Tuesday 29 May 2012



Jul 2 2007 | Views 11930 | Comments (32) | Report Abuse
   “Rubbish!” This is what most of you will yell. And some of
my rationalist friends would dismiss it as “ILLUSIONS” of my
fertile mind. Alright, dammit, you have your prerogative to trash
it. But what can I do? I have walked with a ghost for a distance
of three KMs. No, I am not gassing. It is something like
“Ripley’s BELIEVE IT OR NOT”. I have undergone this true
experience and that’s why I turned into a believer in THE

BEING. Well! The story goes back 36 years.

I was in the prime of my youth—an educated and a modern
young man of my own philosophies and beliefs. To say the
least, there was no scope for superstitions and blind faith in
unproven and unscientific phenomenon. I was like any
normal young man of all times-- brash, aggressive,
unrelenting, uncompromising, and uncaring as well as
a non-believer in the orthodoxy and a narrow minded world
view of religious rigidity. GOD and RELIGION, then, were
SLOTS of my MIND! My profession had further strengthened
my prejudices of the uselessness of RELIGIOUS
you sleep with dead bodies littered around you. You keep
doing your job; while men keep falling DEAD as you yourself

It was night 18/`19 December 1971. I was on my way
home, on some leave to my village, called BALACHAUR, a
tiny HAMLET of around 200 houses. It was then part of
HOSHIARPUR district of PUNJAB and now it falls under
NAWANSHAHAR district. The village has now overgrown
into a township of around 30,000 people. Two nearby
villages have been swallowed by it and it threatens to
eat a few more.

Just on the previous day i.e.
17 December 1971, INDIA had won a great victory in the BANGLA DESH war. Whole
Nation had gone crazy—MILITARY MEN were the heroes
everywhere---there were celebrations and thanksgiving
parties—girls of LSR & MIRANDA HOUSE in New DELHI
and some other big towns of those days had made brave
statements of marrying wounded and crippled soldiers---
women were flocking and welcoming soldiers on the railway
stations and bus stands and applying “TILAK” (LONGISH MARK
WITH VERMILLION ON THE FOREHEAD) on soldier’s forehead
---Radio stations were blaring out patriotic songs with soldiers
as heroes. I can tell you most SOLDIERS were BLOATING with
such high appreciation. By the way, I reckon the whole
ECHELON SOLDIERS” whom the authors of “CRISIS
IN COMMAND”, Richard Gabriel and Paul Savage,
dub as “REMF”—with due apologies to some sensitive
friends, it stands for “ REAR ECHELON MOTHER FU*K**”.
I suppose this is the way things are always—FRIUTS

During the immediate wake of this HYPE of VICTORY
SONGS and perceived GREATNESS of SOLDIERS, on

18 DECEMBER 1971
, at around 0835 hours, a poor me,
landed at
SRINAGAR Bus Stand hoping to catch some
bus to go to
JAMMU. What luck? A Maarwaris couple,
who had been stuck in the valley during the war period,
was negotiating with a KASHMIRI TAXI DRIVER. I too
landed there. On seeing me, the couple extended me
an invitation to travel with them up to PATHANKOT.
How could I resist? They were a young twosome—
probably newly married—who had come to KA
around 1st December but got stuck up due to war.
The name of the man was AMIT PATEL and he
addressed his wife as ASHU—I do not know her
exact name. We took off at around 9
AM and made
at about 2045 hours. It was an awesome journey
with army vehicles being given preference everywhere.
Roads were jam packed with boisterous military men
having a whale of a time in enjoying their sudden
MOMENTS OF FAME at every village, hutment or road
side eateries. They were undoubtedly thrilled at so
much attention being bestowed on them through their
countrymen’s unabashed display of GRATITUDE to
their Valour. A lot of exaggeration and gibberish was
being dished out as episodes of personal bravery by
‘rear echelon soldiers’. Some of them had never been
combat soldiers and some others had never held a
weapon in their lives in ‘olive green’. It was crazy and
I was missing the excitement by being with a decent
and a well behaved MARWAARIS couple in the taxi.
They had plenty of eatables and we had our fill every

At Pathankot, the couple bid me goodbye and
rushed to the railway station to catch the train to their
sweet home. I was charged no penny. I moved to a
road side DHABA (Eatery) and hoped to catch a truck
to HOSHIARPUR. While having a cup of tea, a
JALLANDHAR BOUND truck came and I asked
SANTOKH Singh, the driver, if he could take me up
to DASUYA. He readily agreed. The tea stall owner
did not take from me 25 paisa for the excellent cup
of warm tea he had given me. I insisted but he
stubbornly refused. I had no choice but to accept the
free hospitality of a poor tea stall owner. When many
years later, in 1998 to be exact—I stopped at the same
place, the stall had gone and a full fledged MOTEL
was functioning. I, then, saw the PHOTOGRAPH of the
-I knew what had happened. That is a separate story to
be recounted some other time.

I got into the truck of SANTOKH SINGH around
21.30 hours. Instead of getting down at DASUYA,
I carried on to Jallandhar and he dropped me at
RAMA MANDI Chowk. It was around 0030 hours
on the morning of 1
9 December 1971. My place
was still some 85 Kms away—on Road
Jallandhar-Chandigarh. Luckily, a small convoy
of military vehicles came by. They were empty
vehicles which were returning to Command HQ
at Shimla (HP). They saw someone of their elk
and in no time offered me a seat in the co-driver’s
seat of the leading vehicle. It was around
1 AM that
we might have started and the vehicles went at full
blast. At around 0230 AM I was dropped at the
“T” junction along the
the road from
CHANDIGARH bifurcated to
HOSHIARPUR. This canal takes off from River
SATLUJ at ROPAR Head works, some 30 kms
away towards
CHANDIGARH. The canal was
constructed in mid fifties. Today it has a beautiful
road running from ROPAR to BALACHAUR---where
it dissects itself to HOSHIARPUR and JALLANDHAR.
In those days, at this “T” Junction, there was a
single THATHED HUT of a tea stall, owned by a
person called YATI. In this hut barely two/three
persons could be accommodated. He had a mud
room behind this, where he lived with his family.
Today, this place is buzzing with activity, round the
clock. In fact, it is the emerging economic Zone of
this township. There is a beeline of Restaurants
and DHABAS along the road for a distance of 2-3
Kms on either side of the Flag of the “T”.

My village is at a distance of three Kms from this
T Junction. In those days, there used to be the course
of an EAST-WEST semi-dry seasonal stream
(CHOE or KHADD), unabridged and sandy, some
400-500 meters away from the “T” Junction towards the
village. The area around it had thick wild grass right up
to the village. At the other end of the stream, we had a
FUNERAL GROUND for the last rights of the DEAD MEN
of the village.
To say the least, at around 0230 hours, in the wintry
night there was no means of conveyance. Even during
day hours, one used to wait for hours before one could
get a bus. Therefore, I started on foot. I had only one
small suit case. Luckily as I approached the Dry Stream
Southern Edge, I met one of my Village UNCLES—who
was going to his fields. Zaildar Balwant Singh was a
man of around sixty nine. When He saw me, he instantly
recognized me and fired me in anger. “What are you doing
here at this unevenly hour?” he had shouted. I explained
to him as to how I had made it in one day from
to BALACHAUR. He couldn’t believe that I had come in a
day. “Have you deserted?” he had commanded. “No, No,
uncle I have come on leave, because mother had suffered
a stroke”, I had replied. He was not convinced. He started
talking of the war with
PAKISTAN. I started narrating to him
stories of our valor in the
walking with me.

He then, narrated to me the story of one MUSLIM boy,
in those days—a ‘TELI’ by caste—who had become a
Pakistan Army. He asked me about him.
I knew nothing of him.Then, he talked of some CAPTAIN
PUNJAB —owing ancestry to JAIPUR in
RAJSTHAN) whose father was a big land lord of the area.
ASRON village is near ROPAR on the Northern banks of
River SATLUJ and tucked into SHIVALIK HILLS. This used to be
the crossing place on SATLUJ before the BRIDGE AND
HEADWORKS CAME UP IN 50’s. The village is now humming
with lot of INDUSTRIAL activity. In those days, in 1971, it was a
village of MUSLIM RAJPUTS who had migrated to
. The RAO SAHIB of ASRON was a friend of ZAILDAR
BALWANT SINGH. His son, Rao Farman Ali, had been
commissioned into BRITISH INDIAN ARMY in pre-independence
days. I knew nothing of this gentleman, too. His stories were so
interesting that I didn’t know as to when I had reached the
outskirts of my village. As we came near the bylane of the SAINI
MOHALLA (Group of houses where people of SAINI SUBCASTE
LIVE), he bid me farewell and cautioned me not to venture
alone at such oddly hours. He told me he had to go to his fields
as his TENANTS were waiting there for SUGAR CANE CHURNING
(we used to call it BELNA or KOHLU for extraction of cane juice).
I touched his feet and carried on my way home. I must have
reached home around
3 AM. My family was very happy.
We talked and talked of the war. I fell to sleep around 4
Next day, I got up and spoke to my father about BRIGADIER
Pakistan army. He confirmed and also added that
YOUSOUF was his class mate (my father) and he had got
VCOs were the forerunner of JCO rank of INDIAN/
ARMY. He remained in touch with his village friends even after
migration and retired as a brigadier around 1969. I asked him
about Captain RAO FARMAN ALI—my father laughed on my
ignorance. “BUDDHU (DUFFER), He is the same Major
General RAO FARMAN ALI, who was the Chief of Staff of

I was flabbergasted at such crass ignorance. He had been in
the news for many days before surrender of the
ARMY in Bangla Desh. How could I not link his name? Then my father snapped, “why are you asking me all this?”
“Oh, I was just confirming because Uncle Balwant Singh,
Zaildar uncle, had told me about them last night” I had said.
“Shut up, don’t talk nonsense”, my father was suddenly serious.
I was utterly confused. I told him that he had narrated these
stories to me just last night. “What? Last night you met him?”
my father was shell-shocked. “Yes, He walked with me” I
replied. “I don’t believe this” uttered my father. “Why”, I asked. “Because, he died on 1
5 December 1971. We performed the
last rites.” My father had muttered. I was stunned and shocked.
It was unbelievable. How could that be? There was nothing like
GHOST about him. He was a normal man walking with his stick,
as I had always seen him before this.
Then the fear overtook me and I went silent. I fell sick for a
week and my leave was a waste of time. I remained fearful of his
coming again but he never came back. Whenever I narrate this
story, it raises a number of questions. Do you have any? Tell
you frankly; thereafter I never came across any such
phenomenon but this incident and episode keeps haunting me
for the last 36 years. There is no falsehood about this—MANO

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Dr Arun Mehra posted 4 yrs ago
hello, rajee !
what clinches the truth about your story is the fact that the person you walked with (who had died four days earlier) tells you correct things which (i belive) you did not know earlier!
really spooky! seems to make you look over the edge of your shoulder when you are alone in the dark!! i certainly would not like to visit those fields in the night, after reading this!!!
arun mehra

cradhika posted 4 yrs ago
yes, something like this happened to my mother in her childhood. i believe her.

Gita Khanna posted 4 yrs ago

hello mr.rajee kushwaha,
i happened to read your comment to team sulekha today ("sulekha google toolbar" one.....) & followed to your place herethinking this person sounds very clear-headed & genuine, so his posts must be interesting too...
and i read your this very well written account of your encounter with a peaceful departed soul.
needless to say that i surely believe every word of your narrative. of course our souls are a different dimension of our physical beings, and even bhagwat gita says that we change our bodies when time comes but our soul is immortal. i also believe that if you live your life well then the restless souls (the harm-doing kinds) will not harm you , rather some good souls may help you in your difficult situations, no matter whether you are aware of their presence or not.
a soldier returning after active duty, that too to an ailing mother - well, sure you got a helping hand from a similar but long departed war-hero. maybe his soul is still wandering in search of some closure ? maybe some offerings as some shanti-pooja for him would set his soul free to commence on his journey to be one with god ? who knows.......
just a thought.

i take this oppurtunity to thank you for being there up front for your and our country.


quasimodo posted 4 yrs ago
wow sir,
creepy as hell and absolutely inexplicable..trust in god above seems to be the answer here..

LakshmiMukundan posted 4 yrs ago

that was v interesting....................even a departed soul welcomed a returning hero in its own way..................salutations to you for having fought for our country


ashualec posted 4 yrs ago
i believe every word of this account ..it actually happens

babydoll77 posted 5 yrs ago

dear mr kushwaha,
very well narrated story.....i wonder u even remember the exact time and dates tiil now....its way back long.........36 yrs is pretty long time,....but i do agree to your story because ghost do exist.....anyway...nice blog..........

Spotha-Dhvani posted 5 yrs ago
i am convinced rajee.
i had one such experience, but instead of frighting the wits out of me, it left me a bit humble. there are things about which i dont know anything.
there are reasons, such as hallucination, or being tired and exhausted by your journey one often falls into a state of dream walking, a sort of walking on the borderline of sleep and wakefulness. but those stories he told you. those are the things that blow your mind away.

naresh_lalwani posted 5 yrs ago

hi rajee,
i believe in what you say. i had at one point of time been fascinated with this aspect and had read books on this.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

hi everyone,
sorry i ,ve off the net because bsnl exchange at chandigarh got burnt last saturday and my computer was not functining. it is still off and i have come to a cyber cafe to update myself. i thank everyone who has read this post and also thoe dear friends who have commented on this. i can not explain anything--but the incident is true. and thereafter it has not happened at all.
dear, it is not a question of my believing in it or not. it does not make a difference now after 36 years, but it haunts me. those of you who want to rubbish it, you are welcome to do so. i 've not written this to convince you. this is what is inexplicable and nissiem has said it is a black swan phenomenon( read my post : is rebirth a black swan phenomenon?). if you have not undergone this phenomenon, obviously you will not accept this b'coz it is illogical in a modern world of science. my only submission is that science has many frontiers of knowledge unexplored. it is a fallacy of people like francis fukuyama who think 21st century knowledge is "the end of history"---this universe, cosmos, and space is the achilles heel of science.
deviating a bit my only advice to everyone is that science has far too many rough edges to discard such straight forward personal xperiences. some of my scientist friends should not be rigid like the church of the 16th/17th centuries who ridiculed people like gallileo, newton and darwin. they would be making the same mistake. by the way in usa, para psychology is a most sought after subject. they are carrying out serious research into mental telepathy. cia is into this in a big way. have some of you read manchurian man--a book which came out in the mid eighties---it talks of the way cia carried out assassinations through mind control of in conspicuous persons. it is avery interesting reading. the hatd drug lsd was the product of such experiments.
therefore, you are at a liberty not to believe this but do not rubbish it because your and my science has yet not acquird tools to explain these things. regards. rajee.

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Dr Arun Mehra posted 4 yrs ago
hello, rajee !
what clinches the truth about your story is the fact that the person you walked with (who had died four days earlier) tells you correct things which (i belive) you did not know earlier!
really spooky! seems to make you look over the edge of your shoulder when you are alone in the dark!! i certainly would not like to visit those fields in the night, after reading this!!!
arun mehra

cradhika posted 4 yrs ago
yes, something like this happened to my mother in her childhood. i believe her.

Gita Khanna posted 4 yrs ago

hello mr.rajee kushwaha,
i happened to read your comment to team sulekha today ("sulekha google toolbar" one.....) & followed to your place herethinking this person sounds very clear-headed & genuine, so his posts must be interesting too...
and i read your this very well written account of your encounter with a peaceful departed soul.
needless to say that i surely believe every word of your narrative. of course our souls are a different dimension of our physical beings, and even bhagwat gita says that we change our bodies when time comes but our soul is immortal. i also believe that if you live your life well then the restless souls (the harm-doing kinds) will not harm you , rather some good souls may help you in your difficult situations, no matter whether you are aware of their presence or not.
a soldier returning after active duty, that too to an ailing mother - well, sure you got a helping hand from a similar but long departed war-hero. maybe his soul is still wandering in search of some closure ? maybe some offerings as some shanti-pooja for him would set his soul free to commence on his journey to be one with god ? who knows.......
just a thought.

i take this oppurtunity to thank you for being there up front for your and our country.


quasimodo posted 4 yrs ago
wow sir,
creepy as hell and absolutely inexplicable..trust in god above seems to be the answer here..

LakshmiMukundan posted 4 yrs ago

that was v interesting....................even a departed soul welcomed a returning hero in its own way..................salutations to you for having fought for our country


ashualec posted 4 yrs ago
i believe every word of this account ..it actually happens

babydoll77 posted 5 yrs ago

dear mr kushwaha,
very well narrated story.....i wonder u even remember the exact time and dates tiil now....its way back long.........36 yrs is pretty long time,....but i do agree to your story because ghost do exist.....anyway...nice blog..........

Spotha-Dhvani posted 5 yrs ago
i am convinced rajee.
i had one such experience, but instead of frighting the wits out of me, it left me a bit humble. there are things about which i dont know anything.
there are reasons, such as hallucination, or being tired and exhausted by your journey one often falls into a state of dream walking, a sort of walking on the borderline of sleep and wakefulness. but those stories he told you. those are the things that blow your mind away.

naresh_lalwani posted 5 yrs ago

hi rajee,
i believe in what you say. i had at one point of time been fascinated with this aspect and had read books on this.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

hi everyone,
sorry i ,ve off the net because bsnl exchange at chandigarh got burnt last saturday and my computer was not functining. it is still off and i have come to a cyber cafe to update myself. i thank everyone who has read this post and also thoe dear friends who have commented on this. i can not explain anything--but the incident is true. and thereafter it has not happened at all.
dear, it is not a question of my believing in it or not. it does not make a difference now after 36 years, but it haunts me. those of you who want to rubbish it, you are welcome to do so. i 've not written this to convince you. this is what is inexplicable and nissiem has said it is a black swan phenomenon( read my post : is rebirth a black swan phenomenon?). if you have not undergone this phenomenon, obviously you will not accept this b'coz it is illogical in a modern world of science. my only submission is that science has many frontiers of knowledge unexplored. it is a fallacy of people like francis fukuyama who think 21st century knowledge is "the end of history"---this universe, cosmos, and space is the achilles heel of science.
deviating a bit my only advice to everyone is that science has far too many rough edges to discard such straight forward personal xperiences. some of my scientist friends should not be rigid like the church of the 16th/17th centuries who ridiculed people like gallileo, newton and darwin. they would be making the same mistake. by the way in usa, para psychology is a most sought after subject. they are carrying out serious research into mental telepathy. cia is into this in a big way. have some of you read manchurian man--a book which came out in the mid eighties---it talks of the way cia carried out assassinations through mind control of in conspicuous persons. it is avery interesting reading. the hatd drug lsd was the product of such experiments.
therefore, you are at a liberty not to believe this but do not rubbish it because your and my science has yet not acquird tools to explain these things. regards. rajee.

Dr Arun Mehra posted 4 yrs ago
hello, rajee !
what clinches the truth about your story is the fact that the person you walked with (who had died four days earlier) tells you correct things which (i belive) you did not know earlier!
really spooky! seems to make you look over the edge of your shoulder when you are alone in the dark!! i certainly would not like to visit those fields in the night, after reading this!!!
arun mehra

cradhika posted 4 yrs ago
yes, something like this happened to my mother in her childhood. i believe her.

Gita Khanna posted 4 yrs ago

hello mr.rajee kushwaha,
i happened to read your comment to team sulekha today ("sulekha google toolbar" one.....) & followed to your place herethinking this person sounds very clear-headed & genuine, so his posts must be interesting too...
and i read your this very well written account of your encounter with a peaceful departed soul.
needless to say that i surely believe every word of your narrative. of course our souls are a different dimension of our physical beings, and even bhagwat gita says that we change our bodies when time comes but our soul is immortal. i also believe that if you live your life well then the restless souls (the harm-doing kinds) will not harm you , rather some good souls may help you in your difficult situations, no matter whether you are aware of their presence or not.
a soldier returning after active duty, that too to an ailing mother - well, sure you got a helping hand from a similar but long departed war-hero. maybe his soul is still wandering in search of some closure ? maybe some offerings as some shanti-pooja for him would set his soul free to commence on his journey to be one with god ? who knows.......
just a thought.

i take this oppurtunity to thank you for being there up front for your and our country.


quasimodo posted 4 yrs ago
wow sir,
creepy as hell and absolutely inexplicable..trust in god above seems to be the answer here..

LakshmiMukundan posted 4 yrs ago

that was v interesting....................even a departed soul welcomed a returning hero in its own way..................salutations to you for having fought for our country


ashualec posted 4 yrs ago
i believe every word of this account ..it actually happens

babydoll77 posted 5 yrs ago

dear mr kushwaha,
very well narrated story.....i wonder u even remember the exact time and dates tiil now....its way back long.........36 yrs is pretty long time,....but i do agree to your story because ghost do exist.....anyway...nice blog..........

Spotha-Dhvani posted 5 yrs ago
i am convinced rajee.
i had one such experience, but instead of frighting the wits out of me, it left me a bit humble. there are things about which i dont know anything.
there are reasons, such as hallucination, or being tired and exhausted by your journey one often falls into a state of dream walking, a sort of walking on the borderline of sleep and wakefulness. but those stories he told you. those are the things that blow your mind away.

naresh_lalwani posted 5 yrs ago

hi rajee,
i believe in what you say. i had at one point of time been fascinated with this aspect and had read books on this.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

hi everyone,
sorry i ,ve off the net because bsnl exchange at chandigarh got burnt last saturday and my computer was not functining. it is still off and i have come to a cyber cafe to update myself. i thank everyone who has read this post and also thoe dear friends who have commented on this. i can not explain anything--but the incident is true. and thereafter it has not happened at all.
dear, it is not a question of my believing in it or not. it does not make a difference now after 36 years, but it haunts me. those of you who want to rubbish it, you are welcome to do so. i 've not written this to convince you. this is what is inexplicable and nissiem has said it is a black swan phenomenon( read my post : is rebirth a black swan phenomenon?). if you have not undergone this phenomenon, obviously you will not accept this b'coz it is illogical in a modern world of science. my only submission is that science has many frontiers of knowledge unexplored. it is a fallacy of people like francis fukuyama who think 21st century knowledge is "the end of history"---this universe, cosmos, and space is the achilles heel of science.
deviating a bit my only advice to everyone is that science has far too many rough edges to discard such straight forward personal xperiences. some of my scientist friends should not be rigid like the church of the 16th/17th centuries who ridiculed people like gallileo, newton and darwin. they would be making the same mistake. by the way in usa, para psychology is a most sought after subject. they are carrying out serious research into mental telepathy. cia is into this in a big way. have some of you read manchurian man--a book which came out in the mid eighties---it talks of the way cia carried out assassinations through mind control of in conspicuous persons. it is avery interesting reading. the hatd drug lsd was the product of such experiments.
therefore, you are at a liberty not to believe this but do not rubbish it because your and my science has yet not acquird tools to explain these things. regards. rajee.
sajita7 posted 5 yrs ago

>>>where do people go when they die? what is death? is it a finality or a transition? coz if it's a transition, then one has the option to come back, right? <<<
i think jesus answered most of the question about death and after life in new testament.
once he told about a rich and poor man's story which is in
luke 16:19 "there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
luke 16:20 "but there was a certain beggar named lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate,
luke 16:21 "desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
luke 16:22 "so it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to abraham's bosom. the rich man also died and was buried.
luke 16:23 "and being in torments in hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw abraham afar off, and lazarus in his bosom.
luke 16:24 "then he cried and said, 'father abraham, have mercy on me, and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for i am tormented in this flame.'
luke 16:25 "but abraham said, 'son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented.
luke 16:26 'and besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.'
luke 16:27 "then he said, 'i beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house,
luke 16:28 'for i have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'
luke 16:29 "abraham said to him, 'they have moses and the prophets; let them hear them.'
luke 16:30 "and he said, 'no, father abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'
luke 16:31 "but he said to him, 'if they do not hear moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.'"
jesus also said in john 5:24 "most assuredly, i say to you, he who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.


damsel posted 5 yrs ago

i believe in ghosts....never ending argument....

rronnyy posted 5 yrs ago

dear rajeeji
wow that was some experience; i have no shame in saying i would have had wobbly legs if i had gone through that hahahha.
great description sirji.

media_lady posted 5 yrs ago

neat! liked the vivid description. there are so many things that are beyond our power of comprehension, hence i am open to believing that supernatural incidents like this one can occur.
liked you storytelling style. keep writing :)

taureandude23 posted 5 yrs ago
hi there
the story narrated by you was thrilling and iwas at the edge of my seat all through out. i do believe in the paranormal, because of the simple reason that every positive has an equal and opposite negative. its the law of nature. and if i believe in god, whom i have never seen touched felt or smelt, then i very well believe in the supernatural too. its fascinating. thankfully or unfortunately i havent had any ghost experience . but then, only after the talk with your father did you come to know that zaildar was indeed his ghost. for you it was just a normal stroll with a bit of chit chat with zaildar. fascinating experience.
take care

maddss123 posted 5 yrs ago

dear rajee kushwaha
interesting to know you were part of indian army , your story is interesting and should be seen as an experience of yours, i am a devotee of lord hanuman, therefore thoughs of supernatural are generally free from, as you narrated it , it must have happened.

gisurgeon posted 5 yrs ago

if this is is true, and we truly live on after death, in whatever form- this provides a reason for existence- as you age- ashes to ashes , dust to dust- we wonder what are we doing?

ddas15847 posted 5 yrs ago
Pratishtha Shrotriya posted 5 yrs ago
i dunno what to say. ghosts, hot breezes, demons, apparitions... i usually keep my mind open to the world's mysteries. where do people go when they die? what is death? is it a finality or a transition? coz if it's a transition, then one has the option to come back, right?

Zeena123 posted 5 yrs ago
true... such experiences happen with many people. thankfully never experienced one myself
Overthetop posted 5 yrs ago
well, my only question is that my father told me almost a similar story when i was a kid. have you published it anywhere in 1980's? just in case...

swarajya posted 5 yrs ago
it is strange that a soldier believes in ghost.i read the entire story as it was kept very thrilling throughout.most of the story is on journey towards hometown.only in the end when father tells him about uncle balwant singh that he died on dec 15,1971 and was cremated, the soldier thinks that the person who accompanied him with that name might have been his ghost.
a good account of a soldier's homeward journey.

Sa_Na posted 5 yrs ago

the story was well narrated. i read each word from start to end with bated breath.
although i haven't met any ghosts myself, i have had experiences that somehow affirms in me, the possibility of another world, which is not ours.

Melody Queen posted 5 yrs ago

dear sir,
your post had me glued to the screen from start to finish. your description of your travel and the terrain is all vivid. at one point, i was thinking the tea stall owner was going to be the ghost, but no. waiting for your blog on what happened to him .
my grandfather had once related his experience with a yakshi (female spirits as they are known in kerala). he was returning home one night through the deserted thekkinkadu maidanam (the maidan of teak trees in trichur, kerala), when a yakshi called out to him and started following him. my grand father quickly started reciting the gayathri mantra . the yakshi didn't harm him, but instead escorted him home safely . i don't know how much of it is true though.
personally, i haven't 'met' a ghost so far; maybe i will start believing in them when i meet one.

shravanm posted 5 yrs ago

a neat post ... a well deserved featured blog .....

shravanm posted 5 yrs ago

a neat post ... a well deserved featured blog .....

ANDY PANDY posted 5 yrs ago

dear a.k.siva :)
eager to know about your experience with the supernatural.

ANDY PANDY posted 5 yrs ago

excellent blog sir.
im waiting for the blog about what happened to the tea stall owner.
please do visit my blog and read the the ghosts of bhaskar nagar

A.K. Siva posted 5 yrs ago
i believe you sir!

i've had a similar experience (which is extremely difficult for me to comprehend) with some supernatural being in 2002. i don't want to elaborate my story, as most people may not believe it, but just like you this experience still haunts me.


Sainiput posted 5 yrs ago

maanaa ke tumhara estile hai sunane ka bahut badhia sarkaar.
magar yeh bhooton ko beech mein kiyon laate ho yaar.
sabhi jaante hain ke 1971 kee bharat-pak jang.
thee punjab ke puttron ki uljhi hooyee umang.
jis mein raha bharti punjab ke puttron ka palrha bhari.
aur paki punjabion ki hooyee bahut khuari.
woh kangna-mode aur balachaur ke beech ka rasta paanihar.
maine kiya hai anekon baar bina mile bhooton ke aar paar.
by the way tumhari srinagar se balachaur ki aik din ki yatra.
ho saki hogi poori sirf ittefaak se, varna mushkil thaa yeh rasta.
jo bhi ho main daad deta hoon tumhare ander ke kahanikaar ko.
aur karta hoon benti ke na felao bhooton jaisi anhoni ke andhkaar ko.
interesting story. i especially enjoyed the history (of the region) more than the actual "ghost" story.

abhikush posted 5 yrs ago
interesting story. i especially enjoyed the history (of the region) more than the actual "ghost" story.


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