Tuesday 29 May 2012



New disciplines of science are emerging, where an effort is being made to seek resonance with nature and spirituality. Astral studies, Telepathy, Para-normal experiments, Hypnotism, Para-psychology, Astrology, Astronomy and Psychiatry have added new directions and dimensions to bridge the chasm between science and religion. Hunch, intuition, clairvoyance, crystal gazing are the new buzz-words of science. OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES (OBEs), NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (NDEs), REBIRTH and PAST LIFE REGRESSION (PLR) are as much matters of concern to the modern scientists as exploration of the outer space and UFOs.

While science itself continues to seek union with SPIRITUALITY through the pioneering works of its most devoted modern followers, yet some of its ‘LESS INFORMED EXPONENTS IN INDIA’, who had been trained and educated on the old, rigid and vintage concepts of CONVENTIONAL SCIENCE, display their SHALLOWNESS by rubbishing the spiritual explanations of INEXPLICABLE PHENOMENON OF SCIENCE. Most of them are specialists and teachers with a vast knowledge of their own subject but alas, a very poor idea of the world outside their doors. Some of them are so lost in their school-time science that they don’t even know the latest advancement in the sister branches of their own area of interest. They remain immersed in their own TUBE –a kind of ‘frog in the well’. To them, it seems, anyone’s belief in ‘religion and spirituality’ is a sign of ‘backwardness’, a kind of barbarian attitude. Religion and its philosophy to them is ‘UNTOUCHABLE’.

The other day, I read a most respected blogger of SULEKHA winning kudos for his nondescript blabbering on “SCIENCE and RELIGION”. I hold no brief for any religion. But the arguments in the said post were born more out of ‘emotional reasons’ than any real issue at hand. He did not explain anything but went on to exhort people to do something for the poor. Noble thoughts of a POLITICAL visionary? Playing to the Gallery? HUH? Concern for POVERTY has become a favourite play ground of NON-PLAYING CAPTAINS of the game. Have you heard of the ‘LAW OF IRRELEVANCE’, of course, enunciated by Sir Humphrey Appleby, a British bureaucrat and the famous author of “YES, PRIME MINSTER”? The Law of Irrelevance goes: THE LESS YOU INTEND TO DO ABOUT A THING, THE MORE YOU HAVE TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT. So much for the peeved concerned for the poor by my blogger friend. I won’t say that an empty vessel makes much noise.

I could smell nothing concrete the author could offer to replace religion. In fact, the very people, whose cause he so loudly espoused are so under-educated and under privileged that they hardly understand the COMPLICATED NUANCES OF A ‘PHYSICIST’s SCIENCE’, instead they only find solace in RELIGIOUS THERAPY. They have no value for the theories on WMDs or ETs. They live in a real world with real problems of NATURAL and MAN MADE DISASTERS. To them, only religion and spirituality provide escape from such holocausts. What has he got for the masses to remain steadfast during crisis? I ask him: what is a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE to RELIGION, other than a plethora of your NEG A TIVE VIEWS? I know some of you will say that EDUCATION was the alternative. I will request you guys to look around yourself---the most educated lot, nay the cream they say--- how many of you have discarded religion? What do you mean by education? Weren’t GLASGO DOCTORS educated? Isn’t OSSAMA educated? It is a self eluding fallacy to think education will replace religion. A rationalist must have a viable alternative proposal, sir. In fact, education and science themselves are turning to religion and spirituality.

Perhaps, the author of the said post had no idea of linkages now being sought between ‘science and spirituality’ by NEURO SURGEONS. He might like to know the progress being made in the study of OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) and NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and their co-relation with the brain. I draw his attention to the studies by Dr OL A F BL A NK of University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, which show that some OBEs can be induced by electrical stimulation.

And N A NDINI GUL A TI, psychotherapist and a student of world famous Dr Brian Weiss, prominent Psychiatrist and author, says, “------I don’t think science has definite explanation for OBEs ------. More ever, if spirituality offers better insight into the cycle of life and death and offers comfort and strength, scientific explanation is not required.” Perhaps, we might like to take these BLOCKED-MIND-Scientists less seriously because their science can not even explain 20 percent of Nature’s phenomenon.

Is religion bad because some people carry guns in its name or carry out murders? Doesn’t science have its own ‘BIGOTS’ and ‘Killer Priests’? Oh, they do have? So, isn’t science as bad as a religion? Draw your own conclusion. But keep in mind: if religion produces hard core TERRORISTS, then science places not only deadly weapons in their hands, such as ANTHRAX POWDER or the SYRINGE BOMBS, activated by mobiles but it also provides highly qualified SCIENTIFIC MINDS to operate them. I say, please think of NBC Weapons or what they call ‘WMDs’, too. Who is the bigger culprit? Don’t they say THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES, MUST NOT THROW STONES AT OTHERS? Moral of the story, my dear sir is: IN THE WORLD OF YORE TODAY, NO ONE IS A SAINT—EVEN MOON, IN SPITE OF ITS PLEASING AND SOOTHING MOONLIGHT, HAS ITS UGLY DARKSPOT.

© rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved.

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Chitra Jha posted 4 yrs ago
why do you get so angry by others' disbelief? let each one live according to their truths. channelize your energy in pursuit and practice of your own truth. in this world, each one is right in their own thinking.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear ronny and chetananr,
thanks for your comments and observations. i really relished them. keep visiting my posts. regards. rajee.

Chetananr posted 5 yrs ago

if we read patanjali, the yoga sutra, we can see the border between science and religion blurring.

rronnyy posted 5 yrs ago

dear rajeeji
it is all in the mind whether one is educated or not, if mind cannot rationalize things then the trouble begins. i think the same is happening with the educated muslim folks all over the world. their mind is getting twisted by irrational thoughts, which only would explain their extreme self defeating actions. very well written.

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