Wednesday 30 May 2012



One ‘August’ evening,
Amongst –
Ladies and gentlemen,
Of –
A great esteem;
I –
Set at auction;
My –
Soul and dreams.
Eye brows got raised,
Vibrating –
Love and hate;
Resonating –
Deliberation and haste;
Shaking –
Frames above waist,
They added –
Only confusion to my mental state.
Some called their bid,
With –
Offers so insipid;
Others –
Merely talked hybrid;
Of the cost cribbed;
Faulting –
My make and build.
As a motion less hill,
With –
Only isolation and chill,
With –
Self generated frills,
I –
Thought of the principles,
My –
Mind possessed still.
Rigid in emotions,
With –
Cries of value –erosion,
I –
Created a commotion,
Halting –
An old man’s motion,
Who –
Prescribed me a lotion.
‘Compromise in life’
He shot –
“Between ‘truth and lies’,
Amongst –
‘Sects and tribes’
Between –
Husband and wife
Brings –
End to all strife”.
Caring his advice,
Shedding –
All emotional disguise,
With –
Lowering of price,
Once more –
I threw the dice,
My boss got enticed.
Faces grew pale,
Amidst –
An emotional gale,
Cries, sobs and wails,
But –
The deal I hailed,
As –
‘Reality’ over ‘Idealism’ prevailed.

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