Tuesday 29 May 2012



There is a general view that statistics often mislead. But it is also a truism while statistics might not be the ABSOLUTE TRUTH; they do reveal a trend, a pattern or the direction in which events do take place. Therefore, one can only dismiss statistics with a pinch of salt.

In a recent joint survey by THE FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE and THE FUND FOR PEACE, India has been ranked as 110 on the FAILED STATE INDEX amongst 177 countries of the world. India has improved her position from 95 Rank in the last survey report. In this survey, lower the RANK, better the stability of a nation. A set of 12 indicators from social, political, economical and military fields were used. While it might not be a case for celebrations but certainly it is an encouraging sign for the changing LANDSCAPE of STABILITY in INDIA. We might be million miles away from true STABILITY but it is heartening to note we are on the road leading to it. There are as on date, according to survey, two areas of concern in the POLITICAL FIELD where India does not figure well. These are: PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION OF PUBLIC SERVICES and CRIMINALISATION/ OR DELEGITIMISATION OF THE STATE. I need not elaborate on both the points because the twosome i.e. the failure of the Government to deliver on provision of basic amenities and healthcare as well as break down of the state apparatus in various parts of the country, are visible even in darkness. It gives me no joy to say that our ranking is several notches below CHINA but that is a highlight of the survey.

My major concern and cause for alarm is the indication of REGIONAL INSTABILITY due to FAILED STATES euphemism that defines India’s neighborhood.The survey ranks PAKISTAN, MYNAMAR, BANGLADESH, NEPAL and SRILANKA all within first 25 positions and in that order. These unstable neighbors of India are bound to have a cascading effect on India. Torn by internal conflicts and political chaos these countries are the ready made FACTORIES of TERROR. India has to do something to check their chaos and disorder from rolling over into her borders. She also must make efforts to stabilize these countries to restore peace and stability in the region. A few years back RAND CORPORATION of USA published a study in which it had predicted an “UGLY STABILITY” in SOUTH ASIA in the first few decades of 21st Century. We have been witnessing this for last so many years. Can we spin out of this cauldron? It is a must for the safety and security of future generations of the region. SAARC must become an effective instrument of peace, development and fulfillment of common men’s aspirations. India has to pay attention to this vital aspect. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS?

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