Monday 28 May 2012



Last night,
While gazing the moon,
I saw,
Glowing eyes of some one;
Staring me,
With curiosity and fun;
It was a unique sensation;
Reminding me,
Of fairy tale narration.
Of miles of separation;
To cure –
Me of all depression;
To negate –
My glacial isolation;
With –
Visions of a secret privation;
I flew
On wings of imagination.
Suddenly, then,
Some clouds in combination;
Mask the moon,
In a vision blocking fashion;
Stalling –
The launch of my mission;
Wondering –
‘What abortion’ means before ‘Conception?
I wait cloud deviation.
And, hurriedly,
Comes a stupendous realization;
Whence –
Hearts transmit same vibration;
And –
Mutual devotion is love’s foundation;
Doesn’t moon make?
Spacebridge of communications;
Linking –
Separated souls but full of passion.
I await cloud fission;
Oh, the wait?
Stretches like elastic elongation,
And, when –
Many anxious moments gone,
Full moon –
Once again on horizon shown,
It seemed –
You’d stopped seeing the moon.
For –
Glowing face had disappeared;
The blotted moon could only bear;
The empty dark space;
Of the dazzling face that was there;
And, now it –
Slowly cruises towards other hemisphere,
Fully realizing –
Borrowed light doesn’t make it sun’s peer.
Disheartened –
As moon nears its space sojourn;
And I –
Left with heart frozen,
Curse the moon –
With my tongue brazen;
Yet –
Every night on horizon;
It locks –
Your eyes with mine;
When –
You watch its borrowed shine;
And –
I see this remorseful decline,
Though –
Spatial gap prevents our physical combine.

in in blogs


Jun 8 2008 | Views 385 | Comments (18) | Report Abuse

This poem was written in the fall of 1986, when I, an army officer, was posted on the main Siachen Glacier and located at Siala- a Northern most point on the glacier, touching Indra Col – at a height of 22000 feet above sea level. 'Indra Col'(Not named after Indra Gandhi but Lord Indra--the ruling god of heavens) is the junction point of the borders of India, Pakistan, China, Russia and Afghanistan. It is also called WAKHAN CORRIDOR--which was once considered to be posing a threat from RUSSIA during the BRITISH rule in the last two decades of 19th century.
The poem was written on a full-moon night in December 1986. My family was then at Ambala in Haryana (India) – some 400 kms away as the crow flies. The scenario was exotic with moon light falling on the snowy surface of glacier for miles and miles.And FULL MOON NIGHT evoking a feeling of unison. I feel, moon can become the medium of instant communications between two beloveds, irrespective of the physical distance between them. In those days, there were no facilities for telecommunication at the Siachen Glacier. Read On.

Last night,
While gazing the moon,
I saw,
Glowing eyes of some one;
Staring me,
With curiosity and fun;
It was a unique sensation;
Reminding me,
Of fairy tale narration.
Of miles of separation;
To cure –
Me of all depression;
To negate –
My glacial isolation;
With –
Visions of a secret privation;
I flew,
On wings of imagination.
Suddenly, then,
Some clouds in combination;
Hide the moon,
In a vision blocking fashion;
Stalling –
The launch of my mission;
Wondering –
‘What abortion’ means before ‘Conception?
I wait cloud deviation.
And, hurriedly,
Comes a stupendous realization;
Whence –
Hearts transmit same vibrations;
And –
Mutual devotion is love’s foundation;
Doesn’t moon make-
Spacebridge of communication?
Linking –
Separated souls but full of passion.

I await cloud fission;
Oh, the wait?
Stretches like elastic elongation,
And, when –
Many anxious moments gone,
Full moon –
Once again on horizon shown,

It seemed –
You’d stopped seeing the moon.
For –
Glowing face had disappeared;
The blotted moon could only bear;
The empty dark space;
Of the dazzling face that was there;
And, now it –
Slowly cruises towards other hemisphere,
Fully realizing –
Borrowed light doesn’t make it sun’s peer.
Disheartened –
As moon nears its space sojourn;
And I –
Left with heart frozen
Curse the moon –
With my tongue brazen;
Yet –
Every night on horizon;
It locks –
Your eyes with mine;
When –
You watch its borrowed shine;
And –
I see this remorseful decline,
Though –
Spatial gap prevents our physical combine.

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