Saturday 2 June 2012



A storm before the lull !
A lull before the storm?
Fret not the alarming norms;
A nation is in the making, -
As heat is must for baking.
‘Social justice’ is not the case,
 But crafty leaders make sublime –
Virtue made of rising crime;
Look deep into lunatic mystery!
Such bits make national history.
Why wonder over police excesses?
Forget even corrupted bureaucracy!
Celebrate dears! It is coveted democracy!
‘Scams’ and ‘Scandals’ democracy adorns –
For, immoral people sit on the throne.
Government cries for paucity of funds!
Roads are not built, water not supplied –
For shortage of food, millions do die;
But ‘Miss-world-show’ promotes our culture!
As ‘Jackson’ or ‘Yaani’ make us rupture.
‘Follow diktat of information age –
‘Bill Gates’ message does sound right,
Is 'Kentucky- chicken' our staple diet?
Let vultures eat butcher’s meat!
Let evil devour evil’s fleet!
Debate ye over dowry deaths,
Human psyche is full of greed,
Be it male or female breed;
Woman is woman’s own enemy--
From illicit relations to demand of dowry.
Fuss not much over terrorists deeds ,
Be it murder or abduction,
‘Terrorism is a human function’;
Let parents desist child spanking!
Let ‘Law’ do its own franking.
Plans galore for Poor’s uplift,
Empty slogans on a paper plain –
‘Poverty is a national shame’;
Let rich intellectuals stop analyzing!
Let ‘poor’ join a ‘state-uprising’.
Talk not about political games,
Politics sows unethical seeds;
For, hypocrisy is our social bead;
Let ‘Society’ shed its cast image!
Let ‘reservation’ be ‘merits’ privilege.
India passes through crucial times!
J & K burns; North East in flames!
‘UP’ is high on the chess-board game;
Behold! My nation still pulls on---
With seeds of discontent all around sown.

But, electric cuts or power failures?
Water disputes and floods disasters?
Exciting themes for a ‘news –caster’;
Be it rain, thunder or storm!A determined people must march on!

It is my optimism and hope on the future of India. I feel the current problems of India are the teething problems of a new-born state. Sixty years are too small a period in the history of a nation to overcome certain fundamental contradictions besieging a political entity. It is emotional integration which will bring peace and harmony and not political integration. Social and political fusion is always slow and painful. Nation has to pass through a ‘fire-test’ to become ‘gold’. And all its modern problems are indication of its ‘fire-test’. With grit and determination of its people, it will pass this test. It is the bleeding of the impurities which will bring purity .

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