Wednesday 30 May 2012



“Hi, is anybody there?”
“Yes, what’s it dear?”                  “I am TIGER with a PIG on line.”
“We are children with 'Future Divine'.”

“How come in soldier’s uniform?”

“Violent earth, we want to reform.”

“I must say, it is a noble mission!”

“Tired of our elder’s sloppy vision!”

“Do you feel the earth is likely to explode?”

“Unless we eliminate the man-made gods?”

“Why do you have such negative thoughts?”

“Because ruffians fill the leader’s slot.”

“Hey, ‘Child-soldiers’ is not the answer.”

“But adults have become court-dancers”

“Do you dare to be ‘evil-busters?”

“This is the courage, we do muster.”

“Are you modelling on tigers of Tamil Elam?”

“Certainly not, they don’t figure in our plans.”

“Oh, you don’t want to become ‘Tigers’, dear?”

“No, No! We hope to be ‘Riders’ without fear.”

“Do children get spoiled if one spares the rod?”

“On the contrary, self-styled Icons are no Gods.”

“Well! Well!! Do not talk in spiralling riddles”

“You see, when the fame comes, the Icon fiddles.”

“Then, moral discourses must be a sham”

“Like a well-metalled road on a seeping dam.”

“Does the hole widen with falling bricks?”

“Innocence falls prey to emotional tricks.”

“How do you account for this value-erosion?”

“Obliging yes-man’s passport to promotion.”

“All right! How does this system operate?”

“Leaders look the other way when PA’s dictate.”

“But 'freedom-fighting' is a noble venture?”

“Frustration acquires an artificial denture.”

“So, freedom movements are losing their teeth.”

“Because, ‘globalisation’ is rising on its feet.”

“So, why are you, then, dressed like soldiers?”

“Along its path, removing human-boulders.”

“But I will not allow your hegemony, here.”

“The days of ‘brawn’ have gone, my dear.”

“I am the ‘tiger’ and you are but a child.”

“Submit gleefully, else we would be wild?”

“But, you see, I am not a human boulder.”

“Why do you carry past on your shoulders?”

“This is jungle, dear, not a human habitat.”

“Yes, we want to make this world flat.”

“I do not get it, what does it imply?”

“The notion of ‘nationhood’ is about to die.”

“What? Nationhood dying? It makes no sense.”

“It means borderless world without any fence.”

“Hey, what is so new? Our jungles are like this.”

“Soon the flattened world will have the bliss.”

“You mean to say the rules of jungles will apply.”

“In gender relations, it would be a staple diet.”

“Shut up! Do not utter a sheer white lie.”

“It is darkness when you close your eyes.”

“Come on, dears; check this moral down-slide.”

“'Flat world' will have no ‘groom’; also no bride.”

“Do you say marriages will have no social stamp?”

“Yes! Yes, it is on display on the ‘Western’ ramp.”

“Well! Religions will not approve this murky affair.”

“Where jungle rules matter, who would care?”
"Will religious 'heads' put down the shutter?"
" In lit up areas, dying insects do flutter ."
"You mean the role of religion will decline."
"You must know it is losing its glossy shine."

“Shocking, dear! It is shocking revelations!”

“Infallible will blast with inner implosion.”

“Is this our ‘future’ on your 'rifled' tray?”

“Draw your conclusions, whatever you may.”

“Then, how come you are making a loud noise.”

“As children of the ‘Future’, we have no choice.”

“Hey, you mean future has broken through?”

“Old order changed yielding place to new.”

“Are we, of the old genre, now history books stuff?”

“Well! Better you kiss reality now, it is not a bluff?”

“Can you give ‘the old’ some space to live?”

“Whirr……..whirr…….whirr………”(Line gets noisy!)

“Hey, do you hear? It is time to quit.”

”Hullo! Hullo!! Are we still connected?”


“It will take time before past is resurrected”


“Hey, ‘kids of the future’! Are you still there?”

“Caller please leave the line, your time is over.”


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