Deputy GOD and came to see KHUDA BUX in Kashmir.The GOD came to TAREGHAM-KACHHAMA Area and saw KHUDA BUX. He was impressed. He decided that HE would take KHUDA BUX to Heavens along with him. He checked up the details of KHUDA BUX's  earthly life and realised that he had some more time left. So HE decided to wait on earth and have some fun and holidays in GUL MARG. Thus, the REAL GOD became busy in merry-making.        It so happened, one day in the year 1990, that there was an encounter at CHOWKIWAL between the militants and the security forces. Heavy casualities were suffered by both sides. Unfortunately, in the cross fire, even KHUDA BUX got killed. All the dead persons were taken to the chambers of the  PRESIDING GOD of the Heavens. As soon as a person of security forces would march into the chambers  of the Presiding God, HE would ask him the place on earth he had belonged to. Each one would give out the name of the STATE of his domicile in India. The Presiding GOD would, then, command, "A SOLDIER DIED IN BATTLE!   MARCH HIM INTO HEAVENS." Next was the turn of the militants. As soon as a militant would tell HIM that he had come from PAKISTAN, the PRESIDING GOD will announce, "MILITARY &  POVERTY PUSHED HIM INTO THIS, HE HAD NO CHOICE; MARCH HIM INTO HEAVENS ." Finally, came the turn of KHUDA BUX.        As soon as Khuda Bux majestically walked in for a royal treatment, for, he was a man of'No- Sin'; the Presiding GOD, shouted, "Where do you come from?"  Holding his head high and Chest straight, Khuda Bux replied, " Kashmir, Sir, Kashmir". The Presiding GOD snarled, " Go back you RASCAL." Instantly, KhudaBux was thrown to earth in Kashmir. So, the spirit of Khuda Bux started roaming the valley in a despondent state.  In the meanwhile, the Actual GOD was happily enjoying his holidays in GULMARG. One day, by chance, the Real GOD met the spirit of Khuda Bux in GULMARG. GOD was stunned. He asked the Spirit as to what had happened? KHUDA BUX narrated his tale of woe.The Real GOD was totally cut off with his deputy for his lack of justice and judgement and HE decided to undo the injustice to KHUDA BUX. He asked the spirit of Khuda Bux to come along to heavens with him.        No sooner did  they reach  the gates of Heavens, the REAL GOD  sent Khuda Bux ahead of HIM to the chambers of the Presiding GOD. The moment he entered the chambers of the  Presiding God, HE got furious and shouted, " Didn't I tell you to go back you rascal ?"  Immediately, The REAL GOD entered  the chambers and scolded his deputy for his poor judgement and the resulting injustice. The erstwhile DEPUTY AND NOW PRESIDING God retorted," I' M in CHAIR, Now;  You too go back, u ras---." Real God was shocked and stunned. HE asked ,"WHAT FOR?" The Presiding God  responded," TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH AS TO HOW KHUDA BUX AND HIS PEOPLE HAVE CONVERTED A LIVING HEAVEN INTO HELL".       It is said eversince then the REAL GOD and the spirit of KHUDA BUX have been roaming in the valley of Kashmir to find out as to how it happened.   Every time they work out an answer some more KNOTTY questions spring up. There is no end to their ordeal for, the route to TRUTH has been masked by 'True Lies'. They are thus stuck in the whirlpool of  time capsule.     When K***din narrated this story to me, I chuckled, " Oh! Goodness gracious!  GOD on its   side, yet Kashmir is tormenting."  My friend, K***din butted in , " NO Sir, Even GOD can not find solution to the agony of Kashmir "  .Thus, the KASHMIR POT KEEPS BOILING  continuously. Looking for an ANSWER? Wait for my book , "KASHMIR--THE CURSE AND CURE OF HISTORY?" © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog

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