Monday 28 May 2012


 Of late, mankind has been badly hit by a huge deficiency of familial ethics and moral bankruptcy. This has been caused by the rising rage for materialistic gains, which has raised the inexorable head of Individualism through the glamour bazaar of liberty and freedom. Freedom without responsibility; liberty without accountability and wealth-amassing without propriety of means have shaken the very foundation of social bonding, mutual trust and peaceful co-existence of individuals, communities, socities, polities, religions and lingual fraternities.Hatred and violence, today, are so pronounced in every day life of each individual that peace and safety seems an utopian dream of mankind. And, every one helplessly
prepares oneself to silently view the final act of the extinction of earth and mankind. It is only a few individuals who are pushing the world towards its destruction. If we want to survive we have to stop them. There is an American saying," Why fix a thing, If it is not broken?" It implies that one must not waste time on trivial matters or mundane things. Is the survival of the EARTH a trivial matter? You know What Professor LINSDAY had once said. He had stated that one did not drown by falling in the water, one drowned for having had stayed there. Are we all waiting to drown in the deluge being caused by the rising waters of INDIVIDUALISM? This phenomenon has aroused false notions of liberty and freedom which have re-sparked the dormant animal instinct amongst human beings. Driven by hunger for materialistic gains, man has broken free of social and familial bonds to act without caring for its consequences for others. Aggresiveness, hatred, selfishness and greed have become more pronounced in human conduct which have led man to indulge in violence and conflict.

In real life, there is no real-time display monitor of the consequences of your actions , which can refrain you from doing as to what you are doing . You live it today and not on the glory of yesterday or the hopes and promises of tomorrow. Today is the reality; face it. And this reality is that 'human life' has become a commodity to be traded in the competitive and a market economy of the 'Free world'. You know we are on sale. Talk not about old social ethics and moralities which are marvellous ruins of a old social structure. May be, if we survive our impending extinction, the future travellers of these ruins would marvel at their grandiose style, like we wonder today at the beauty of collapsing caves of Ajanta and Ellora! New moralities of the emerging social system lay stress that individual was supreme and all his activities revolve around this as the central theme. You are welcome to join this band wagon and watch your world crumbling before your eyes. Well, the rat race is on and some rat will win. Run and enjoy the momentary fun, for, when the hour of misfortune would strike there would be none left to shed tears and write an epitaph for this great planet and its self-destructive creatures!

I'm told we live in an era of 'INFORMATION SOCIETY'. The only thing man should have, i.e. 'Knowledge & Information' is denied to him by the spin doctors of the exponents of 'FREE WORLD'. The very conduct of 'Alvin Toffler's "THIRD-WAVE" generation or what you call the 'knowledge society', frightens me . They behave like the ' TSUNAMI-WAVE' and I feel they are making this earth a dangerous place to live. Their FREE-FOR-ALL CONCEPT OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY WITHOUT ANY SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND FAMILIAL RESPONSIBILITY ARE BREAKING THE CHAINS OF EMOTIOAL TIES AND AFFINITIES. This thinking is the cause of de-sensitisation and brutalisation of human-beings , finally, contributing towards religious activism and over-energisation of religious fundamendalists.The theory of 'INDIVIDUALISM' has its varients in regional, communal, lingual, religious, ethnic, racial and economical fraternities.
Fragmentation and disintegration of families, socities, and countries due to onslaught of 'INDIVIDUALISM' is causing friction and violence in every nook and corner of the world. The result is terrorism, wars, military conflicts, riots and disharmony. Emotive bonds of centuries of togetherness have boken. There is a general state of hatred, distrust and a sense of insecurity. You see, mankind is sitting on a volcano of its destruction. If we want to save it we would have to re-infuse social codes and a set of moralities which bind people obligingly together. Declaring wars on terrorism or against a crazy nation will not reverse the situation. Our social living has begun to follow the norms of 'ANIMAL KINGDOM', where every one is on his own. We are desensitised. What is needed to be done is to do away with the dominating philosophy of 'free- for-all- liberty and freedom', which is the' Mother of'INDIVIDUALISM'. To do so, we must begin with the basic unit i.e. the old family system. Let family emotions spread its wings to tie people into familial, social and human bonds to sensitise people towards each other's sensitivities. If It happens, we shall survive. And we owe it to yet-to be-born future generations to let them see this beautiful creation of the GOD.

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