Monday 28 May 2012



‘Time’, though UNFATHOMABLE, has TWO connotations. It is similar to the latest controversy on the creation of life on earth. According to SCIENTISTS of old school of thought and, of course, some RATIONALISTS too, the creation of life on earth began after the creation of universe by the ‘BIG BANG (BB)’. It advocates the continuous expansion of the universe, thereafter. “NO”, says the latest viewpoint, supported of course by THEOLOGIANS, “The life on earth has been INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED (ID)”. The ‘BB’ or the ‘ID’ theories have their own supporters. The one says that the universe sprang out of ‘Nothing’ with a BIG BANG, the other presupposes its ‘pre-existence’ and hence the ID, The difference between the TWO is: ‘ID’ theory believes in the existence of a ‘SUPREME-BEING’ where as ‘BB’theory discounts the existence of this ‘SUPREME BEING’ (I am deliberately not calling it GOD). Bear in mind, both are scientific theories; though ID, being the latest, has at the moment only a minority view. What are their connections with time? It has a deep connection. The BB theory says TIME MOVES LIKE AN ARROW IN A LINEAR FASHION NEVER TO COME BACK, where as the ID theory puts forward the view that TIME MOVES IN A CYCLIC PROCESS. What is the difference? It is very simple: ONE (ID) repeats, the OTHER (BB) does not. Wait, do not jump to conclusions. I’m not going to give you a pep-talk on KARMIC THEORY. But ironically, I must admit that ID theory supports the ‘KARMA’ arguments of VEDIC PHILOSOPHY.

Stephen Hawking, the renowned Astrophysicist and a Mathematician, says in his book, “A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIMES”, that ‘TIME and SPACE’ merge at the boundaries of BLACK HOLES. It implies time comes to a stand still. In other words, the ARROW OF TIME DROPS DEAD. If it drops dead then obviously it must restart. And if I’ve read HAWKING correctly, then it restarts from a ‘WARM HOLE’. Is he suggesting it is CYCLICAL? No, this is not my interpretation. I am merely conjecturing that through his search for “UNIFIED THEORY” he ultimately might come to this conclusion. Even if U read “SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY” by EINSTIEN, you will note that he too, argued that TIME and SPACE can be CONDENSED. If so, does it mean we can MOVE FORWARD and BACKWARD in time. Simply put, of course, and why not because don’t certain celestial events repeat PERIODICALLY? Hypnotic sciences do regress a person in time to cure him of his psychic problems. Ask some PSYCHIATRIST? Have you not heard of PARA PSYCHOLOGY which is an advanced science, today? Does some one remember here the MYTHOLOGICAL tale of the MARRIAGE OF BALRAM—elder brother of LORD Krishna? It is a long story. Let me say in a few words. It is said a Girl and a Father went to BRAHMA in the HEAVENS during ‘SATYUGA’ to ask for the suitable match for the girl. It might have taken some SECONDS as per them but when they came to earth it was ‘DWAPAR’. The ‘TRETA’ and ‘SATYUGA’ had gone past in the journey up and down. Its enormity you will realize when you learn of the ages of these YUGAS given in the last few paragraphs of this blog. FUTURE and PAST can thus be condensed and hence predicted. Isn’t it?

Is my question a naughty one? Yes, it is. How? Because I am getting you to the VEDIC point of view that TIME was CYLICAL. Once you understand this, it will be very easy for you to comprehend the VEDIC CONCEPT of TIME. Are you still not convinced? Ok. How r DAYS n NIGHTS formed? Your Answer: The earth rotates around its axis. Excellent. But do you ever think why does it complete a ROTATION in 24 hours roughly? Why not in 10 hours today and 17 hours tomorrow? Similarly, Earth’s revolution around the SUN forms SEASONS at FIXED INTERVALS. Each time the ARROW DROPS DEAD the new cycle begins. Ok, forget earth. Let us talk about certain other CELESTIAL BODIES. Take Hailey’s COMET. Why does it repeatedly visits EARTH every 78 YEARS? Isn’t this movement REPITITIVE or SIMPLY CYCLICAL. (SOME SCIENTISTS ARE ALSO SUGGESTING THAT MAN CAN RIDE THIS COMET TO EXPLORE THE UNIVERSE). There are a number of other such phenomenons which confirm that TIME REPEATS. If it repeats it is CYCLICAL. We DO NOT ACCEPT THE CYCLIC OR THE FIXED PERIODICITY OF TIME BECAUSE OF OUR SHORTER LIFE SPANS. IT IS BECAUSE WE CAN NOT OBSERVE. But, what we can observe we accept, such as DAY n NIGHT phenomenon. This is the essence of the VEDIC THEORY OF TIME. My point is kindly do not RUBBISH THIS WITH DISDAIN because even age old scientific beliefs are not the ULTIMATE TRUTH. Ok, just assume for a while till you reach the end of this blog.

Now if you accept that time was CYCLICAL, then, you also must seriously consider the VERISIMIMLITUDE OF THE CONCEPT OF REINCARNATION & KARMIC PHILOSOPHY. REBIRTH is a CORNERSTONE of KARMIC THEORY n VEDIC CONCEPT of time. I invite you fellows to read Dr. BRIAN WEISS‘s “MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS”. He is a renowned US Psychiatrist, who accidentally got involved with real life REBIRTH NARRATINS by one of his patients. This book is all about the true narration of 86 BIRTHS by CATHERINE—his patient. He has written some other books too on the same experiences. His works justifies the REINCARNATION theory.

Please, please spare me the agony; it has nothing to do with any religion. VEDAS knowledge is not the only PRESEVE of HINDUS or BRAHMINS, it is a KNOLEDGE RESOURCE, as would be the BOOKS ON THE LAWS OF PHYSICS. Have I told you about VEDIC MATHEMATICS? No, I haven’t. There are 16 SUTRAS (FORMULAS) which helps you make calculations faster than the computer also. I can not help it if you still think VEDAS are only some kind of SONGS IN PRAISE OF GODS. The Vedic scriptures and literature, if studied in details, will give you the idea as to how great WAS THE SCINTIFIC ADVANCEMENT DURING VEDIC TIMES. All this scientific knowledge known to man today was far advanced in the VEDIC times. Some other time, I will dwell on the extent and range of scientific advancement during the Vedic period. It was much more than today. Alas! As the scientific ADVANCEMENT REACHES ITS VERTIX, THE DESTRUCTION CAN NOT BE FAR BEHIND. This is what had happened with the VEDIC people, too. They too had WMD. They used them in MAHABHARTA and destroyed themselves along with the VEDIC KNOWLEDGE. Didn’t EINSTIEN once remarked: “ I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WEAPONS WILL BE USED IN THE THIRD WORLD WAR; BUT I’M CERTAIN THE FOURTH WORLD WAR WILL BE FOUGHT WITH STONES.” Take it or leave it.

I’m sorry I got carried away but I haven’t given you the MEASUREMENT OF VEDIC CONCEPT OF TIME. OK. Here, I go.

You see, as per Vedic thought, the world is OPERATED by Lord BRAHMA. Therefore time also begins with him. Hey by the way, BRAHMA is not a name; it is an APPOINTMENT-Like the PRIME MINISTER. The age of BRAHMA has been PEGGED at 100 COSMIC /DIVINE or BRAHM YEARS. Each year has 360 KALPAS (A DAY OF BRAHMA). Let us put it in a table:-




EACH PERIOD: 71GI (Great Intervals)


EACH CHATARYUGI: 04 YUGAS (12000 Divine Years)


- TRETA YUG: 3600 Divine Years

- DWAPAR YUG: 2400 Divine years

- KAL YUG: 1200 Divine Years


Total 12000 DIVINE YEARS





OR 4.32 MEY


EACH PERIOD: 71 into 4.32 million years=306.72 MEY

EACH KALPA: 14 into306.76 MEY + 07 gaps of one GI in two Periods (Around 4.32 Billion
Earth Years)

The figure becomes astronomical. One KALPA i.e. one day of BRAHMA works out roughly to 4.32 Billion Earth Years. It is said that THE PRESENT BRAHMA had been there for 55 YEARS. And we are in the SEVENTH KALPA (DAY) OF HIS 55th YEAR. What happens there after, say after 45 BRAHM/DIVINE/COSMIC YEARS? Vedic people say it is MAHAPARLYA—the end of life. Time comes to a STANDSTILL--THE ARROW DROPS. Will life again begin on THIS PLANET ONLY? NO SIR, IT MOVES to a DIFFERENT Planet. (I link it with theory of ID here.) May be life on EARTH came from some different PLANET. Heard of recently discovered EARTH-II? It is, the scientists say, some 20.5 LIGHTS YEARS AWAY. Or some 193 TRILLION Kms. Did we come from there, is the crucial question?

Other civilizations, too, talk of PARLYA or KYAMAT or DOOMS DAY. But they talk of its occurrence on this earth only. As per Vedic philosophy they are different from MAHAPARLYA. This kind of ‘parlay’ or the ‘dooms day’ of others, according to Vedic thought, does occur at the end of EVERY KALPA of BRAHMA. HE sleeps for a KALPA (NIGHT) at the end of HIS one day. Thus human life faces much repeated destruction on this earth before it is FINALLY EXTINCT. THE ENERGY IS SUCKED INTO THE BLACK HOLE –totally churned out of shape. New ENERGY emerges out of a WARM HOLE. NEW LIFE BEGINS SOMEWHERE IN THIS COSMIC KINGDOM. It runs parallel with some other form of life somewhere in UNIVERSE. This is what ID says. The VEDIC PEOPLE TALKED OF THREE WORLDS (LOKAS). They knew about the existence of other forms of more advanced life somewhere in PARLOK and PATAL LOK. Did you say you that have found EARTH-II? You are far away from their LEVEL of ADVANCEMENT, MAN! On this, some other time if the response is


rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear gitika,
thank you very much for your appreciation and i really relished your comments. kindly keep visiting my other posts, too yea, certainly i will read and comment on your blog on vedic time i have the link.. regards. rajee.

gitika naithani posted 5 yrs ago

hello rajee!

lovely post!

its the best 1 ive come across about the analysis of vedic time...full marks 2 u!

beautifully scripted n’ explained! no doubts!
thanku for sharing this piece of info and making it all so crystal clear now!

but we still have 2 find de link between the yugs and the actual timing.
ive posted another blog; with the timings and all according to history, astrology etc...

try goin thru it n' lets c if we can come up with some correlation....maybe some numeric factor or something.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear vaidynathan,
thanx dear. .it is a very good amplification of what i have said though in a different manner. i did not want to go into very minor details. thanks for sggestion. oh, sure i will definitely read the book suggested by you. i really appreciate your commets and i've definitely gained. regards rajee.
dear vijaya,
thanx dear professor. i do not intend to get into unpleasant debate with you. yes, i leave it that as you have suggested. you see, mine is an acquired knowledge through books and yours, i suppose is a practical experience. ok, fine i agree to disagree with you. but i would sincerely request you to study this aspect.
another thing you might like to refer to your notes againon the theory of relativity and special theory of einstien. no, i 'm not rubbing in., for i might be wrong. but you might consider the condensing of time meaning time and space brought to a stand still. you see scientists talk about sending manned mission to the distant glaxies by putting astronauts in a suspended state of animation, so as to make them come alive only when they have reached their desired destination. it is not sience fiction any more. earth-ii which is 20.5 lights years away would require this kind of a space mission. my statement of arrow droppind dead would imply that time would come to a stand still. this is what i've said. anyway upto you to accept or reject it. thanks, anyway for your valuable comments, which definitely shall further enhance my research on this subject. thank u a million times, professor. regards. rajee

Vaidyanathan Pushpagiri posted 5 yrs ago

rajee kushwaha:
ramesh menon, has written a book siva purana retold, a good read. i found the following which you may find interesting.
in the purana we find this description of time.
the basic unit of life is the nimesha, the instant. fifteen nimeshas make one kastha, thirty kashthas one kaala, thirty kaalas one muhurta and thirty muhurtas one day. thirty days is a maasa, a month, which is one day of the gods and ancestors; six maasas make an ayana, two ayanas a year. one human year is a day and a night for the celstials, uttaryana being the day and dakshinayana the night. three hundred and sixty-five human years make a divine one.
four are the yugas in the land of bharatha: the krit, treta, dwapara and the kali. the pristine krita lasts 4,800 divine years, the less perfect treta 3,600 years, the half-corrrupt dwapara 2,400 and the almost entirely evil kali, 1,200.
a chaturyuga, once cycle of the four ages, is 12,000 godly years long, 12,000 * 365 human years. seventy-one chaturyugas make a manvantara, fourteen manvantaras a kalpa. a kalpa, of 1000 chaturyugas, 12 million divine years, is one day of brahma, the creator.
8,000 years of brahma make one brahma yuga; 1,000 brahma yugas make a savana. each brahma lives for 3,003 savanas.
a day of brahma's has 14 indras, his life 54,000 indras.
one day of vishnu is the lifetime of brahma.
one day of siva is the lifetime of vishnu...
by the puranic calendar we live today at the outset of kali yuga. according to the purana, it is natural for men of the kali yuga to be puny and short lived and for them to forget the sanathana dharma and the eternal gods. for this is the very nature of of the evil age....

vijaya posted 5 yrs ago

i wish you had quoted hawking without ambiguity."time and space merge at the black hole".is that where the quotation ends?i have a copy of the book with me in chennai and i have read it but i am now in taiwan and cannot consult it.
after the quotation it is your interpretation which starts with"it meant that time comes to a standstill."right?that interpretation is what i am questioning.
just because time and space merge somewhere it does not mean that time stops there.
and please explain what you mean by 'condensation of time and space.' i have no colleague to discuss it with me the phrase makes no sense and i am quite sure that it does not occur in any published work on the special theory of relativity by a competent physicist.
i do not want to rubbish any thing or any is simply that you are trying to prove me ignorant on a subject which i do happen to know!in the process you are extrapolating known ideas of physics to find support to your hypotheses which have nothing vedic in them.
i have made my point clear now.shall we leave it at that please?

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear professor, this is what stephen hawking said: time n space merge at the boundaries of the black hole. it meant time comes to zero --standstill. kindly read him. as for as einstien's theory of relativity is concerned it does talk of time n space being condensed , professor, kindly read it again. come on, sir, do not be emotional & irrational. please ask your other professor friends. kindly buy the book, "brief history of time" and read it. were u there when stephen hawking came to delhi in 2006? you should have been there to listen to him on his elaboration of the search for the unified theory throgh matter, space n time. i do not question your credential as a phycist b'cos i 'm a normal person who read all these fellows. i do not make any claim on my own. have u read , "many lives, many masters". please read it professor. it is by one of your clan--though he is world famous for his psychiatrist treatment of psychic patients. he goes on to justify reincarnation and rebirth. time is cyclical and the arrow drops dead after some times.this is what i'm saying,after analysing the vedic philosophy, professor. if you have definite proof for things otherwise, please come forward and share it with us but do not dismiss emotionally because in your teaching career you did not come across this. thanks professor. profess but do not rubbish what you do not know. regards rajee

vijaya posted 5 yrs ago

i am a physicist by profession.i did not say that hawking did not say what he said but i took exception to your interpretation of that statement as implying that time comes to a halt at that event.same with einstein.i haqve not come across any statement about condensation of space and time in the special theory.i am a condensed matter physicist.i shpould know what condensation means.but condensation of space and time makes no sense.i do not make sweeping statementsbut only point out when sweeping starements are made.

bollywoodcraze1 posted 5 yrs ago

i personally agree with that theory. obviusly, everyoone should know that;it's not a religion, it's pure common sense. thx for listening

ProudHindu92 posted 5 yrs ago

interesting blog.
i am not sure if the id theory talks about cyclical nature of time. the conservative christian are biggest supporter of id theory and as per them, god 'created' once only i.e. the creation and destruction will not be repeated.

Sainiput posted 5 yrs ago

'vedic concept of time' is an intectual pursuit.
but to my rational mind, its blind faith part does not suit.
any how the subject seems to have begun a lively discussion.
which may result in something believable as a repercussion.
however it all needs a systematic approach of hovering.
because the enormity of the subject is really mind-boggling.
i take the id theory and 'falling of time arrow' with a pinch of salt.
because these cannot be proved beyond a reasonable fault.
what ever progress we had made during vedic times.
was certainly not better than the present day science.
by the way what is the rationale other than blind faith, in our offering of water to the sun.
and in stealing flowers for 'puja' to please the socalled god, what is the fun?
and how does burning of eatables including 'ghee' help in solving our material problems?
and how the non-stop recitation of socalled god's praises can creat a favourable dictum?
if that is possible, then why the socalled god did not save our somnat temple from being broken.
and why can we not solve with 'puja' our problems like terrirism and corruption?

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear vijaya,
i value your comments and respect you for the same but i have my very very serious differences with your opinion. firstly, i'm not claiming that time n space merge at the boundaries of black holes but it is stephen hawking--the acclaimed best brain in the world after einstien.please read his book "brief history of time" and his thoughts on black holes. secondly, i am sure the theory of relativity by einstien did propagate that time n space can be condensed. kindly red it again. i am not propogating anything rubbish as you r making out to be. you have not given any convincing arguments other than making some wild statements. tell me do you deny there is a view point on the 'id" being the creation of life. you do not agree with it is fine, but you can not deny the fact. similarly, saying that stephen did not say about merging of time and space at the black hole is just refusing to accept the naked fact. sir, do not ridicule a thing because you do not like or believe. argue with reasons and facts. and facts do not speak on your side. you want i will send you stephen hawking's book and einstien's book.
yes, just because we can not observe certain things in our shorter life spans--it does not mean they are false. hypothesis are the basis of scientific enquiry, sir. you must know i'm the last person to make a statement unless i have checked and rechecked it. you do not want to believe in the vedic con cept of time, fine-- it is your prerogative but do not make wild accusations without verifying facts. i shall read your blog to know as to what your real point is. perhaps you could not fully make the point here. it will be intellectual dishonesty on my part not to understsnd ur point. convince me sir. no sweeping statements. thanks rajee

vijaya posted 5 yrs ago

i have several submissions to make.
first as a physicist i find it difficult to accept your sweepin g interpretations such as:"space and time meet at the black hole" implies that time grinds to a comprehend the statement of hawking it would be necessary to master the general theory of relativity,cosmology etc and then you will find that such statements have no validity.
similarly regarding einstein's special relativity which is easier to understand.but that theory also does not state anyewhere that time can be fact the phrase 'arrow of time' means just the contrary.just as an arrow is directed towards an object time is also directed from the past to the future.
i quite agree that the concept of a cyclic time is unique to our cosmology which has nothing to do with vedas though.the asesertions regarding brahma, gods and their reckoning of time in terms of astronomically large periods of time can hardly be veriified by any one.they remain therefore as interesting hypotheses and speculationselonging to the realm of fiction.i have however tried to indicate how the concept of time scale according to brahma can perhaps be understood in terms of time dilation proposed by the special theory of relativity in an earlier blog.
we should learn to disentangle fact from fiction and speculation. otherwise our lives will continue to be governed by superstitious beliefs and we will lag further behind others in the world until we atre swept away into the dust of the dead past.surely you do not wish such a destiny for our countrymen!

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dr priya,
thanks a lot for your appreciative comments and encouraging words. yes, i do look for the synthesis of old n new. i am of the opinion that the scientific knowledge during vedic times was far superior to the present times. unfortunately, all got lost in the deadly war of mahabharta. it was a nuclear war. we feel thrilled on discovering earth-ii; they knew about three worlds and could move freely to and fro one another. any way that shall appear in a separate blog. thanks. rajee.
dear ronny,
thanks dear. my attempt is to create an awakening amongst my educated friends as to what great the ancient vedic civilisation was. try and explore it. it is a storehouse of knoledge, science n technology. i 'm told the invention of u-2 rockets by germans during the second world war was done by extracting knowledge from the concept of " ashtra & shashtra"( remote controlled & manual controlled arms). later the u-ii rockets became the mother of slvs(sattelite launch vehicles) & missiles. haven't you heard of "brahm--ashtra"--the dreded ultimate weapon of destruction in mahabharta? think of "agni vana(fire-oggling)" , "megh vana(rain inducing) etc? any way. my request to you guys is to read own ancient literature more critically. do not dismiss it as a brahaminical philosophy of religious rituals. unfortunately, the priest class of our ancient cvilisation is responsible for wrapping this knowledge into a web of ritualised practices---- which no one other than them could understand. it was a case of monoplising knowledge--which also led to degeneration of our civilisation and became the cause of deadly wars. fooled by knowledge-hiding priests, the kings/emperors/monarchs/rulers lost touch with masses and forgot their duties and fell victim to greeds of materialism. anyway some other time on this. once again i thank you for a positive response. regards. rajee.

drpriya005 posted 5 yrs ago

hello rajee,
im really happy to see that there r some people like u who really appreciate the vedas. yes, i read ur article. ur knowledge about this topic is remarkable. i like that u merge western theory & indian theory with very own way. very good! this is really unfortunate that u can find so many indians who will give u hour long speech on western theories but they can't say even a word on the anciant books of our country. they thought vedas r only god's prayers nothing else. they don't know that vedas has much more knowledge then western scientists. i think ur article is a light house for those indian who r blind with eyes.
dr. priya saini

rronnyy posted 5 yrs ago

dear kushwahaji,
reading your great article makes me feel how so insignificant we humans are we have a life time of a not even a mosquito when compared to these vast time periods of mentioned in vedas. such is brillaince of hinduism, and i feel to proud to be a very tiny part of it. very well written and i extend my appriciation to you.

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear robby sir,
your explanatory comments are excellent and i am floored. you are right. i look at our ancient scriptures from the scientific point of view. they talk of heart transplant. how do we forget of complete head transplant of ganesha? they talk of cnn 's gulf war reality show? how do we forget abut sanjay giving a running commentary on mahabharta war? there are thousands of such examples. talk of test tube babies, mahabharta tells you how? my next blog will be on the scientific advancement in vedic india.
btw, sir, these comments of yours are very very thought provoking. why don't you post them after editing as a blog? it is a request. it will enlighten people.
thanks, sir. regards.

robbysharma1 posted 5 yrs ago

dear mr rajee. 30-05-2007
like i wrote our ancient scriptures (historical books) are mainly about history and science and not about religion. one part of your question i.e. i d theory i can answer (although i can not say whether it refers to the entire universe or ours or some other solar system). they say brahma first sent his eight manas putras( but when he found that they were not at all interested in populating(the earth/solar system/universe), he then created the maithuni srishti (reproductive system of procreation) in order to populate the (earth/solar system/universe). therefore what is indicated is that some (sort of life-form or robots were sent who were supposed to populate or colonize the place by cloning or genetic engineering or even by manufacturing more robots (who may be having flesh just like us). i have already written in my article that in the present time, western scientists are carrying forward the vedic philosophy i.e. scientific advancement by treating nothing as final (no first and only son of god no last prophet or no last guru) and time is the most powerful. as far as i recollect presently we are in the 14th manu (of the chaturyugis since the last great pralaya).i had a theory that brahma (having four heads-after having five initially, one once cut off)meant carbon-having four valency. these are things which will once again be worked out by scientists (to the best of their abilities) we can only give hints based on our thinking that sanatan scripture are in fact scientific treatises. one thing more as far as earth is concerned most of the hidden knowledge in the shape of books or in some other mode may be in the upper reaches of tibet where they may have been unharmed even by the great floods after minor man made pralayas of the kind as written by you (w m d created). ved vyas went to ganesh for help in recording the history of the then world (mahabharata) and ganesh was so fast that vyas was not allowed to stop and ganesh recorded everything so fast. even present day ganeshs i.e computers working by their vahan mouse are helping the scientific community to rediscover all that had been discovered thousands of times before and shortly you may get the reply to some more of your queries, it is said that it is difficult to earn the first crore thereafter that crore earns the other crores fast. similarly after the last minor pralaya till the nineteenth century the scientific advancement was slow (due to the backward thought and the blasphemy laws of the church/islam etc etc. indian scientific thought having been conquered by passive budhism which resulted in later on conquests and vanquishment by foreign invaders) but when the scientists have crossed this hurdle now after the rediscovery of computers the scientific advancement has been and will be very fast. remember in mahabharata times there were wmd's as well as horsemen. now did you not see the picture of osama bin laden (the islamic general),climbing down the afghan hills on a donkey after having wrecked untold sufferings on the usa which is having enough wmd's to destroy the world . therefore it was naive of the europeans to suggest that there could not be any wmd's in mahabharat war as it was mainly fought by horseman (or may be horsepower). by working out on your formula what is the age of the present day earth or universe. like i had mentioned in my article that even the age of brahma i.e. matter is given and after a fixed period of time it turns in to antimatter i. e. mahavishnu sleeping on the ksheer sagar and after the same period of time it again turns in to matter and brahma grows out of the navel of mahavishnu. therefore that part i.e the occurrences beginning and the temporary destruction.are definitely cyclic but the latter happenings may not be similar these are all matters which will be sorted out by scientist (foreign in due course of time but their attention has to be drawn towards the scientific facts in our historical books the secular government is never going to do it.i am saving your article in my documents. one thing more please remember that to preserve knowledge in the shape of books, they need constant republication after fixed periods otherwise they will wither away and turn to dust. it used to be done in the ashrams of scientists (rishis) under royal patronage but they were also never safe (remember vishwamitra asked dashrath for ram and lakshman for the protection of his and other rishis ashram/scientific faculty etc). people used to loot them like the present. after the advent of budhism , in fighting broke out between budhists and hindus(sanatanis)and sanatan scriptures were destroyed on a large scale. thereafter under the nandas particularly mahananda again there was hindu reign and peace and stability for about a hundred years at which time again some of hindu historical texts were republished and preserved. thereafter chanakya for his own reasons imported certain fighting tribes mercenaries and under chandragupta was able to defeat mahananda but chandragupta himself was a strong king and as such was able to contain foreign invaders (which had started after ashoka became a budhist and abandoned india and its borders to its fate). after chandragupta the others were not so strong and gradually the india as we know today fell to foreign invaders and millions of books were burnt by them. people were constantly on the run from them as such there never was any peace and quite for the republication of our books of knowledge. those in charge ran away to the hills where for some time these books were kept mostly as family effects and due to greed they never shared these and they were also gradually destroyed. such things can never be preserved as personal effects it is only under government patronage that their proper upkeep and accessibility can be ensured. in short most of our books of knowledge are no longer there and a few of them like purans and mahabharata also which were republished in later stages in the mughal period or under small hindu chieftans were edited to suit them and their sycophants ensured that their masters got a suitable mention in them, that is why you find the mention of kalyavan /mallecha etc in mahabharata at a time when there was no trace of them and the storyline jumps from one period to another. out of these the most damage has been done to the purans and the present day purans have mostly trash in them but because the scientific formulae were never understood by the people who were tampering them, as such these were spared like the ones quoted by you in your article. i was never good in science never bothered to pay much attention to sanskrit that is why i have not been able to research them properly but i study the scripture only for the historical and scientific content in them and i try to separate the grain from the chaff and theorize believing them to be based on facts and not merely ballads of nomads. you seem to have a good knowledge of sanskrit and science so carry on and stop treating brahma, vishnu, shiva, param vishnu, mahavishnu etc as figureheads but treat them as scientific terms related to matter and most importantly the deeds ascribed to parvati will reveal more secrets then anything else. thank you rajee
yours ever robby

rajee kushwaha posted 5 yrs ago

dear melody queen,
thanks a lot for your encouraging words. i sincerely value your comments. they are really motivating. yeap, i will read srinivasrao's blog. please do visit again. regards. rajee.

Melody Queen posted 5 yrs ago

interesting blog. i had read previously about the brahma day and how it relates to the earth years. the problem with us indians is that we don't accord any importance to our own value systems and beliefs. we don't even pause to reflect on our heritage; we are so eager to please the white man and paint the town with our secular credentials that we have gotten into the habit of ridiculing and pooh-poohing the wealth of knowledge that our ancestors have left behind for us.
ps: please also read sreenivasa rao's blog on the meaning of bharata varsha.
keep posting...
melody queen

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