Wednesday 13 June 2012


TACKLING TERRORISM--HOW? Jul 27 2008  | Views 2224 |  Comments  (71)  | Report Abuse Tags: wom terrorism isolation identification neutralisation ahmedabad blasts              TERORISM strikes. Again and again and again---------and again-----and again. In the recent past, it had been  Mumbai, New Delhi, Srinagar, Jammu, Varanasi, Lucknow, Guwahati Ahmedabad,and Hyderabad,followed by Bangalore and Jaipur. It is now Bangalore and Ahmedabad. Our response: SECURITY has been beefed up----again and again and again--------and again.               Terrorism is a philosophy. Parrot-rattling of beefing- up security after every terrorist attack does not take us anywhere.  We are big-mouthed people but  short of real understanding of this problem of grave consequences. It is only INDIA, WHERE TERRORISTS HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SEND AN E-MAIL PRIOR TO TERRORIST ATTACK and POOH POOH OUR NATION BY TELLING US, "DO WHAT YOU CAN TO SAVE YOURSELF".  This is a typical Hindi-movie type script of CHALLENGING THE MANHOOD OF THE NATION and most of us just sitting as poor souls awaiting sympathy of "UNCLE SAM". Every TOM, DICK and HARRY becomes an expert and gives out academic theory on how to tackle it.                          I want to make it clear, here,  that TERRORISM is not a LAW and ORDER PROBLEM, as is being made out to be. It is the piercing needle of WOM(WAR BY OTHER MEANS). It needs to be tackled with centrally coordinated efforts with a clear cut vision. Disconcerted and piecemeal efforts at the state level only aid it. Also, we must know CORRUPTION and PUBLICITY are its biggest FORCE MULTIPLIERS--which give it a fillip. So how do we tackle it?             Terrorism needs a super philosophy to counter it. Terrorist is a needle in the haystack. He needs an insider to neutralise him without disturbing the haystack.                 What should be the SUPER PHILOSOPHY? I say only FIVE things;                  -------- Need LEADERS with a vision and NOT DEALERS with TINTED GLASSES. You need BEANT SINGHS and HITESHWAR SAIKIAS and not those who think they can become BONDED LABOURERS for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY. Read my piece on "Tackling Terrorism--Hiteshwar Saikia Style". The link is;                ----------Educate yourself and the people. Understand WHAT WOM (WAR BY OTHER MEANS) IS?  We must know what is the emerging philosophy of war making in the wake of NUCLEARISATION of SOUTH ASIA and the GLOBAL IMPERATIVES. read my blogs on WOM and the future shape of war in the SOUTH ASIAN CONTEXT. The links are;                ---------Use SECURITY FORCES as a means to work out a SOLUTION and NOT THE SOLUTION. This is the key point. Do not leave everything to POWER BROKERS, SUPERCOPS and GENERALS. With passage of time they become stake holders in the the continuation of  these processes. Solutions will elude you because, who will like to lose the new-found exalted status. It is a glamour arena for SECURITY FORCES as VIOLENCE has become  an ORGANISED INDUSTRY. The security forces should be used for ISOLATION & NEUTRALISATION.                       ----------CREATE MOLES---INSIDERS----- to prevent disturbing of the HAYSTACK. It is very essential part of security forces operations. The intelligence agencies must be used for this and not for spying on your political adversaries. This will lead to IDENTIFICATION of the faceless enemy.           -----------Finally, Attend to legitimate problems of people.  Ask knowledgeable people to help but not the vested POWER BROKERS. Not necessarily the knowledgeable people have to be from the same region or the area. Local people,invariably, have vested interests. Do not indulge in lip service. Some of you who haven't seen the poor conditions of people in the remote areas of ASSAM and J&K, you just can not imagine how difficult is their daily survival from diseases. Forget about foursquare meals. Undernourishment is accompanied by poor health care, underdevelopment, lack of education and primitive living. They are easy  prey for exploitation by vested intersts. It is in the interests of the "vested inerests"to keep these people uneducated,underdeveloped and poor under the RELIGIOUS, CULTURAL and RELIGIOUS PLEAS so that they can exploit them at will. This is what happened in J&K, ASSAM, NORTH EAST. Punjab was a different story of callous dilly-dallying and rising frustration due to FLATTENING OF AGRICULTURAL INCOME. Only leadership with a vision can understand this.    As a nation, we are at war. The earliest we understand this, better it is. There is no time for debate and discussion. It is time for integerated ACTION---all out action to defeat the forces of WOM. Terrorism is just one part of it. It wants to enlarge the RELIGIOUS, REGIONAL, LINGUAL, ECONOMICAL and ETHNICAL CLEAVAGES those already exist in the body politic of India.  Once the CHASMS widen , the disintegeration will set in. This is what should be fought. Wake-up India and tackle the WOM in your house! You have no time for any delay. © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved. Bookmark this pageEdit this blog

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