Saturday 9 June 2012


    HUMANISED ROBOTS AND ROBOTISED HUMANS!                  Where are SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY taking us?  “Into the desensitized abyss of a disconnected, disjointed and a disarrayed social stratagem where humans would behave like the animals of the jungle”, is my answer.  You had heard of ‘Nuclear families’, ‘Corporate Families’, ‘Single Parent Family’ and even “Live-In Relationships’. I say ‘MOVE ON’. You are too stale and ill-informed. The world is moving lights- years away from these dingy and edgy concepts of the 20th century. We are now moving into an era, by 2050 for sure, when the need for biological urges of human beings would be fulfilled by the robots. When ROBOTS become available for ‘LOVE &SEX’, out goes the great social institute of marriage.            In the concrete jungles of human dwellings, would live HUMANS & ROBOTS as “Husbands and Wives”. We have the technology of TEST TUBE BABIES to satisfy the need of children and proliferation of humans. Therefore, somewhere, far away in some laboratory---away from the care of biological parents---the UNIVERSAL HUMAN BEINGS of the kind seen in the movies, “UNIVERSAL SOLDIER” &'TERMINATOR", would be bred as desensitized humans -bereft of human emotions.           Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of “HUMANISED ROBOTS” and “ROBOTISED HUMANS”. Is it my fantasy? No, never. Is it some kind of a joke? Shake it guys---it is the stark reality staring you in your face.  Come; let us visit MAASTRICHT in Netherlands to get a bird’s eye view of the prospects of our future.          At an international conference held at the University of Maastricht in Netherlands, it was stated by David Levy, a genetic engineer and a researcher, that within four decades from now ‘robotized humans’ would be available for ‘Love’ and ‘Romance’. David Levy is also the author of the book, “LOVE +SEX with ROBOTS”. He felt that romantic human-robots relationship would no longer be the material for science fiction. He further predicted that robots as SEX-TOYS should flood the market within five years.           It is a very disturbing development. I know some of my friends would say that it was good as it would reduce woman related sex crimes. “Rubbish”, is the only word I have, if you forward this argument. You do not know the magnitude of the calamity which is waiting to hit the human race. It has ethical questions—along with HUMAN CLONING. How do you see society in the wake of CLONES, HUMANISED ROBOTS or the SEX- TOYS and the “TEST- TUBED- HUMANS”? Have you ever wondered, about the social chords?  They will be snapped. Every one will be on his own. The JUNGLE LAWS would prevail.  Further production of humans would be FACTORY CONTROLLED and NOT FAMILY CONTROLLED. Humans will become a commodity to be traded. We are back into the dark ages. Aren't we?         What happens to social relationships, like—Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt etc? There will be nothing of this left. How do you see your great –great- grand- children? Well! I doubt if there would be any lineage? Marriages would become discredited institutes. Social relationships will lose identity. Human emotions of BELONGING will be badly wounded. The law of the JUNGLE will prevail. Man will become a true animal---no more 'social animal.           As I write this, the only question which I can answer is that we can not put back the clock. We have to think about its impact and SOCIAL PHILOSOPHERS, the world over, have to think of some plausible answers to this obnoxious threat endangering HUMAN SOCIAL SYSTEM—which is a great CHECK on THE ANIMAL INSTINCTS of the man. Even despite, all the social checks and balances, so much violence and crime take place---Can you imagine the scenario when these checks are removed? I can not imagine. Do you? God Save the humanity! © rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved.

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