Wednesday 13 June 2012


India and Kashmir ---Some hard Facts Aug 21 2008  | Views 1246 |  Comments  (26)  | Report Abuse Tags: facts on kashmir solution ,   I am afraid some of us have wrong HISTORICITY of KASHMIR. Let me clarify to you only some facts:- -----It was not UNO who forced NEHRU but NEHRU WHO WENT TO UNO ON THE ILL-ADVICE of MOUNTBATTEN UNDER A WRONG CHARTER--instead of CHARTER viii for EVICTION OF AGRESSOR---he went for RESOLUTION OF DISPUTE under Charter vii---we should know its meaning sir, as all of us are educated. It is only after this UNO had intervened. ---- It was not that ILL PREPARED ARMY who  STOPPED on its own, it was halted by NEHRU again on an  advice of SHEIKH ABDULLA. The army was asked to halt at URI--POONCHH line because geographically and historically the Kashmir valley ended here. Beyond this was the DOGRA RULERS territory of West Punjab which had influence of JINNAH. The valley was with ABDULLA at that time. ----UN Resolution 623 had three clauses which asked PAKISTAN and INDIA to comply with in the given order of priority: -----(a) Pakistan pull out its troops from occupied KASHMIR        territory. -----(b) once (a) above is done India to pull out its troops        from KASHMIR to pre 27 Oct 1947 Position. -----(c) India to hold Plebiscite in UNITED KASHMIR--once (a)       & (b) have been done. The plebiscite was to ask only       one question whether they wanted to join India or       Pakistan. Mark it  NO INDEPENDENCE. No UNO,unless       India asked for it.     Pakistan rejected this and never carried out (a) to allow India to do (b) &(c) because at that time KASHMIRI Muslims were with SHEIKH ABDULLA and he was with India.     Unfortunately our ignorance on Kashmir and its problem is allowing PAKISTAN the upper hand. Our leaders have goofed it up. Most of us do not know these facts and we say if we promised to UNO why don't we allow PLEBISCITE? Funny, Isn't it?     Kashmir is NOT J&K and SRINAGAR alone is NOT the VALLEY.The Valley is about 120 Km long and around 40 kms wide at the midrif. KASHMIRI Muslims comprise 'BRAHMIN CONVERTEES', 'IRAQ-TURK-IRAN MIGRANTS', GUJJARS, PAHADIS and BAKARWALS . Bulk of 'Brahmin Convertees, live around Anantnag- Srinagar -Sopre area. Migrants are scattered equally in the valley. This 'Azadi' movement is the brainchild of BRAHMIN CONVERTEES, like DHARS, SHEIKHS,BHATS, RATHODS. The 'Iran-Iraq' migrants tend to side with Pakistan. Gujjars, Pahadis and Bakarwals will go along with the way it goes. Must understand this. They are not with any particular side. There is ETHNIC divide in the valley.  NOTE:-  DUE TO CERTAIN REASONS, I AM UNABLE TO POST THE FULL BLOG-----IT IS ONE FOURTH ONLY. I am trying.      © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog

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