Tuesday 29 May 2012



       There is a general notion that religion represents GOD. I say it is a fallacy. God , if HE exists, has not authorised any one BELIEF/FAITH/ SECT/RELIGION/TEMPORAL PHILISOPHY to represent HIM. In fact, all these so called religions represent only those individuals who had founded them. Religion is a way of life of the segment of people who believe in it. As time passed the way of life became contrary to the existing socio-politco conditions.Thus, a need was felt to mould the way of life to suit the new environments. Therefore, some WISE MEN OF THOSE TIMES, evolved certain principles , based on the socio-economical conditions of their times, to guide human beings to live life better, while performing new rituals. But they had no certificate fron the GOD to represent HIM. New Religion was founded because old one had corrupted due to ritualisation and priestly hedgemony. Moreso, because old religion did not suit the changed socio-politico-economical environments in different periods of Human History.
         If GOD was to authorise any one to represent HIM, then all these religions would have uniform practices or standaradised rituals. But they do not. How come GOD allows discrepancies in its own preachings.
      All these religions talk about ABSOLUTISM of their own respective gods and then go on to say GOD IS ONE. Isn't it contradictory.? If GOD is one then why have separate temporal practices and the rituals or why fight as to which GOD was supreme? Each religion talks about the veracity of its professed TRUTH. In other words, this SINGULARITY OF TRUTH about god disallows others existence. How come GOD will allow such obnoxious thoughts to disown his own creation. FACT IS : RELIGION IS A HUMAN MADE MYTH ABOUT GOD.
God believes in HIS CREATION and HE calls it as HUMANISM. I read some beautiful statements by some pseudo-intellectuals that TERROIRISTS HAVE NO RELIGION. I say forget it.
       MODERN RELIGIONS ARE THE MOTHER OF TERRORISM--some less some more. All religions have fundamentalists. who are fundamentalists? ACCORDING TO ME , THOSE WHO DO NO ACCEPT OTHERS EXISTENCE OR VIEW POINTS ARE FUNDAMENTALISTS. When they cause implied, intended, imagined or real violence or agony, either mental or physical, to any one they are TERRORISTS. Terrorism is not only to cause physical injury per se, it is also to be INTOLERANT about others. Look at those CHURCH PRIESTS in ENGLAND who disallowed YOGA CAMP in their campus because it was UNCHRISTIAN. why do these PRIESTS cry HOARSE when HINDU BIGOTS in INDIA prevent their CONVERSION PROGRAMME? Isn't it the POT calling the KETTLE black?      
     Similar example I can give about other religions. Dear friends, INTOLERANCE IS THE MOTHER OF TERRORISM. And all religions of today are INTOLERANT. What is your take, sir? By the way I am a GOD FEARING man--NOT A 'COMMIE'--Never----but I do not believe in the MAN MADE RELIGIONS---which are nothing but BIRTH TAGS. I could have been as well born a MUSLIM as my birth tag IDENTITY being a HINDU. I believe in THE EXISTENCE OF GOD or SUPREME BEING and I have also challenged my SCIENTISTS FRIENDS on this.

© rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved.

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rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear bela,
i agree with you hundred percent. you are absolutely right. god has been misinterpretted and misquoted by these so called godly men that today there are questions on his existence. the biggest culprit is the concept of religion--which has distorted the and defaced the image of god. the day man gets out of the mental prison of religion he will be reunited with god.
thanks for visiting my blog and offering your valuable comments. please keep visiting. regards.rajee.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear raghurame,
thanks dear for your soothing remarks. i agree religion is a lock on man's thinking cells. it disallows his mental faculities to think beyond the singularity of its only truth. but, 21st century is going to send it to dustbin of human history. regards. rajee
dear jisajoker,
i relish you observation and thanks a lot for supporting my views. kindly keep visiting my blogs and keep offering your observations and comments. thanks again. regards. rajee.
dear yash,
thank you dear for your valuable comments.you are a real good sport and i hope you keep holding my hand like this. here is a couplet for you:-
mujhe is fiza mein, badlati hawa mein,
bohat khauf lagta hai nayi ada se;
kehte hain log jisko naya zamana,
mujhko toh lagta hai betuk tarana.
sir, this is the openig stanza of my geet---" purane safe(old pages)". regards rajee.

cerabella posted 5 yrs ago

what you say is apt for today's world. the concept of god was one of a divine power, a supreme controller who acted like an elder. over the years, this concepts have underwent so many changes. each time a self-indulgent/selfish/cunning person has stepped in to promise salvation or access to god religion has changed, not for the better. religion these days is more about lauding the medium - godmen and women. god seems to have slipped between the cracks of greed and commerce.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear sukhdev,
thanks brother. you see god created man and man wove a web around god and created an illusion of godly teachings through the concept of religion. thus, the vicious circle goes on and on.
nice to hear from you after a long time. luv . rajee.

sukhdevsingh posted 5 yrs ago
for all these years i have been wondering - has god made man? or it is man who made god?

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