Tuesday 29 May 2012



         We, the people of INDIA, live in our make- believe world of TRUE LIES, reinforced by our day-dreaming political leadership, a committed band of bureaucratic “YES, MASTERS” and narrow–minded class of short-sighted intelligentsia, who can not think beyond their caste, creed, religion and region. Step in anywhere, the place will stink of self-bragging and self promoting individuals, who just do not care about the enormity of the harm their act would do to their MOTHERLAND. Has any one read “BEAR TRAP” by Brigadier YOUSOUF MOHAMMED (Retired) of PAKISTAN Army? This gentleman was the man in charge of AFGHANISTAN DESK of ISI in the 80’s. His main job was, in collaboration with CIA, to procure arms for the AFGHAN INSURGENT groups, fighting against the forces of erstwhile SOVIET UNION. He used to acquire weapons through the active support of CIA. Once a consignment of arms was received by him through the CIA. While inspecting the consignment, he noticed that the make of the weapons was of SEMI LOADING RIFLES-7.62 MM, manufactured at ISHAPORE (WEST BENGAL), India. He was stunned because he never could think that INDIAN ARMS could be supplied to AFGHAN INSURGENT GROUPS. Reason was India’s open support to USSR and AFGHAN Govt of the times. He asked the CIA coordinator, Major Richard, of this mystery. The CIA Coordinator replied, “Brigadier, You know INDIANS are BAST**DS. They can sell their mother for MNOEY” This is what the US administration thought of INDIA. And we continue to scream the song, “INDIA-US BIGGEST DEMOCRACIES IN THE WORLD! HINDI-AMERICANS BHAI BHAI( INDIANS & AMERICANS ARE BROTHERS). This is a biggest lie foisted upon the people of INDIA by so called INTELLECTUALS & reinforced by Government and its coveted bureaucracy. US is not anyone’s friend. It uses NATIONS like CONDOMS and then throws them away to rot in affluent drains of civil war, violence and corruption. I would like to talk about some of the lies that are nibbling at the INDIAN NATIONHOOD.

LIE ONE.   THERE IS A THAW IN SINO-INDIAN RELATIONS.  China has occupied SUMDORONG VALLEY in May 2007. China refuses to vacate 42000 SQUARE KMs of AKSAI CHIN. It is not even talked about in INDIA. It is not even part of KASHMIR talks. China‘s economic and strategic interests are in competition with us and not complimentary. China is steadfast in her approach towards INDIA. It refused VISAS to ARUNACHAL MPs in May 2007. Who are we fooling but us?

LIE TWO.  KASHMIR PROBLEM CAN BE RESOLVED THROUGH DIALOGUE. How? Only in two ways—either PAKISTAN gives up its claim of UNFINISHED AGENDA OF 1947 ON KASHMIR or INDIA forgets about its “ATTOT ANG” (INSEPRABLE PART). Who will? To the uninformed it is must to know that “ENMITY WITH INDIA” is the only SURVIVAL FORMULA for PAKISTAN. Kashmir is the only issue which stuffs it with this hate. The day KASHMIR goes, PAKISTAN goes. So, we must know, talk or no talk, “IF YOU MIX SUGAR TO POISON IT DOES NOT BECOME A SWEET DISH OR PUDDING. IF ONE CONSUMES, IT WILL KILL ONE. PAKISTAN IS PURE VENOM FOR INDIA.” And, why not? It is the question of Pakistan’s EXISTENCE. Who are we cheating?

LIE THREE.INDIA IS AN EMERGING SUPER POWER. China openly insults you. Pakistan does not listen to you—instead it uses some of your citizens to bleed you. You can only cry to USA and EUROPE with evidences. Who cares or cared till 9/11 happened? Even after this, they haven’t done anything to rein in PAKISTAN. Bangladesh—a Nation born with your help, openly rebukes you on the borders. You can not fence it to stop infiltration. In fact it is the hub of ANTI-INDIA activities and you are HELPLESS ONLOOKER. You have more than 50 CRORES living below POVERTY line. Your society is divided into CASTE, RELIGIOUS and REGIONAL cleavages which militate against your INNER UNITY. Your economic growth is increasing the GULF between HAVES and HAVE NOTS. The nation, from NE to MAHARASHTRA and J&K to TAMIL NADU, is tormented by TERRORISM, RIOTS, INSURGENCY and VIOLENCE. INNER UNITY IS ALMOST NON-EXISTENT. Is this an emerging SUPER POWER or a NATION struggling to survive?

LIE FOUR. INDIAN COURTS ARE THE TEMPLES OF JUSTICE AND TRUTH. Well, well!! The BMW case should open every one’s eyes if RAM JETHAMALINI‘s defence of MANU SHARMA in JESSICA LAL MURDER CASE did not. Nitish Katara case is another example of justice being taken for a ride. These are only high profile cases where POLICE, LAWYERS and JUSTICE DISPENSERS have questions raised on their conduct. There are large number cases where accused get acquitted on connived deficiency of evidence.

LIE FIVE. MODERN INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IS THE BEST. If IIT boys have got the recognition, it does not mean the whole system of INDIAN EDUCATION has been recognized world wide. In fact, most people outside INDIA look at your DOCTORS and PhDs disdainfully. They do not recognize your degrees. Countries like CANADA they do not even recognize your ENGINEERING graduates. Most of them are TREATED AS QUOTA DEGREES—meaning the admission to professional colleges acquired NOT on the basis of MERIT but because of CASTE/RELIGION QUOTA. Therefore, HIGHLY QUALIFIED Indian boys are offered jobs as only “RECEPTIONIST or ACCOUNTANTS.”

LIE SIX. CONSTITUTION ENSURES ALL CITIZENS ARE EQUAL WITHOUT ANY CONSIDERATION OF CASTE, CREED, REGION AND RELIGION. It is an ambiguous myth which tries to justify a wrong of the PAST BY ANOTHER DELIBERATE WRONG. “The ancestors ofUPPERCASTES IN INDIA WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE POOR SOCIAL PLIGHT OF DALITS and SCHEDULED TRIBES, therefore they must be compensated by reservation in EDUCATION and GOVT JOBS”, so runs the major argument to justify reservations. Sixty years have gone by how many DALITS have been empowered? Not even 10 percent have benefited. Only the power brokers have enjoyed the maximum advantages, they do not want them to become COMPETITIVE. If you allow this you lose your power because you lose your institution from which you draw power. How can you remove the MUCH MALIGNED CASTE SYSTEM, if you perpetuate it in the constitution? How can you attain social equality if you keep the issue alive through provision in the constitution? Now every one wants share in the cake. While everyone decries the caste system, yet no real efforts are being made to remove it. IT IS CREATING NEW PRIVILEGED CLASS/CASTE. India is trying to get out of the FRYING PAN ONLY TO FALL INTO FIRE. How can a student obtaining 10 PERCENT marks be a good DOCTOR? Why is there a down slide of moral values? TEACH THE HUNGRY MAN TO CATCH THE FISH BUT DO NOT GIVE HIM THE FISH EVERY DAY. But we do it. Let quotas be removed? OTHERWISE HOW IS THERE EQUALITY WITHOUT CASTE, CREED AND RELIGION? It is an ambiguity.

LIE SEVEN. ARMED FORCES ARE HOLY COWS. I will only draw attention to the fact that even LT GENERALS are getting COURT MARTIALLED—which could not be even dreamt. Corruption, cheating and, forgery have sneaked into armed forces like a contagious disease. “BOOZE BRIGADIER”, “KETCH-UP COLONEL” and “TEHLEKA GENERAL” are the symbols of deterioration. It is high time the authorities wake up and arrest the cancerous growth lest the last institute of state power melts away like the house of wax.

LIE EIGHT. POLITICAL PARTIES ARE IDEOLOGY-DRIVEN. It is the biggest myth. IDEOLOGY went into oblivion long long ago when NEHRU died on27 May 1964. It was in 1969 when the real downslide began in the wake of PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. Thereafter PARTIES became PERSONALITY ORIENTED. Today they are PERSONAL FIEFDOMS, because of caste, creed and religion. Rest everything is eyewash –from MANIFESTOES to LOFTY TALKS on TV/ ELECTION CAMPAIGNS. Do I have to talk more on this issue?

LIE NINE. NEW GENERATIONS OF INDIAN YOUTH LACK SOCIAL & MORAL VALUES. Oh, HULLO! Which moralities are we talking about? Isn’t this the accusation against every generation by the OLD TIMERS? The fact is society is in a constant state of transformation to further grow and develop. THOSE WHO STAGNATE, THEY ARE LIFELESS. Value system of a society is for a particular time period. SOCIAL moralities emerge to suit the times. They can never be CONSTANT for ever. Customs and traditions are means to run a social system smoothly in a given time frame. They must change when the society changes. SOCIETY TRANSFORMS ITSELF BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT CHANGES IN THE ECONOMIC, GEO-POLITICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTS. The world is being GLOBALISED. It ought to have an IMPACT on INDIAN SOCIETY. The cheer leaders of old moralities and social values must realize—the YOUTH NEEDS GUIDANCE and NOT DIRECTIONS. India’s GLOBAL Citizens are already ruing the fact that INDIA DOES NOT PROVIDE ADEQUATE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH TO ALL CITZENS. Let us not make them hate us for this.

LIE TEN. INDIA IS A DEMOCRACY? What a myth? It is a MOBOCRACY soon going to be ANARCHY because of the inept leaders. KENT laments in his essay the “POLITICAL CRITIQUE”, “Why is in spite of all the mirrors in the world, No knows what one looks like?”Looking at the way, RAJSTHAN’s GUJJAR AGITATION brought the nation to stand still, can we say we are the law abiding citizens of a mature democracy? Same thing happened in PUNJAB some 15 days before this. We have NO PATIENCE, NO TOLERANCE and NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW. Authority is held to ransom at the beck and call of a few POWER BROKERS. Is it the MAJORITY WISH? Is it DEMOCRACY? What happens during elections? Our LAW ENFORCERS ARE ON THE RUN. Police has become totally ineffective everywhere. OUR THREE PILLARS OF DEMOCRACY OUR BAYING FOR EACH OTHER’S BLOOD. OUR GREAT TEMPLE OF DEMOCRACY CHANGES LAWS TO SUIT ITS MEMBERS. It refuses to honour the HIGHEST Court’s verdict. The courts pass uncalled for strictures against the EXECUTIVE. The Executive just does not bother, both for PARLIAMENT and JUDICIARY. IS it DEMOCRACY? It is FREE FOR ALL ANARCHY.

These lies are just the tip of the ice-berg. India has to go a long way in everything to fit into its rightful slot in the comity of nations of a GLOBALISED WORD. I’m looking beyond this. We all know our transformation from FIRST WAVE MAN (AGRICULTURE) to SECOND WAVE Man (INDUSTRIAL) to THIRD WAVE MAN (INFORMATION/KNOLEDGE). We are now heading into the FOURTH WAVE (COSMIC AGE). This man will be a citizen of a GLOBAL VILLAGE and moving into the INTER PLANETARY and INTER GALAXIAL SPACE. Are we ready for this? The COSMIC MAN will rule the universe tomorrow. The PACE OF GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT WILL BE AT BREATHNECK SPEED. JOIN THE BAND WAGON, my INDIA. To do so, SHED THESE TEN LIES. REGARDS. RAJEE

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