Tuesday 29 May 2012



Nothing fires the imagination of man more than the vast mysteries of the trilogy of LIFE, SPACE and GOD. More man explores them more mysterious they become. As science kept advancing towards them, their frontiers kept enlarging. But time has come when man could say, “I AM COMING”. The contours of knowledge and human thoughts have begun to unfold the final frontiers. Here is, “How It IS?”

‘GLOBALISATION’ is in full swing despite the noisy ranting of diehard ‘NATIONALISTS’ and ‘RELIGIOUS’ fanatics spread across the globe. They are dying concepts. (Read my post “INFORMATION AGE TO COSMIC AGE---WITHERING CONCEPT OF RELIGION AND NATION STATE” posted on SULEKHA BLOGS in Sept 2007). Global citizens of all nationalities are multiplying every day, every minute and every second. ‘CONTINENT HOPPING’ is a PROFESSIONAL NECESSITY of 21s t Century. It is no more a pleasure trip. It is for MAGNETISATION OF HUMANS TOWARDS MORE OPPORTUNITIES AND MORE WEALTH THROUGH CHEAPEST MEANS. Join the band wagon or be ready to become SLAVES OF FUTURE SPACE TRAVELERS COMMUNITY—gravitating towards exciting opportunities for POWER and PELF in the UNEXPLORED SPACE.

And looking some 150-200 years beyond the present times, into the 23rd Century, I find, exciting new prospects for humanity—if it does not destroy itself by the use of WMD(weapons of mass destruction) such as ‘ANTI-MATTER’—10 grams are adequate to obliterate life from the earth’s surface. On these negative prospects some times later in future, I will write. Let me emphasize here that keeping with the enlarging community of ‘CONTINENT HOPPING’ citizens of today, mankind has the potential of upgrading to ‘GALAXY HOPPING’ in the next 150 years.

Why do I say this? Have I found answer to Stephen Hawking’s quest for “UNIFIED THEORY” or “THEORY OF EVERYTHING”? Is it that I am on war-path with Francis Fukuyama’s postulation of “END OF HISTORY”? To my detractors, it is nothing of the sort. I am only putting two and two together to work out a shape of things to come. No, I do not claim to be a FUTUROLOGIST. I am only taking a holistic view of the innovations and technological advances and then working out a synthesized model of FUTURE HUMAN BEINGS who will re-enact the fetes of mythological characters of VEDIC TALES—which talks of sages like NARDA or other CELESTIAL BEINGS who could move in the ‘TRI LOK’ (THREE WORLDS) as fast as the twinkling of an eye. They could come and go at will. We are moving towards this. How is this?

Let me first recount TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES which set the ball rolling:-

@ SIMULATED WORLD.Nixon Bostorm, director of ‘Future of Humanity’ project at OxfordUniversity says that by 2030 AD we could have “VIRTUAL BRAINS” like the one’s you saw in the movie ‘MATRIX’. These virtual brains could simulate their bodies and move around anywhere. In fact he goes on to add that 20 PERCENT CHANCE EXISTED THAT OUR WAS A SIMULATED WORLD AND IT COULD GO OFF LIKE YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN GOING OFF AS YOU LOG OFF. In such a “VIRTUAL WORLD” we will have “VIRTUAL BRAINS” roaming the COSMIC SPACE at will.

@ RECYCLING HUMAN LIFE. Human DNA has been mapped. This could lead to ROBOTISATION of HUMAN Beings. Now if you please, if you want to recycle your life you can DIGITALISE your self. (Kindly read my post, “DIGITALISING HUMAN BEINGS” posted on Sulekha Blogs in Sept 2007). We can produce robotized clones and re-enact our entire life or we can make our self SPACE TRAVELLERS by sending our animated clones into space to various galaxies. Once they return, THE ORIGIONAL YOU” might not be there but they can re-enact your life with STORED DIGITALISED DATA in your DIGITALISED LIFE FILE and also make corrections where ever required. Of course there are moral questions? But let us first conquer the final frontiers of HUMAN ANATOMY and SPACE MYSTERIES. Let us seek its synthesis with the virtual world.

@ SPACE ELEVATORS. NASA is currently working on a project on SPACE ELEVATORS which, they say, is likely to be ready by the year 2100 AD. It is said that the ELEVATOR would function like a lift and it might extend up to 100,000 km into space. The elevator would comprise a cable whose one end be anchored to a floating ramp in an ocean and the space end would be attached to an orbiting satellite. The elevator is meant for the use of space travelers for moving from space station to another. This is the preliminary step towards large scale space travel. It is said this would facilitate, space tourism, space Hotels and Space factories. Efforts are also being made to harness SPACE ENERGY—which will come from undiffused sunlight. Emphasis is now on the concept of producing REUSABLE space vehicles. There are teething problems here but work is on to find answers.

Now couple these technological advances in GENETIC ENGINEERING, NANO TECHNOLOGY, and SPACE RESEARCH with innovations and inventions in LIFE SCIENCES you will get a synergic view of the future. Think of advances in PSYCHIATRY and NEUROLOGY. In fact, Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is becoming very popular in curing psychic maladjustment of individuals. Just think beyond this and you will land up justifying the THEORY OF REBIRTH and the KARMIC CYCLE. In fact the ID (Intelligent Design) Theory of the beginning of this Universe, as opposed to Big Bang Theory, has almost acknowledged this. May be the SIMULATED WORLD theory of Nixon Bostorm might authenticate the KARMIC THEORY and CYCLICAL Nature of time. I am not on this subject but I have highlighted this only to suggest that MAN MIGHT HAVE TRYST WITH GOD IN A DISTANT FUTURE.

What is going to be this TRYST with God? I do not know. But dangers are there that man might destroy himself and this universe before his final meeting with GOD. Is this going to be the way man wants to meet his creator? Is it his final TRYST? AFTER ALL WE MIGHT BE THE SIMULATED WORLD. BOSTORM says that there were 20 PERCENT PROBABILITY THAT IT WERE SO. Are we heading for our final destination? Think—and think hard.

© rajee kushwaha., all rights reserved.

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rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear sainiput sir,
you are absolutely right we have miles and miles to go. but keep coming. regards. rajee.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear jaijui,
thank you very much. yea, the world is shrinking and shrinking faster than what we think. we will soon see the upgradation of man from information age to cosmic age. scientific advances are now veering around to the view that the concept of god, after all, might not be scientifically untrue. the theories of id and a simulated world do suggest this. let us hope we might have an encounter with god. but the real danger is that we might disappear before this happens because advancement in science has also created deadly wmd like anti-matter. let us hope good senses prevail and there is maha sansar like mahabharta. regards. rajee.

Sainiput posted 5 yrs ago

expanding frontiers of scientific progress.
but still to trudge miles and miles of blind faith's darkness.

jaijui posted 5 yrs ago

for sure the world has become smaller ..people think nothing of flying across
continents ..job related ...and return within 2 to 3 days ..no jet lag ...no nothing !
yeah , where wiill all this end ? is it healthy ? is all this making us powerful and forgetting
god ?
only time will tell..in the meantime ..i will be a good human being ..do my duty in life ...and
wait and watch

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